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Everything posted by philfort

  1. quote: Originally posted by erik: i dunno i think he has got us beat. I don't know about that.... mission ridge is putting up a good fight:
  2. quote: Originally posted by Lambone: It looked like those falls along the trail were about to come in if it gets any colder up there! I was suprised that any ice had formed on them. We were back in the area on Sunday for more skiing. The falls alongside the trail had noticeably more ice on them than even the day before. And higher up around the morainey-cliffy area where people camp, there were several spots of water ice - probably top-ropeable if you could find an anchor.
  3. goddammit.. it worked when I posted it.
  4. Testing my new sig....
  5. There's been a discussion of this on cc.com before. Might want to search for Potterfield. He alludes to his partner using a new belay device he wasn't familiar with earlier in the story. But that's it. I think the general feeling is he doesn't want to explain what happened, because his partner probably screwed up, and he doesn't want to dis him publicly, 'cause it's his friend?
  6. quote: Originally posted by Lambone: Went to the Coleman Icefall for the first time. Lambone bouldering on a very black serac: The ice was SO brittle - most difficult conditions I've seen there. We left the seracs around 2pm, and went skiing nearby. 3 or 4 inches of powder on a sometimes icy base made for quick, nice skiing. It was a cold day! Nice. Lots of waterfalls starting to freeze up.
  7. Hmm.... is a thread 10 pages max?
  8. Then next, we can see how short we can make a page. ......................................iiiiiiii................................... ................................................................ .................................................................................................... ............................................................ ......................................iiiiiiii................................... ................................................................ .................................................................................................... ............................................................ ......................................iiiiiiii................................... ................................................................ .................................................................................................... ............................................................
  9. Hmm...... I think you get to a new page based on the number of characters, not the vertical height of hte posts....Check the size of the scroll bars on page 10 versus the other pages.... it's already much higher --- but no page 11 yet! ....ok, back to work...
  10. abcdefghijklmnopDan Larson Sucks sssp dwgegewsssbcdefghijklmnopDan Larson Sucks sssp dwgegewsssbcdefghijklmnopDan Larson Sucks sssp dwgegewsssbcdefghijklmnopDan Larson Sucks sssp dwgegewsssbcdefghijklmnopDan Larson Sucks sssp dwgegewsssbcdefghijklmnopDan Larson Sucks sssp dwgegewsssbcdefghijklmnopDan Larson Sucks sssp dwgegewsss
  11. Dru wins... Can I hasten the way to page 11 like this: k kkkkfffeeww wwwwww lotsof carriage returns ffff
  12. quote: Originally posted by Dru: Maybe his hairpeice will fall in the souffle Souffle au Toupee?
  13. quote: Originally posted by Dan Larson: And you, Philfort, I expected more from someone of your climbing caliber from what I have seen on your SITE Just getting caught up in the excitement of this thread - lazy Friday. No hard feelings, I was just, uh "channeling" some aspects of this thread into a more vertical format...
  14. I used the down soap Feathered Friends gave me, and just washed it in a front loading washer, then put it in the dryer with a tennis ball. But I didn't have a tennis ball, so I used a climbing shoe, but it made too much noise, so then I didn't use anything. Still kind of worked, but I had to pull apart clumps of down. Didn't leave it in too long.
  15. Ahh.... 25 posts per page.
  16. Wow! (I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy inside)
  17. Does anyone know of any other european dealers that ship to the US, other than the following: Barrabes Telemark-pyrenees sportextreme cham3s
  18. quote: Originally posted by lambone: Yeah, see...I'm not crazy! They must have some funky equipment out there... I'd like to get some of that .... ... equipment they're using.
  19. C'mon, let's get back on topic here. I hear that lady ranger that was looking for the "illegal tent" near Paradise last weekend, reads cc.com. You guys better watch it up in the hut this weekend.After she finally finds the tent, she gonna come up an kick some ass!
  20. Looks like they got a foot of snow as soon as the temps approached the boiling point... hot freshiez!
  21. The purple guy I think is supposed to be smoke filling a room, but it looks more like a space alien growing a sudden grey afro!
  22. quote: Originally posted by jon: Conspiracy in the works????? Yeah, that guy is probably full of crap. I bet they have all the stuff you want Jon, but they're selling it to locals before putting it up on the website! It's gonna be all gone before you get a chance to buy! Seriously, I doubt the items aren't shown because they're not in stock. They were reworking their website (their "logistics store" as they put it) and they probably haven't put the items back up there.... hmm and there's no other place to get the boots I want, and no other place to get the skis I want for even close to that price.... grrrr
  23. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: I got both so I dont worry. I like the ganja! Smoca~Bola I am going up to the Muir hut this weekend to smoke a fatty! It will look like this in the Muir hut: and the cap'n says anyone who doesn't like it can Woohoo! page 8! [ 11-15-2001: Message edited by: philfort ]
  24. Snowdepth can be off, especially early season. A lot of the pages have a note to the effect on top. Like the one for paradise, says "intermittent false readings of 25 inches" on top or something like that. Caused bushes I think.
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