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Everything posted by jon

  2. I still don't understand evangelicals refusal to believe in climate change. Why are people so angry about it?
  3. jon

    Photo Gallery Upgrade

    I've added the links to the photo gallery. WAPITA!
  4. I just posted a poll on Facebook as to location. Tacoma clearly has a strong connection to the mountain and if having it in Tacoma means people from Portland are more likely to come up, and people from Seattle are willing to travel, then we'll consider that option. There is also the possibility of maybe having a smaller event in Tacoma as well. I have to be honest someone else is doing all the heavy lifting on this right now, and I think they'll have something to say here pretty soon when we have the families blessing and presenter solidified. I believe there is already a fund setup at Key Bank for the family, the info is somewhere here on this thread.
  5. So I hate to interrupt the gun and PTSD debate here but I wanted to give a bit of an update. Things are moving along to get a slideshow benefit going to benefit the family of the fallen ranger, as well as show support for the Mt. Rainier staff. We so far have two great organizations on board and two great presenters (we are talking big baller here). There should be more info on this in the next week. One thing I want to make clear is that this event is being born out of the climbing community, but we are trying to attract a broader audience to raise more funds. With that in mind we are going to be using the Facebooks to get the word out on this, so we'd really appreciate you "liking" posts and making comments. We're also hoping to have some sort of SausageFest announcement here soon, too.
  6. jon

    Photo Gallery Upgrade

    I'll take a look at it this week. We will be giving some much needed attention to the photo gallery here soon. Thanks for everyones patience.
  7. We've got someone lined up for a slideshow. More details to follow.
  8. I'm not one to stuff the Facebook thing down people's throats, but if people wouldn't mind adding some conversation on our page it would probably help extend the reach of this topic. http://www.facebook.com/cascadeclimbers Whatever happens here we'll make sure the family and the rangers know how much we care.
  9. Please move the PTSD debate to another thread. I think lining up a slideshow might be the most effective way of generating funds. We have enough media connections to publicize it. Who could we line up that would have a broad appeal? We could do SausageFest as a post-funk event.
  10. Lets do it. I completely agree. We'll get behind this. Let's brainstorm some ways to help her family out. Unfortunately it doesn't sound like there will be a trial Hopefully this will be a wakeup that more needs to be done for these guys returning from war.
  11. jon

    Feedback Requested

    I'm still looking for peeps. Help me help you.
  12. jon

    Feedback Requested

    Still looking for volunteers
  13. jon

    Feedback Requested

    I need a half dozen volunteers to answer a quick survey for me via PM. You need to be pretty familiar with the sites MP and SP. If you are a software/web developer that is a huge bonus, but not required. Just drop me a PM. Thanks.
  14. We'll look into these issues. We are starting work on our new TR system and we could include a feature that allows you to select other profiles as being on the trip. The photo gallery leaves much to be desired. We are looking for a better solution. One thing I need to look into is having photos uploaded and scaled down properly for our system.
  15. DPS makes some great points about living on the eastside. It gives you closer access to the mountains. However, and I'm saying this having grown up on the eastside, if you like fun quirky restaurants, coffee shops, and bars then it's the wrong place for you. The Eastside is more big box and chains and I think would feel pretty stuffy. Seattle is a much more enjoyable place to live, but the key is being close to work and being close to a bus line. The happiest I have ever been was when I could walk to work in 15 minutes. You are not going to enjoy living anywhere if you are commuting 2 hours a day. If you aren't working 9-5 I guess one argument would be your commute from the Eastside would be cake. The flip side of that is how many days are you going to be working versus being outside? You can be in Issaquah in 10 minutes from Seattle with no traffic so it's not really a big deal.
  16. And in other news Barry Bonds is sentenced to 30 days of XBox.
  17. I think this is the saddest quote of all. "We need to continue polluting the environment to continue job growth."
  18. jon

    GPS Software

    Thanks for the great links guys. Any mac users out there? Just starting to play around and it seems the newest Garmin software has been changed to not help in the import of non-Garmin maps.
  19. The Iranians "hijacking" the most sophisticated drone in our arsenal inspired me, and I said to myself "If they can live in the space age, so can I". So I bought my first GPS, a Garmin Oregon 450. So I don't know anything about GPS software. I've read on here that there are some free options versus shelling out $100 for the TOPO maps from Garmin. I guess National Geographic has maps too. So, what are people using?
  20. It seems like now might be a good time to remind everyone what they should do when they have a problem with a post, a poster, a thread topic, or how things are handled here. First, what not to do. Start a thread about the problem. This just escalates the problem. There is no proactive outcome to this. Insult the moderators. You are less likely to get your desired outcome since they are the ones who have powers to resolve the issue. Create a "anonymous" user account to voice your issue. If you don't want your identity to be known either contact an admin in confidence or send us an anonymous message using the contact us link. Now, what you should do. Report threads you feel are detrimental to cc.com and your experience here. Contact the moderator for the appropriate forum with your issue or concern. If you do not feel you issue or concern is not being addressed by the moderator or is bigger then a moderator issue, either contact the admins (Porter or mysel) via PM or using the Contact Us link. We deal with you issue in confidence. We work very hard to keep this thing running, we are not perfect, we don't have perfect mechanisms for dealing with things, we are generally short on time and do not read everything posted, and as a team we have different views on how to handle things. Peace out.
  21. I guess it must have disappeared in our latest upgrade. I'll get a link in there today. Sorry about that.
  22. This is a little late, but Altrec.com has a coupon that expires today that is $10 off a $100 order. Code is DEEPSNOW.
  23. It almost seems as if the Republicans are trying to lose the presidential race again. I guess we get four more years of them blocking anything Obama tries to do.
  24. Some of the ads above have converted over to Cyber Monday. I forgot this good one. Take an Additional 20-30% Off our Top Inventory! Valid Cyber Monday Only
  25. It is certainly debatable whether CO2 levels influences climate change. Since C02 is the carbon source for plants to live, a concept that most Rush Limbaugh fans can't grasp, one could conclude that increase CO2 would result an increase in plant organic mass. Here is the reality. The petro-chemical industry loves this debate and fosters it's existence as a smokescreen from the real reality, one in which waste from their industry is poisoning our food supply, our children, and the planet. Since we are so focused on greenhouse gases from comparably clean outputs like cars and coal, we aren't aware of the other toxic substances being produced. The focus of this argument needs to be moved away from CO2 and more towards toxic chemicals.
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