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Everything posted by philfort

  1. quote: Originally posted by Dru: Who are they????????????????????? I'd like to have some Kraft Dinner right about now! [ 12-17-2001: Message edited by: philfort ]
  2. quote: Originally posted by ropeadope: What's its late December shape? Thin ice? Mixed? What kind of crampons should I use? "Conditions" can change in a very short time.
  3. Could you get one of those spouts they have at bars, screw it into the bottle, and hook a camelbak-type tube to it? What am I doing!? I can't believe I'm recommending a tube-based (de)hydration system!?
  4. Wow, that looks like a lot of ice (to my cascadian eyes). Maybe its just because the pictures ARE SO FRIGGIN HUGE!
  5. quote: Originally posted by Dru: But Stim didn't start climbing till he was in his 50's, right? whereas Beckey allegedly emerged from the womb via chimney technique and tied off his own umbilical cord with a figure-8 knot. I heard his mother used a piton for protection, but I guess it didn't work.
  6. gregm made a functional pipe out of one of those little aluminum candle holders (for candle lanterns) last New Years in the Cariboo mtns.
  7. quote: Originally posted by climberbro16: I was on a speed accend due to my P's waitiing patiently stairing and Olympus. accent* at Olympus* ascent*staring*
  8. quote: Originally posted by wdietsch: Nalgene bottles... like most petroleum based products over time and exposure to UV rays will deteriorate.. On a winter climb several years ago air temp around 10F I tapped the bottle with the back side of my hand to knock the ice loose on the inside and put my knuckle thru the @#$%&* thing [ 12-14-2001: Message edited by: wdietsch ] You must be old skool!
  9. Wow, I've never had so much time to waste that I found that out. A few word into my message, I often realize "hey, I don't really give a shit", and then forget about replying. I almost did that with this one.
  10. quote: Originally posted by erik: after putting some thought to it, i think the biggest piece of crap in all the outdoor industry would have to be nalgene water bottles. seriously who in the world would pat $6 for a water bottle that leaks and they do break. plus like 500 other reason why not to buy them. With the defense of Nalgenes! I never destroyed one, I never had an escape, I never had a rupture. AND they come now in various colors, thus you can differentiate the bottle from wee of the bottle of water!
  11. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: If water gets hot enough it can melt nalgene too......... I've never had problems pouring boiling water in my lexan nalgene.
  12. philfort

    Old skool

    I've seen both 1 and 2 used in the past 2 years by teenagers from small rural washington towns attempting mountaineering. It ain't old skool for them folk!
  13. quote: Originally posted by the shadow: "The evil weed bares bitter fruit" Don't you mean:The bad bad grass discovers the bitter fruit.
  14. That looks like a good ski. Where's Harvey?
  15. quote: Originally posted by ropeadope: Historical beta that I have sez: [*]12/21/99: Not good ice, but hard snow conditions most of the way According tohttp://www.snow-forecast.com/v2/vansnow168.htmlThe freezing level should be around 1500ft on December 21st, and 2 to 4 inches of snow will fall. The previous day, a bunch of snow is going to fall, with fairly high freezing levels..http://www.snow-forecast.com/v2/vansnow144.html hmm.... I don't know. Maybe it'll stay cold until the 22nd. Guess we'll have to wait for tomorrow to find out.
  16. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: What is with partners that dont bring enough food water and toilet paper They're being clever, saving weight and relying on you.
  17. quote: Originally posted by ScottP: Me three. There is a good reason why they repair them for free. They only suck because of their weight. I've never had one break. So nice and comfy! Worst piece of gear: camelbak. No one can convince me that they're great. They ALWAYS leak! Or freeze! Last weekend, a hundred yards from the truck, my friend went to take a sip of his camelbak. Nothing. Totally dry! He started freaking out! He was sure he had topped it off the previous night! Turns out an elastic band he had on the hose end had slid down to the valve, compressing it, and releasing the 2 litres of water in the back of his truck on the drive.
  18. I bet there's no ice in there Maybe it provides a way to bypass the "class 4" 80 degree crackless snow-covered slab of the standard NF route.
  19. Ok, that would be pretty ridiculous, considering all the other stuff they don't bother plowing (like highway 410 beyond Crystal mtn turnoff, Mtn Loop highway to barlow pass, etc....)
  20. They're keeping a road to the top of Pilchuck plowed all winter????
  21. Is there any good climbing in that hidden diagonal gully? Looks cool... whats in it?
  22. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: I vote telepherique goes in to Cascade Pass somehwere heheh. At one point last century, there were plans for some telepheriques around Ross Dam. The one that came very close to happening was up Ruby Mtn. And there were also some plans to put ones up Sourdough (I think) and Pyramid Peak. All good choices, I say. If it had happened, then that photo in green Beckey of that guy in city clothes standing on the Colonial Glacier, wouldn't be so weird.
  23. quote: Originally posted by jon: Holy crap the snow was good at Snoqualmie Pass last night. Seriously some of the dryist snow I've ever skied up there. There was about 6 in of tracked out pow and it was summit west but I DGF cause it was free. Get your ass up there this week!!! The snow on Heather Ridge (steven's pass) was awesome Sunday... like, Roger's Pass quality. It erupted around you in a cloud of dust.
  24. They'd nail you for sure Caveman. Yes, it was an ambitious day trip...Thanks for posting info about the chief's number, Don. I doubt you'd "get caught"... in fact, we honestly had no idea it had any significance to the local Indian tribe when we went there... there aren't any signs to that effect, nor any marked trailhead or anything. But now that we know.... There are a bunch of peaks further west along the ridgeline from Tatlow that have nice ice - and probably don't have the same "restriction" as Tatlow. Don, do you know if any of these north faces have been climbed?
  25. The highway is plowed to just outside of Mazama on the east side (~7 miles east of Silver Star ck), and to the Ross lake overlook on the west side (MP 134?). Or so they say, I haven't been up there.The green trails maps have the closure locations marked. Although the east side *used* to be plowed to Silver Star Ck, but not anymore. As for track skiing, you might try the Wenatchee and Okanagan NF websites:http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/wenatchee/http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/oka/
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