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Everything posted by JasonG

  1. Near CenturyLink field? LOB!
  2. Thanks Jon, good to know. I know you guys work hard to keep this place up and functioning and it is appreciated. And thanks for not selling out! Although I've gotten used to it and have a system worked out for getting photos into TRs, I agree that improving that functionality will help the cause.
  3. Maybe this was already posted, but has usage actually declined? As in posts, TRs, unique users, etc.? I would think Jon and Co. would have this data at their fingertips.
  4. JasonG

    Used Ice tools?

    So you already have an axe and are looking for a second tool for steeper climbs? Ice tools are pretty tough so I wouldn't worry about buying one used. For what you are talking about any number of used tools will work. I have some old BD shrikes (X-15's, Axars, or a number of other tools from the 90's) that work just fine for steeper summer alpine routes. You could probably find someone practically giving them away for no more than $50 each. That said the modern tools certainly are better, if you are looking at steeper routes. But if you aren't, the straight tools from yesterday are still just fine and almost free.
  5. I'd never even heard of this LO before, now I will have to check it out. Thanks!
  6. Oh man......so sorry to hear this news. My condolences to the many folks around here that knew him so well. He will be missed.
  7. Bump. Anyone planning a road trip this spring or summer?
  8. I missed this interview last fall, though I heard of the link-up: http://www.alpinist.com/doc/web13x/wfeature-leclerc-squamish-chief-solo The interview makes it sound like you soloed the first part barefoot Marc, is that so? Regardless, it is a very impressive day. Thanks for the inspiration!
  9. Good write up on the blog, thanks. Given the really light snow and crusts, another reminder that now is the time to play things really safe.
  10. Bad News: http://www.komonews.com/news/local/2-Seattle-skiers-killed-by-avalanche-in-eastern-Oregon-245061501.html I imagine that some on this board will know the party. My condolences to the friends and family.
  11. This caught my eye. I thought LR was one of the most scenic routes in WA. I guess I need to keep PR on my list!
  12. As Dan and others have said, you're ready. But if you really want to be an overachiever, the Coleman HW is probably the closest thing to what you are going to see on LR.
  13. Very good point on the self arrest skills. Most of the alpine climbs around here traverse somewhat steep snow slopes where a fall could be serious or fatal. Even a relatively mellow climb like Eldorado is not trivial in that respect (though it is just the last few hundred feet of the summit ridge).
  14. Thanks Gene. So it sounds like it is unclimbed and unnamed? Looks stout.
  15. My short list includes most of the above (finish Shuksan via the uber awesome SE ridge of the summit pyramid) and: -Triumph NE ridge (3 days to make it enjoyable) -Sloan Corkscrew (can be done in one long day, but two is more enjoyable) -Sharkfin Tower -Ruth-Icy with bivy on summit of Ruth - East, North, or West ridge of Forbidden- all are excellent. -Frostbite Ridge on Glacier Peak (likely 4 days, make it a loop via Lost Creek ridge and NF Sauk). In 10 days I would think you could about 3 of the trips we've all mentioned. Depending on how motivated you guys are, you will probably appreciated rest days in between. For the type of routes you are interested in, July is the probably the best time of year to climb in the Cascades. That said, if the weather is forecasted to be so-so, the Stuart range or WA pass is often a better bet. 50% chance of rain pretty much means rain on the west side of the Cascades.
  16. Awww, bummer. I had my STIHL all gassed up and ready to go.
  17. Wondering if this has a name? It is located on the south side of Hemispheres, near the Mt. Baker ski area, a few hundred feet above the headwaters of Swift Creek. Pretty striking looking, although being south facing it probably doesn't come into shape that often. Anyone have info on this? More curious than anything else, it's way out of my league!
  18. Politicians are pretty slick that way. I need to dig and find out some info on the bill.
  19. http://www.heraldnet.com/article/20140206/BLOG13/140209377/U.S.-House-votes-to-preserve-Green-Mountain-Lookout Sounds like a good news/bad news type of bill.
  20. Bump for an extra dose of sickness. A classic!
  21. Sounds like a good system! Your camera setup paired with a P&S like THIS would allow for pretty comprehensive coverage of almost any climb. My current P&S (el cheapo Elph) doesn't allow for RAW or Av, which I really miss.
  22. Too funny: WHEREAS, The Washington State Senate is VERY confident the Seattle Seahawks will defeat the Denver Broncos on Sunday; and WHEREAS, With all due respect to the fine people of the State of Colorado, the 12th Man numbered 30,000 strong just to see their team off to the Super Bowl, while Colorado managed 300 or so to see their Broncos off; and WHEREAS, The Seattle Seahawks gave their fans much to be proud of, indeed, inspiring them to not just set the world record for stadium noise once, but TWICE in one season; and WHEREAS, The 12th Man has been known to trigger seismic events (that would be earthquakes for you middle of the country folk), for real; and WHEREAS, Colorado makes some fine craft beverages, but really? Do you want to start that fight with the state that invented the genre? Between fine coffee, brewers, and wineries, Seattle is the beverage capital of the United States, if not the world; and WHEREAS, We wholeheartedly agree and hope that your admittedly incredible quarterback does resemble Mount Elbert: A little rocky and immobile; and WHEREAS, Your 14ers are really nice, but c’mon, have you seen Mount Rainier? Cloaked in glaciers and rising nearly 2.5 miles above its surroundings, it is more singular, more monumental, and more intimidating than any of Colorado’s 14ers, much like the Seahawks over the Broncos; and WHEREAS, The Great State of Colorado has named 53 individual 14ers after 53 individual players, because the Broncos are a band of individuals, however the State of Washington resolves to name one magnificent mountain after the Seahawks because they are and act as a TEAM; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate does hereby rename Mount Rainier as “Mount Seattle Seahawks” from this point until 12:00 a.m. Monday, February 3, 2014; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Washington State Legislature respectfully request of the United States Department of the Interior that Mount Rainier’s namesake National Park (yeah, our Mountain is that cool, it warrants its own National Park) be retitled “12th Man National Park” for the same time period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Sunday, February 2nd be proclaimed SEAHAWK SUNDAY in the great State of Washington. I, Hunter G. Goodman, Secretary of the Senate, do hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Senate Resolution 8676, adopted by the Senate January 31, 2014. HUNTER G. GOODMAN Secretary of the Senate
  23. I read somewhere that the plan is to fly to the summit tomorrow and bolt a plaque bearing "Mount Seattle Seahawks" to register rock.
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