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Everything posted by Pete_H

  1. If you can swing it Jackson would be a pretty sweet place to live. If anywhere else in the state has much appeal to a skier or alpinist, I'm not familiar with it. Cody obviously has good ice climbing but its real dry. There's a lot of spill over from Jackson across the pass to Driggs, Idaho. That might be worth checking out. I was there last fall. Its a cool little town with great access and your local ski hill is Grand Targhee. Apparently lots of entrenched conservative politics going on though.
  2. I predict Ivan will drink a lot of cheap red wine this winter.
  3. I think the vintage gear was from the personal collection of Greg, the former owner. I had a similar experience recently when I tried to sell some quite new lightly used Patagonia clothing ($75 dollar windshirt) and was offered less then the cost of a pint. At any rate, it seems like theyve been doing a good job at least of stocking lots of b/c ski gear.
  4. Its the only Level 1 trauma center in the PNW. The next closest is SLC I think. You might consider checking out Bozeman too. It used to be really cool but I havent been there in a while and I hear its growing and changing like crazy. Leavenworth is an agreeable place to live, with good access to outdoors. Of course, no where beats Europe for access. Seems like half the people I know here live in 11worth and work in the medical field in Wenatchee, which is a medical epicenter for Central Washington.
  5. Nice. Not often can you bring your dog on an alpiny climb!
  6. Nice job bro. I think we got to that south side and saw the south face and decided it wasn't worth the effort. Should have peaked around the corner!
  7. Pete_H

    Hey guys

    Oriental is not the preferred nomenclature
  8. Nice job. I've always found that sticking by the creek when going up mountaineers creek after leaving stuart lake trail is the way to go instead of the endless talus sidehilling.
  9. Right, well waiting for someone to repeat the Dragontail route to confirm the grade is dumb. You're obviously going to have a lot more consistent ratings somewhere where the conditions are more reliable like the Rockies or back east. This route might be way way harder or way way easier next year or not in at all. We should just accept the fa'ers grading and stop Monday morning quarterbacking based on a couple photos.
  10. Kind of a dumb discussion since ice especially in the mountains is so variable. Doubly so in the Cascades.
  11. Will there be free napkins there to take home?
  12. Well, Squamish is the outdoor recreating capital of Canadaland after all. 8D
  13. Any post game analysis as to why the gear failed?
  14. I don't remember too many rap stations or making many rappels. I think how much you use the rope would depend on what you are comfortable down climbing. It's a ridge so not super straight forward to descend. At any rate I think you'd be more than fine with a 50m rope because any raps would be pretty short. You could always descend w ridge too if you weren't into it. Boston is definitely chossy but I think there's a pretty easy scrambly route on it.
  15. Descending e ridge of forbidden is totally doable. Just a bit longer and more involved than the w ridge. But walking over and tagging Boston and sahale from there would be cool then you can descend sahale arm.
  16. Never understood the beer mile thing. Getting all barfy just doesn't sound like my idea of a good time.
  17. I'd rather do the running all at once then drink the beer all at once. I've never been one for moderation. And beer and running together don't seem too easy on the tummy.
  18. I'm sure just talking or debating about gun laws online does the trick. Didn't know the site, or the internet for that matter, had been around since the 80's though.
  19. I'm still waiting for the GVHD TR. Bet that will be super off the hook sick
  20. Dig the wood stove though. Howd that work in your tarpy shelter? Keep any heat in?
  21. I love Oregon Field guide. It's on right before jeapardy.
  22. It says size medium
  23. You could probably live for free on the Kahiltna scrounging climbers leftover food when they leave. Probably not the Ruth though.
  24. Most of those projects actually look pretty legit but do you have any websites where I can crowdsource my penis extension surgery?
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