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Everything posted by akhalteke

  1. Easily quote of the week!
  2. It can make mechanically advantaged rescue a real PITA though!
  3. Its too bad those posts got deleted. They were fairly indicative of the sentiment running rampant lately. Anyone remember the Vietnam Vets? Just saying....
  4. I have no need. As I said before, I like my job and what I do. I would think that those are mutually exclusive things; either I was unhappy or brainwashed, so I guess I am not certain what you are getting at. Perhaps you are just confused. If you need assistance, let me know. I am the government and I am here to help.
  5. as far as the prussiks, I have always heard 2mm or greater in rope difference, but I would test it. Using 5mm prussiks is pretty gnarly especially if you were required to use them for a rescue. Even if you went with titan cord, that shit is really slippery and would not hold. I would personally try it out before venturing out in the the "wilds" and ensure that your rope bights. As long as your prussiks are supple, you should have not issue though.
  6. Tell you what, for a two man party climb it is just enough. I had the unfortunate circumstance of my partner taking a fall into a crevasse on the top of cadaver gap. When all was said and done, I could not have effected a rescue with any less rope. Now, there were other issues at play, but long story short, I would say that 50M would be the ideal 3 party rope. Route would play a large part in it as well given that if you are able to be fairly closely roped, you could easily get away with it. There are some glaciers that have large and dramatic crevasses where an increase in the length of rope between climbers is necessary. If you are just doing the normal "dog" routes though, it should serve you nicely.
  7. Funniest part was reading the idiotic comments at the end, talking about triple down economics and lazy fair governments.
  8. and where the fuck are you getting your paycheck from? a private company?- you are a small part of a 700 billion a year liability called "national defense", which btw is 10 times the number China spends on. Yes, make it in a private sector first, then mouth off, you hypocritical moron. 1) Uhm, nobody here is suggesting absolving taxes; quite the opposite, so I don't know what angle you are coming from. 2)I agree with the size critique of the US Military 3) I made more in 2005 as a civilian than I do now. I don't know what your standards are for successful, but I was content. I don't know what makes you think you are such a tough guy, but you forget that we have met and I don't remember you being such a tough guy then...
  9. Well, glassgowkiss knows damn well what would happen if we met in person. He would keep his goddamn mouth shut and I would probably be pretty nice to him. There is no way in hell he talks to people like that in person. I have only met one guy who did and he was bigger than a house and still go beat silly regularly. In my line of work, you would never say the shit he says unless you wanted to get hit in the mouth repeatedly. I will say that I will just leave this thread alone as it is full of so much bravado and chestbeating by people who are pretty mellow in person. I just think that being inflammatory for the sake of making other people's suffering worse is chickenshit; especially from behind a monitor. So, with that, I will bid adieu to this thread and hope that people can keep their shit talking within the realm of reality.
  10. Assintake is most definitely missing them. looks he is suffering from constant period mood swings 365 days a year. feel sorry for his constantly hurting snatch. Real internet tough guy. I will be in Washington next week, just saying...
  11. 1)There is recorded history in Colorado Springs in the 1500's; white boy recorded history in 1808 I believe with Zebulon Pike and his Army expedition. 2) Colorado Springs could never be grassland; especially that areas that burned. The whole area is broken up granite and cliffs. Perhaps the East side of the Springs which has ben incorporated only in the last few years. 3) I am sure the Flatirons didn't have trees, this isn't the flatirons as it is 100 miles away from the flatirons. 4) The only wild fire IN RECORDED history ever to take out a home in Colorado Springs was likely started by arson; just like the Hayman fire. 5) Jim, I was merely showing you what a fallacious argument you had given. As Rob already showed, the budget cuts made no difference. Ironically, you keep harping on it while your own government just cut 10's of millions from their budget. I will be sure to be at your throat with the I told you so's if you house burns down.
  12. YOU, wan't to talk to ME about having minerals?!?!? Please bitch, get off your horse and get fucked.
  13. HELLO!! I wasn't there you fuck.
  14. Except Jim, Colorado Springs has never been burned in the entirety of Human History. Seattle burned to the ground so in the grand scheme of things, the likelyhood that a city was going to burn, it would stand to reason that Seattleites are LIVING IN A BURN ZONE AND ARE IDIOTS FOR LIVING THERE AND CUTTING THEIR FIRE DEPARTMENT!!!!!!! What are they thinking!?!??!?! Lets think about what we are saying Jim as well as, I don't know maybe doing research before jerking your hip out of your socket trying to take a cheap shot at a guy who was deployed while his wife and 1 year old were evacuated... huh?
  15. Well, if Obama would have done it for 2 (or 3 or 4) more years, I would say he is just as bad, because it is blatantly obvious that his sole rationale for pushing the tax cuts back another year is to get reelected. Now, I think he is WORSE; problem is most Americans are so goddamn dumb, they think that they can just rest on the backs of others and choose to ignore the amazing amounts of debt they are placing on their children.
  16. Lets talk about maturity. Huh, talking about penis size and masturbation. I suppose it is better than your usual vitriolic and potty mouthed diatribes we usually see here, but at least I don't chastise others for it you hypocritical ass. Shut your Scot-Cum-Catcher.
  17. What I think is that you're so full of shit your eyes turn brown from a turd overload. Well I think that you and all your countrymen would have turned Scotland into: Deliverance, European Vacation if it weren't for the English. Apart from that, you are a typical former European who loves to yank the tail of the dog and bitches when he is bit.
  18. Is that where you are now? High point, 3' AMSL... I was there for a while after dallying about the Indian Ocean and hitting a few places in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  19. akhalteke

    Sobo's Updates...

    Wait till you hear where I was, I will send you a NIPR blast. Holy boondoggle batman!
  20. Holy shit. Right on the money.
  21. akhalteke

    Sobo's Updates...

    They are quite the bird. I don't see them getting rid of them anytime soon. Same with the Blackhawks. They are just too good at what they do. Thankfully, some of those pilots still do batshit crazy stuff; I have seen a couple MEDEVAC's that were only possible because of the 10lb balls of the pilots.
  22. akhalteke

    Sobo's Updates...

    Wish work would have had me out there SOBO. Sounds like you are doing well but forgot the first rule of dealing with the military; never do anymore work than is necessary to keep your job or you will be given more work than you can handle. Keep kicking ass and keep your head down. Those assholes always hit the chow halls!
  23. Ummm you chose to enlist. You're surprised your boss is telling you what to do, like it or not? Thank's for letting me know what it is like in the Army. I really appreciate it. I knew there was something I was missing.
  24. You pussies are all big mouthed blow hards. One of your boys steps over the line and gets bitch slapped and you all want to jump in and help. Jim wants to be an asshole, let him deal with the consequences. Plus, it would be another thing if I weren't forced to move here, you know, by the government, the one that told me to put it out by myself (BHO) while I am on a deployment. Kinda puts a different spin dontchya think?
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