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Everything posted by gregm

  1. gregm

    Fav movie quotes

    blue velvet: fuck heineken, PABST BLUE RIBBON!
  2. gregm


    people that don't acknowledge their
  3. z-bag (recycled from h.s. teacher).
  4. gregm

    Which 4WD SUV?

    my SUV has a ghostly image of fred that sometimes appears: yours doesn't.
  5. funny, but true. when i first moved to seattle i decided the evening news had a weather report just because they wanted to look official and be like other cities even though with the maritime climate weather predictions will usually be inaccurate and it will rain most days.
  6. Dru
  7. gregm

    Which 4WD SUV?

    maybe jon & timm@y should make some statistic for number of days/weeks a thread has stayed on recent posts page? kind of like top 40 has number of weeks on the charts. anyway, i think this stupid fucking thread would definately be on there.
  8. gregm

    what a disgrace ...

    BAGHDAD, IRAQ—Reflecting on his time as Iraq's president in a pre-taped television address, Saddam Hussein expressed pride Tuesday that, despite the success of the U.S. invasion and the civilian casualties it has inflicted, he still has killed far more Iraqis than President Bush. Above: Saddam greets admirers during his late-'90s Iraqi-killing heyday. "George Bush believes he is so powerful, so strong," Saddam said. "But even with all of his bombs and missiles and Marines, he has not even come close to killing as many Iraqis as I did." While estimates of the number of Iraqi civilians killed by the U.S. ranges from 500 all the way to 10,000, Saddam and his associates are believed to have murdered somewhere between 100,000 and 250,000 civilians since 1968. "The international press counts off on their fingers every Iraqi that dies by Bush's missiles," Saddam said. "The papers make a big story of it when six Iraqi civilians are killed by American GIs near Basra, or when 15 Iraqi civilians are killed in air strikes on Baghdad. What paltry death tolls. I cannot even begin to add up how many died in Basra upon my orders, how many in Baghdad I killed with my own gun." Throughout his presidency, Saddam said he routinely had political opponents arrested and put to death without trial, sometimes along with their entire families. He also summarily executed countless citizens for crimes as minor as petty theft and "monopolizing rationed goods." "The race between myself and Bush is not even close," Saddam said. "I easily killed 100 times more men than Bush, not to mention women and children. That's right—women and children." In his suppression of the Shiite Muslims alone, Saddam said he can lay claim to thousands more Iraqi kills than Bush. "My officers did more damage rounding up students at [the Shiite Muslim theological institution] al-Hawza al-'Ilmiya in al-Najaf than the entire American 3rd Infantry did roaring through all of southern Iraq in their billion-dollar tanks," Saddam said. "And my men did not put down their guns just because someone asked for mercy. They finished the job like soldiers. They did not serve food to their enemies as if they were women at a picnic." Saddam boasted that the 1988 Anfal campaign against the Iraqi Kurds added another 50,000 to his tally. "In Anfal, we rounded up the battle-age men and put them in front of firing squads," Saddam said. "Even today, when you travel through rural Kurdistan, you notice the high proportion of women. That is not because of the U.S. Army. That is not because of the 101st Airborne Division. It is because of me—Saddam Hussein, President of Iraq, the Glorious Leader, the Anointed One, Direct Descendant of the Prophet, Great Uncle to the People." In his campaigns against the Kurds, Saddam crushed unrest with chemical-weapons strikes against civilian populations—a tactic he said Bush "would never have the nerve to do." "I remember the day my cousin [Commander of Southern Forces] Ali [Hassan al-Majid] dropped chemical weapons on the town of Halabja," said Saddam, referring to the March 1988 slaughter of 5,000 Kurds. "That is how he got his nickname, 'Chemical Ali.' Much better nickname than 'Dubya,' wouldn't you say?" "The total number of Kurds we killed could be as high as 110,000, and that is not just an idle boast," Saddam said. "The United Nations Sub-Committee on Human Rights has been keeping extensive records of my actions for years." In fairness to Bush, Saddam conceded that he has had a significant head start killing Iraqis, beginning his political career in the late '60s as a torturer for the Ba'ath party. "Back in 1969, I turned the execution of 14 alleged anti-government plotters into a major public event, hanging them in a town square and leaving their bodies on display," Saddam said. "Already everyone knew my name, and this was still a good 10 years before I would carry out the wave of executions that signaled my rise to power." In addition to killings, Saddam said he bests Bush in the torture department. "There is a certain type of torture, which is called al-Khaygania—so named in honor of its creator, former security director al-Khaygani—in which the victim is handcuffed and suspended on a piece of wood between two chairs like a chicken," Saddam said. "Then, we attach an electric wire to the man's penis and toes. Can you see Bush doing this? Can you see Bush smashing a man's skull with a brick? Can you see him calling for the deaths of his own family members? Pah, he is too weak." Saddam closed with harsh words for his American rival. "I recently heard a critic of President Bush say he is a dictator," Saddam said. "That made me laugh. George Bush, a dictator! My sons Uday and Qusay showed more viciousness at 10 years of age." "Bush has a long way to go before he can match me," Saddam added. "My hands are red with the blood of the innocent. His are merely a light pink."
  9. another man that needs more friction.
  10. iain, i will sell you (or anyone else) some 195 tua montets. classic tell ski good for touring/leather boots. cheap.
  11. i sleep sounder at night knowing trask is working all this shit out. thanks trask.
  12. why can't you find a biner in new york on saturday? the jewish biners are in temple. the italian biners are visiting their relatives in new jersey. the irish biners are hungover. the polish biners think its monday. the black biners are in jail. there are a bunch more biners you're supposed to offend but it's an old joke and i can't remember them all.
  13. gregm

    Now What?

