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Everything posted by gregm
i here dan is sending hate emails to get his dog fired. now fido's in trouble with the heat.
there are more bivy spots along the wr than you can shake a stick at. it's a freaking mochu pichu all along the route (and off) because so many people get lost take long and do an unplanned bivy. it would be a nice area to spend the night but i don't think you'll find much for water.
mike, glad to hear you're a bad ass in sunglasses. i'm trying to look cool/tough myself lately so i'm wondering exactly what make and model of shades you're wearing so i can sport the same look so to speak. gotta keep up with the "in" trends if you know what i mean. thanks. your pal, greg
just hear this story from a coworker whose husband works on a 200' fishing boat. somebody walks into his cabin to find a large female sea lion curled up in a basket of laundry. his cabinmate is asleep and when roused appears unconcerned about the sea lion and rolls over to go back to sleep (yeah, who knows). anyway, the sea lion is also pretty unconcerned and basically acting like she owns the place. using brooms they shoo the large beast down the passageway and out onto the deck and over the side. they figure she wanted to get away from orcas and climbed up a gangplank to get ontop the deck and made her way from there. then a little while later they get a radio message from their sister ship miles away describing a very similar incident with a sea lion acting like she owns the place and assume it's the same one.
i feel dirty.
oh yeah, i o trask a or 2.
i triple dare you to make that your autosig.
i think the real question on this particular site is would you stick your hand in a crack, twist it, and then make a grunting noise? ok that was totally uncalled for. i'm sorry. really.
"top gun" in the i-district has good dim sum. never tried the chicken feet tho.
yeeeee haaaaaa! i need some rain.
LOS ANGELES AREA NEW DRIVER'S LICENSE APPLICATION For those of you who are not "fortunate" enough to live in California,here is a copy of the California Driver's Exam, and for those of you who do, study real hard. This is a new exam. Since driving conditions (and culture) are unique in Los Angeles, you may not have realized that the California Department of Motor Vehicles has now issued a special application and driver's test solely for the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area. GREATER LOS ANGELES AREA DRIVER'S LICENSE APPLICATION: Name:___________________ Stage name: ____________________ Agent:___________________ Attorney:_______________________ Therapist's name: _________________________________________ Sex: ___male ___female ___formerly male ___formerly female ____both *If female, indicate breast implant size: _______ Will the size of your implants hinder your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle in any way? Yes___ No ___ Please list brand of cell phone: ________. *If you don't own a cell phone, please explain:________________________ Please check hair color: Females: [ ] Blonde [ ] Platinum Blonde Teenagers: [ ] Red [ ] Orange [ ] Green [ ] Purple [ ] Blue [ ] Skinhead Please check activities you perform while driving: (Check all that apply) [ ] Eating [ ] Drinking Starbucks coffee [ ] Applying make-up [ ] Shaving (male or female) [ ] Talking on the phone [ ] Slapping kids in the back-seat [ ] Applying cellulite treatment to thighs [ ] Tanning [X] Snorting cocaine (already checked for your convenience) [ ] Watching TV [ ] Reading Variety [ ] Surfing the net via laptop [ ] Discharging firearms / Reloading Please indicate how many times a) you expect to shoot at other drivers _____ b) how many times you expect to be shot at while driving _____ If you are the victim of a carjacking, you should immediately: a) Call the police to report the crime. b) Call Channel 9 News to report the crime, then watch your car on the news in a high-speed chase. c) Call your attorney and discuss lawsuit against cellular phone company for 911 call not going through. d) Call your therapist. In the event of an earthquake, you should: a) stop your car b) keep driving and hope for the best. c) immediately use your cell phone to call all loved ones. d) pull out your video camera and obtain footage for Channel 9. In the instance of rain, you should: a) never drive over 5 MPH. b) drive twice as fast as usual. c) you're not sure what "rain" is. Please indicate number of therapy sessions per week: ______. Are you presently taking any of the following medications? a) Prozac b) Lithium c) Zanax d) Valium e) Zoloft f) All of the above h) None of the above* *If none, please explain: __________________. Length of daily commute: a) Less than 1 hour* b) 1 hour c) 2 hours d) 3 hours e) 4 hours or more * If less than 1 hour, please explain:____________________. When stopped by police, you should: a) pull over and have your driver's license and insurance form ready. b) try to outrun them by driving the wrong way on the 405 Freeway. c) have your video camera ready and provoke them to attack, thus ensuring yourself of a hefty lawsuit. When turning, you should always signal your intentions by: a) using your directional signals. b) what is a "directional signal"? Which part of your car will wear out most often? a) the wiper blades b) the belts c) the horn The "bright" setting on your headlights is for: a) dark, poorly lit roads b) flashing to get the car ahead to move out of the way c) revenge! Your rear view mirror is for: a) watching for approaching cars b) watching for approaching police cars c) checking your hair
one poster to assert that this is reposted from rec.climbing a while back.
george w doesn't sport climb
shove your ego trip up your fat LEO ass when i climb this fall
four of us did this last sat-sun. we ended up camping on boston glacier because sahale permits were gone, which turned out to be kind of nice, though packs were heavier due to carryover. the NF is still in good shape and we had the place to ourselves. descending the SF had *a lot* of arduous scree to descend and traverse and i wonder if much more of this is snow covered earlier in the season. getting back on top of the ridge leading to sahale from the snow finger was way sketchy, probably because we failed to follow some of the advice above about going straight up instead of following "trails" to the left. re going around and up below sahale glacier: i saw the glacier calve off a couple house volumes of ice - boom/crash/rumble that was the biggest icefall i have ever seen. front row seats.
i'm ed but i don't know who those other jokers are.
you can buy plans to make one of these: looks like it's powered by a couple weedeater engines. no pilot's liscense required (ultra light). could kick ass to get into coast range and whatnot.
it's hard to see a race result around here without uli steidl's name at the top. he would have run the marathon at the last olympics but the german track federation kinda screwed him over. uli on the upper nisqually in his bike helmet:
i once ran up si to the base of the stack in an hour so i'm willing to believe gowans could do it with the cooling effect of the kilt. BUT, i thought all good si times were to the top, so go back and do it in under 1:15 (no great feat).
i noticed that about the wording of the poll too. i wonder what the original wording in german was. but, most of my extended family is german, and we still all keep in touch, and some of us on this side of the pond had noticed immediately after 9/11 that our cousins (the middle aged ones, not the older aunts and uncles) seemed to think the US had brought 9/11 upon themselves, and it was part of a general attitude about US foreign policy. not a representative sample, but i saw the train of thought. i didn't agree with their assessment.
OMG! When did this happen?! An indoor wall at the IMA?! Wicked! they're not opening a climbing wall in the IMA, it's all a rumor. jeez, the ideas people get. URBAN LEGAND FOLKS. nothing to see here. keep moving. you will forget. you will forget. it was only a dream. you will forget.
sandi is evil. ah my gear room days. the tents, the skis, those ice axe thingys...