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Everything posted by philfort

  1. Probably an avalanche husky or something. Sledders need slightly larger dogs due to the heavier weight of sled vs. skier.
  2. quote: Originally posted by jpbulger: By the way, am I the only guy on belay!?!? Caveman and Dru should be given special titles for having over 2000 posts. So it would go something like: On Belay ( < 10 posts)Rope Lead ( 10 < posts < 2000)Spray Lord ( > 2000 posts)
  3. philfort


    Drilling a hole wouldn't work. Dru's magnet thing will work, because it will pull the fonts outward on your hard drive, and thus on your screen (magnifying them). The drill thing would probably just result in some letters not showing up I think.
  4. What wit!
  5. philfort

    Community? No.

    quote: Originally posted by trask: I'd like to get her some edible underwear but am not sure of the size or color. I'd like to help you out. Feel free to have her contact me for a personal appointment in edible underwear fitting.
  6. I've got a friend who uses the term "shnasty", to refer to a particularly unpleasant section.
  7. Or we could buy a pair ($25) and split them up... I'm not sure if I have a 4 inch or 8 inch tail though, I'll have to check. Then again, I probably won't use my snowshoes too much anymore now that I've got a randonee setup, so maybe I don't even want it.? Anyway, I'll check to make sure its a 4 inch.
  8. This is a long shot, but does anyone know if the logging road that ascends Bob Creek on the north side of Cashmere mtn is open to the public, specifically to snowmobiles? I called the ranger station, they said there was some private property around there somewhere, but not really sure where. The road is marked as "restricted" on maps. Does that mean its private?
  9. Dang... I was going to offer you mine when I saw the subject title, but then I read that you also found it as booty! I also have *one* MSR snowshoe tail. I found it a couple of years ago near Mt Rainier. So maybe you'd like to see me yours?!?
  10. Who is that, and why are the trees growing diagonally?
  11. Are crampons necessary?
  12. I was up at the top of Enigma Gully yesterday. We didn't ski it due to the lateness of the day, and questionable snow stability (there has been a lot of wind up there, and the top section is the perfect aspect for windloading, although we didn't test it). The upper west slope of Snoqualmie was hammered by wind, and the skiing wasn't that great. Below 5200ft in the open it was excellent. In the forest, it was icy. Not enough new snow on top of last wknd's ice crust (which is completely bulletproof) there. The rocks around NY gully (from what we could see) seemed to have some verglas on them, and there were some short bits of thick water ice near the summit rocks on the west side. I wonder if Chair peak is coming in. Near the summit, there was about 1.5 to 2 feet of somewhat compacted snow on last weekends crust. You'd still be post-holing pretty deep without skis (but probably not wallowing, unless the new snow is a lot deeper due to windloading). There appeared to be a weak layer near the crust. [ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: philfort ]
  13. There's no reason we can't combine the two things. For example: Britney descending from Burgundy Spire in a snoq squall: Britney approaching Drury Falls: Britney getting some early season ice:
  14. Well, whatever it is, it looks "fun" to try and climb.
  15. Se promener sur les escaliers du telepherique peut endommager vos "clingy's"
  16. Whew! When I read the title of the thread, I thought sport climbing had made it to the Olympic games! Sorry to be of no help, but I don't know of any sport climbing in the olympic moutnains...
  17. Hmm... yeah, the instructions do imply you can do that: "Using different holes (b) in the forged frontpoints (D) allows you to differentiate the length between the two points." The only way I can see that working is if, as I said, your middle bar is two short bars. But why not just make a second hole in the middle section???Or maybe you're stuck with non-rigid crampons when you do this! - which may be why they say "But, try it first close to the road on an easy route."
  18. He said to lower at the lower diagram, so he's only got one hole in the middle, and two holes in front and in back. Like caveman said, it looks like its not designed to do what you want to do. Unless maybe you can buy two shorter bars, and have them only go halfway across (i.e. so the middle bar would be two short bars, with nothing in between the front points)
  19. Does anyone know if this is Mt Constance?
  20. quote: Originally posted by Richard Pumpington: -------Dick,for short[ 12-15-2001: Message edited by: Richard Pumpington ] Dick Pumpington, huh?
  21. Let Bigones be bygones.
  22. quote: Originally posted by dr. jay: anyone know much about these? i saw an olympus for $190 on amazon.com and it looks like a good deal, but i'm a bit clueless about them. www.dpreview.com
  23. quote: Originally posted by trask: A hole in a slippery elm log when I was really horny one time. That's hilarious, and at the same time, really really disgusting. I wonder what the chipmunk family living in the log thought.
  24. Sno-sealing your gore-tex clothing works wonders.
  25. quote: Originally posted by Dru: Thats right, it can get much harder very quickly! (OR so I hear, unlike purp I have no first hand experience) Beware, there's also some brush on the approach (so I've been told).
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