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Everything posted by gregm

  1. i was climbing some big mountain with snow and rocks. i found a cougar and took it home to keep as a pet. it was fun to pull on its long furry tail. i didn't have much food for it so i was worried it might eat me. i was also worried about it shitting on the carpet but it didn't. i resolved to set it free in magnusen park so it could fend for itself, but i wondered if it would recognize me and still let me play with him. other folks? (real dreams only please)
  2. gregm


    law abiding
  3. gregm


    Your privilege to decide the most basic of all rights: how to defend yourself and those you love? Privileges can be taken away, your right to protect and defend yourself (a foundational point in the Natural Law theory that influenced the Founding Fathers) cannot be taken away. naw way man...some f-ing convicted drug dealer or serial rapist still has those rights?? Get outta here and put that crack pipe down! We have a system of laws, dude. Convicted criminals lose certain rights as a consequence of their criminal behavior. yeah like they have to go to anger management classes. big deal.
  4. it almost looks like a spot near the top of baker as you're coming up the NR, but i don't see shuksan in the background. might i suggest a little game of "name that peak"...
  6. gregm

    View From Work

    hot co-eds
  7. gregm

    Who's Been Where?

    new zealand, tahiti, samoa, taiwan, south korea, north korea, hawaii, alaska, most states i think, brazil, mexico, england, scotland, france, germany, belgium, denmark, sweden, switzerland, austria, italy, yugoslavia (zagreb and dubrovnik, whatever countries those are in now), turkey, ivory coast, south africa, some others maybe i forget. i'm willing to buy eric's virginity story based on fugly factor. scariest moment: i thought i might be about to buy it flying into dubrovnic on a 737. it was oscillating side to side 30 degrees every second or so. i could deal with the bouncy ride but being in a plane full of people screaming like they were about to die was too much. oh yeah. canada.
  8. EDK all the way. spooked me at first but now i'm used to it. getting ropes hung spooks me more.
  9. one of your girlsfriends i recon'
  10. gregm


  11. work release + legally owns guns = bullshit. i expect better trolls from you W.
  12. You're wrong, Erik. I just don't roll over like you. I passionately believe in my right to protect myself and am willing to stand up for that. Why be a victim? We are NOT exactly what we are talking about because we are not going looking to do harm, only defending our lives. spray all you want but there's a fine line between talking shit and doing shit. the punks in question started the evening by talking shit, had a few beers, and then made good on their bravado. gotta work, bye.
  13. you option is to run or to bust skulls what's it gonna be? busting skulls is preferable to running, just more of a last resort. incidently the original victims here don't seem to have had that as an option as they were outnumbered 20 to 4 or something. not a problem if you're four bruce lee's on a climbing vacation but a bit tricky otherwise.
  14. is there nayother way? some people just need to get the shit kicked out of them to knock some sense into em... ok. but i'd rather it be pick up the soap time in reform school not bust caps time when i'm trying to get some shuteye.
  15. greg- i think everyone agrees with you on the self preservation thing what people might take exception to is your tone which seems to advocate violence as a means of controlling juevenile delinquency. we'd rather see these punks spend some really boring time in reform school than having bullets flying at all hours at the local campground. flying bullets don't always find their mark on the appropriately guilty parties (collateral damage if you will). and then there's the noise.
  16. your people and gov't. authorities are covering it up. follow the money (at ~ 66 cents to the dollar).
  17. this would make a great off-topic post in the NEW DRU QUOTED IN CLIMBING MAG FORUM
  18. i don't know what they have right now but Recycled Cycles on Boat St. by the U generally kicks ass.
  19. exactly which campsite did this take place at? was it the main "official" squamish campground with the entrance near the big squamish billboard?
  20. see if you can find the boobs
  21. W you faggot with your short hair and your earings you look like a butch dyke from behind. maybe that's what you have to do to get cowboys to like your white ass. stop using my name i was here first it sucks having to tell people i'm not white trash at the bbq's. and stop using caps it's pretentious.
  22. well no, actually, but that's besides the point. care to elaborate?
  23. wayne = xxxth avatar ? odd that wayne and xxxth would check who's online at the same time.
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