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Everything posted by JasonG

  1. Thanks for the kind words @cfire, it certainly helps that I'm competing with you! And yes @setnei, small world indeed- it was great running into you guys out there. You should do up a TR from your adventure and all the great images you captured! @Bronco, that tent is one of a kind, not for sale.
  2. Trip: Dome and the Lizard - Ptarmigan (Ptarmithumb) Traverse Trip Date: 07/22/2022 Trip Report: Ah, the classic Ptarmigan....is there a finer high traverse in the Cascades? After 25ish year of rambling around the range I'm not sure there is a more scenic and pleasant high route. And so, after a 19 year hiatus it was time to return with none other than @Juan Sharp. My thumb was still broken with a pin, but no matter, we would take it easy over 6 days and savor the experience. There is probably too much already written about this particular trip, but I will say that it is worth repeat visits, if only to camp in the places you wished you had camped the first time! And, amazingly enough, the traverse was much quieter than I had it in 2003. Probably "closures" on both ends had something to do with that (check notes below for additional beta). High points, for us, included perfect weather, good snow conditions, few bugs, an evening visit from a couple curious goats, ethereal marine layer mists from White Rock Lakes, Northern lights from the Dome/Dana Glacier col, solos of Dome and the Lizard (for me), sunrise/sunset on Dakobed, and a surprise visit from @jenny.abegg and partner who were mountain running from Canada to Stehekin, along the crest, in ONE WEEK. They covered in A DAY, what took us 4 days! To say we were amazed would be an understatement. I can't wait to see the movie made by the film crew running along with them for a couple sections. Low points would be the brush of Bachelor and Downey Creeks, but there is always a price of admission to the glory of the North Cascades parklands. I'll be back, but I won't wait as long next time! Heading up the closed cascade river road: @Juan Sharp below Mixup on the way to Cache col: Formidable: Camp 1 with a good view of the NF of Spider: Traversing over to Middle Cascade Gl: Passing thru Spider/Formidable col, Old Guard and LeConte in the middle: Climbing up above Yang Yang Lakes: Camp 2: Formidable at sunrise: Heading out on Day 3: Traversing to LeConte Gl.: South Cascade Gl.: The majestic north side of Sinister/Dome and the Chickamin Gl.: Camp 3 at White Rock Lakes: NF of Sinister and the Chickamin: Elephant Head and Dome from WRL: The aptly named Elephant Head: Agnes! Snout of the Dana: The German Helmet lost in the mists to the right of @Juan Sharp: Summit ridge of Dome: Hydramatic Spire: Camp 4, North Cascades style: @jenny.abegg and crew heading towards the Chickamin one evening: Dakobed from Camp 4: Surprise aurora borealis one night....it didn't look like this to the naked eye, 25 sec. exposure. Heading toward Itswoot ridge on day 5: Dome and @Juan Sharp: Sussing out the way to Cub lake from Itswoot ridge: False hellebore: Getting to the fun part in Bachelor Creek: @Juan Sharp crossing Bachelor Creek after doing battle with the worst of it. Note the bloody shins: The Bachelor Creek trail has sustained significant damage from slides this past winter: Camp 5, on the banks of Downey Creek: We're not in Colorado any more! Thru the burn at the end of the Downey Creek trail: Gear Notes: 30m rope, glacier gear, helmet, ice axe, crampons Approach Notes: Cascade River Road closed at Eldorado. Bachelor/Downey creek trails officially "closed" but in decent shape, esp. thru the burn. Bachelor Creek trail in good shape above 4500'. Cross Bachelor Creek at the alternate 4500' crossing. Flagged from there down to old log across Bachelor Creek at 4100'. Lots of blowdown in Lower Bachelor Creek and upper Downey Creek trails. Much bear sign.
  3. I didn't know you knew Chris!!! So great.
  4. You heard it here first folks, staying up to date on cc.com just may save your life! Or, better said, listen to @rat at all times! (glad you guys survived!!)
  5. No, but it almost did me in about 10 years ago. Spontaneous rockfall came flying off of that face and impacted the couloir all around us, narrowly missing killing at least a couple of us. But I'm sure that was just a bad coincidence!
  6. Damn. And here I was thinking that you were sliding into the mediocrity of middle age. That looks STOUT for the dad crowd!!
  7. Super cool! That is one of my favorite spots in all the Cascades, glad you had a safe adventure. We wondered about that line, looking up at it, it is great that you and @manninjo have provided the details!
  8. A beautiful and BIG day out...I will check that out on the map....Thanks for the report!
  9. Sweet! I really liked this route. Glad you got on it (and off it) @Alisse and @Hoo!
  10. Awwwwwwwww.....man. I thought for a second that Dan was back slaying in the North Cascades....thank for the bump on this!
  11. I don't climb super hard, but I thought that the West Ridge of Paisano to NF of Burgundy was one of the better climbs up there.
  12. Ah.....thanks guys. Didn't mean to rain on your parade. I have a hard time finding that innocent joy in the mountains any longer but truly appreciate the sentiments you're conveying. Climb on!
  13. I have a couple dead friends (both had long falls off of mountains) that make this sound more than a bit ridiculous (or maybe I just don't get it). But I do love the stoke you have for the mountains!
  14. That's a huge day without a bike! Cool to see the rhodies blooming....
  15. Boom! Just like that @wayne has kicked off the next 50 Classic Climb. It only took 15 years to catch on. Well done you two, and great write up Lani!
  16. Congratulations! Babies make great training weight the first year, thereafter not so much.
  17. So cool!! This was on my list for a long time, but then I got old and scared before getting around to it. But, I still need Sunset Ridge! Was going to get to it this year, but then I broke my thumb. I'll look you up next year @kmfoerster when your slogging cortex is well-rested -we can convince @Trent too!
  18. Well done! That's a lot to cover in a couple days...
  19. Wicked TR, glad you survived gear failure and the typically crappy early season conditions the Pickets can deliver! For future reference, high summer often starts about 7/12 (based on decades of weather data). As you've learned, weather is everything in the Pickets, and a "chance of showers" is almost always worse than expected.
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