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Everything posted by JasonG

  1. It's Baaaaaaccccckk! Be sure to read cfire's story on page 2. ALL TIME CLASSIC CC.COM
  2. Click on default in the Categories drop down and the entire list should populate. Everyone's "in"!
  3. FYI- The settings have been changed so that people can go back and edit TRs/posts up to 200 days ago. If you want to go back farther to clean up TRs, PM Oly and he can hook you up. The new site makes editing a breeze, so don't be afraid to go back and polish those old TRs!
  4. Take a deep breath Alex. It will take some getting used to as the bugs are worked out, but this is WAY better, trust us. The features you are looking for are on their way. It looks like your photos are indeed not displaying properly, but we can probably fix that without too much trouble.
  5. Whoah. That is quite a tale and a route! For me, the Beckey route looks like one to add to the list! And where is the link for the Bears Tooth TR?
  6. Great beta! I would like to do many of these peaks (in several trips!) so this is all really helpful.
  7. All I know is Colin and many uber-alpinists make a point of being in Cham in March. I guess that's when it is prime for the mixed routes. And if they aren't in shape, POWDER. If you want to climb the tourist routes (like me), then summertime is the probably the right time.
  8. Cool! It looks like if "Trip Reports" were a content type I could check the box and they would display in a list I could slice and dice?
  9. JasonG


    So selfless, you are.
  10. JasonG


    Whoah. The rumors of Timmy's untimely demise were obviously greatly exaggerated. Double rainbow indeed.
  11. You read that right. And remember how Morgan dropped us on the skin track that day? We're doing it all wrong!
  12. The beta is much appreciated on this overlooked gem! I remember standing at the col gazing up and thinking "some day..." I need to make it happen! So many lifetimes in our backyard.
  13. So, so awesome Jon. The sheer magnitude of content and beta here is mind boggling, not to mention all the first person FA accounts. Thanks for sticking with the site through thick and thin, and putting it on good footing for the next 17 years!
  14. I think it was more like 15 on the old site, because a couple of the recent TRs I did had multiple pages with <20 replies. But that may have been a function of my typically ridiculous photo overloading?
  15. I think Ivan raised this elsewhere, but is there a setting to divide a long thread into pages? Handy to not have to scroll thru the entire conversation when you can to check on how the battle is progressing.
  16. I'll add a plug for the TR search page that it sounds like you are developing. I really like to read them all and it was handy having a page where they were displayed chronologically. Same on some weird format issues on my browser (latest Firefox). Look to be icons that are empty boxes.
  17. It's true. Self-loathing is the powerful glue holding us together.
  18. JasonG


  19. Trip: Ulalach - via Squire Creek Pass Trip Date: 10/24/2017 Trip Report: Long live the mighty Cascade Climbers! My first TR on the new software, so we'll see how this goes..... Remember when it hadn't rained in months? When summer just didn't seem to end? This harkens back to that time, when the call of the fall spirited us away from work midweek. When nobody but us and the wolves roamed the high country of the Darrington hills (see below). It was also an excuse for Scott and I to harass the rest of our crew from a North Cascades summit via modern technology. This is becoming increasingly important, I hear. In case you're wondering Ulalach (think Ooo la la- Chinook for "onion") has great cell service. But more importantly, it is lonely up there. We didn't see much in the way of evidence of passage, and we honestly had to think a bit to puzzle the way to the top. It helped that I've started to not research climbs as thoroughly as in years' past. In this age of ridiculous beta, tuning out is a great way to increase the adventure, even on a day trip. Even if I had done some research, I wouldn't have found out that we could expect to see wolf tracks superimposed upon ours on the descent. Apparently this was news to the USFS, NPS and tribal wildlife bios that I consulted upon our return. Hopefully the Darrington locals can tolerate their new neighbors. Viva la mystery of the North Cascades! And the new software makes captioning WAY easier..... I'll actually label these, where it makes sense to: Darrington's version of the deepwater solo: Whitechuck from the trail below Squire Creek Pass: Ulalach!: Scott admires the mighty east face of Three Fingers from Squire Creek Pass: Whitehorse: Three Fingers: Salish Peak! North Peak of Three Fingers: Del Campo (L) and Big Four (R): Put Jumbo on your list!: The upper Squire Creek Valley, with Liberty on the left and Three Fingers on the right: Squire Creek Wall: Scott breathing deep the oniony glory of Ulalach: The hills are alive! There were pup tracks with the mama. They followed our tracks for a half mile or so, just below the pass.: Exfoliation Dome, perhaps the toughest summit to reach in WA under 5000': Gear Notes: Helmet. Ample opportunities for 5th class climbing off the scramble route. Approach Notes: Squire Creek Pass trail from Clear Creek road. From the pass follow your nose north. Stay on the east side of the ridge at first, until you can traverse into a saddle just south of the peak. From here, you will want to stay mostly on the ridge until forced to a right side ledge at a step. Follow weaknesses up and left back to ridge and finish on the west (left) side, pulling on shrubbery.
  20. Yessssssssssss!!!! This is a big step. Many thanks to Porter and Jon for their hard work!
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