    1. existence of free will 2. schroedinger's cat 3. shemp/larry
  14. gregm


    watch out for underwater snafflehounds!
  15. gregm

    plab nicknames

    there was this kid in high school who went by one-can. his older brother had once gotten drunk on two cans of beer and thus earned the name two-can. one-can got his name because he was two-can's little brother.
  16. thats why i said spend the $75 so they do have cd's? can i borrow yours? yes, no. is it etopo: http://www.mapconnection.com/e5022.html ? can it print maps as graphically good as the paper/tyvec ones you buy?
  17. thats why i said spend the $75 so they do have cd's? can i borrow yours?
  18. nevermind
  19. actually, it would be really nice if the canadian topos were available on cds like the american ones, but i'm sure it's beyond their technical abilities. canada does, however, pride itself on it's cheese making technology(?)
  20. bullshit. you can get our topos online - you could at least return the freaking favor leaches. anyway you had a half-assed version going for a little while. it looks like somebody up there is just trying to figure out the whole computer thing.
  21. giant squid have been referenced to in a number of threads in the spray section, and now this one as well. also, i've changed the subject title.
  22. the closest i ever came to dying in an avalanche was trying to climb whitehorse while we were just below lone tree pass. a minute later on our bailing return boot track and a huge one would have taken me out. some summit fever contributed to that near accident and it remains one of my most important personal reference points for better decision making. our second attempt was during much better conditions and i will never forget how nice a day it was. cest la vie.
  23. this is propbably too much to ask, but it never hurts to ask. is anyone aware of an online display of canadian topos, seeing as toporama is been "temporarily offline" for a long time now, and topozone isn't interested in including 'el norte'?
  24. more giant squids! THESE ONES ARE CERTIFIED DANGEROUS!! Deep sea monster squid found Thursday, April 3, 2003 Posted: 7:59 AM EST (1259 GMT) Little is known about the colossal squid but it is a bigger species than the giant squid. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Tools -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WELLINGTON, New Zealand (Reuters) -- A rare and dangerous squid with eyes the size of dinner plates and scores of razor-sharp hooks to snag its prey has been caught by fishermen off Antarctica, New Zealand scientists said on Thursday. The half-grown female colossal squid is only the second intact example of the monster cephalopod known to have been found, said marine biologist Steve O'Shea of New Zealand's national museum. "I've seen 105 giant squid, but seeing something like this is pretty sensational," O'Shea told Reuters. A trawler caught the 150 kg, 330-pound squid in the sub-Antarctic Ross Sea about 3540 kilometers (2,200 miles) south of Wellington. The squid was eating Patagonian Toothfish, which grow to two meters in length, when it was caught. It was dead when it was hawled into the trawler and the remains are now in the New Zealand national museum. The body of the colossal squid is much bigger than the giant squid, which can weigh up to 900 kg, 2,000 pounds when fully grown. A giant squid's tentacles can be up to 13 meters long, compared with five meters on the recovered creature. Comparisons are difficult because of the colossal squid's hostile environment and rarity. Five of the six previous discoveries have only been pieces inside sperm whale stomachs. More dangerous American marine biologist Kat Bolstad said the colossal squid was a more dangerous animal than the giant squid, the mythical monster of the deep that attacked Captain Nemo's Nautilus in Jules Verne's "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea." "This is a very aggressive animal and moves quickly. If you fell in the water next to it you would be in big trouble," said Bolstad. The colossal squid finds food by literally glowing in the dark, deep waters to light up prey for its massive eyes -- the biggest of any animal. But it is the colossal squid's weaponry that marks it out from its giant cousin. Its eight arms and two tentacles have up to 25 teeth-like hooks -- deeply rooted into muscle and able to rotate 360 degrees -- as well as the usual suckers to ensure fish do not escape. The hooks not only hold fish for the squid's two parrot-like beaks, but also are used to fend off attacks from hungry sperm whales, O'Shea said. The species, whose scientific name is mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni, was previously thought to have lurked at least 800 meters down in the freezing waters near Antarctica, but the specimen found a fortnight ago was near the surface. O'Shea said the discovery raised questions about what else was down deep in the ocean. "We know so little about the marine environment in general. If animals like this are turning up, what's going to be at 3,000-meters (10,000-foot) depth. We don't know," O'Shea said. http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/science/04/03/colossal.squid.reut/index.html
  25. when in doubt, play kayak polo .
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