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Everything posted by akhalteke
None of what you hear, and only half of what you see. So if you didn't see Osama's body then why do you believe? Because the TV that is totally owned by the military industrial complex told you what to believe? Several people in the Arab world have stated that Osama died in 2002. But I guess they haven't mentioned that on CNN. What MattP said was spot on. I suppose my friends and co-workers are liars; or were brainwashed by the CIA? 80 percent of what the CIA does is present disinformation. Are you saying the CIA has never lied because you have friends and co-workers? Or because it came from the Special Ops you should believe 100 percent of what you hear? Why does the "none of what you hear" rule suddenly not apply? Because we're the "good guys" and our government would never lie to us? What percentage of what I think should I believe? Is there a chip in my brain telling me what to think or am I being fed hallucinogens pre-mission? Lets get down to the nitty gritty. Just what are you saying? Are you calling us liars for saying what happens 'at work?' Or are you simply rambling about obtusely to gain attention without having to address your claims due to the vagueness of your stance? ...cause, it sounds like the latter to me. If it is the former, you are a nut.
Hell Doug, training my 31 year old body is a lot different than my 21 year old body so I had beter pick this book up. I think the heavy loads and jumping out of airplanes is taking its toll on my ability to recover from extreme workouts/ climbs; maybe that's just the old age. Great info so far guys. I wish there were more training dedicated climbers out here. It seems CO is more about getting stoned and just sending which is great and all, but as I get older, I can't just jump into the hard stuff anymore without paying for it. Thanks again guys!
None of what you hear, and only half of what you see. So if you didn't see Osama's body then why do you believe? Because the TV that is totally owned by the military industrial complex told you what to believe? Several people in the Arab world have stated that Osama died in 2002. But I guess they haven't mentioned that on CNN. What MattP said was spot on. I suppose my friends and co-workers are liars; or were brainwashed by the CIA?
What the hell are you talking about. When have I ever said that? Well you have dodged the fuck out of the questions posed to you, so I suppose making assumptions is all anyone can do in regards to your stance on anything with the exception of Ron Paul.
Bob, I will disagree on your point about it being 'average Afghans' as most of the guys I have seen have Pakistani, Saudi, Chechnyan ect origins. The 'agerage Afghan' is scared shitless of the Americans almost as much as it is of the Taliban. Most Afghans WANT to tell us information, but are scared for their lives and families if they were to divulge information. Sitting down and drinking some scalding hot chai with no handle and looking into peoples' eyes can give you a very poweless feeling when you know you cannot protect them 24/7 and that your presence alone can make them targets of the T-ban. That being said, many Afghans are knowingly giving aid to the Taliban (though mostly through coersion) indirectly through the drug trade. All in all, they are good people (unlike most Iraqi's) and are just trying to survive; and by survive, I mean it litterally. It is a shitty place and it was made much shittier by the Taliban.
I can't decide if this statement is one of pure selfishness aka: "DON'T DISRUPT MY HOLY WILDERNESS EXPERIENCE!!!!" coupled with "THERE IS NOTHING ON THIS PLANET MORE IMPORTANT THAN ME AND THIS OUTDOOR EXPERIENCE" or is this statement is about jealousy aka: "I don't have a job that allows me to be away from my desk so you shouldn't either. It's no fair you can earn money, vacation time, sick days, maintain health insurance, save for retirement, be a productive member of the working force/contributing member of society AND get to go outside and have fun. It's not fair so you can't do it since I can't." Get over yourselves. If your partner is yapping to their lover about that great burrito that they had from that gas station down the road, then yes, throw them and their phone into the closest crevasse you can find. But if the person is trying to provide for their family AND keep their soul from spinning apart, get off their fucking back and worry about your own spot on this planet. 99% of these guys are just doing the 30,000th repeat of a 5.4 "classic" anywho. Self importance is for the first guy to hit 5.16. If that aint on your radar, then chill out and have fun any way you know how. I love calling my boo from on top of a mountain. Gets her hot and I know I am gonna get some when I get home; apres douche bien sur.
I suppose it is pretty ridiculous to riot period; unless you do it in someone else's country. Why fuck up your own shit. I have never understood that.
I think it is the same type of legislation which would not ban guns, but rather make the cost of ammunition too costly to afford. Perhaps this is the new era in legislation?
hahaha....you probably believe in God. Where is that evidence? Well, I'm glad you can at least see that your wacky 9/11 conspiracy theories are a good comparison to believing in god and other tooth fairies. It's a start. What we were told about what happened by our own government is the conspiracy brother. Then what, pray tell, happened Kev? Clearly this is what we are all waiting for. You know as well as I do that any piece of evidence you can possibly bring to light is either completely refutable or so inconceivably obtuse as to render it unusable. I have read the same things you did with your aforementioned open mind, I have been to the very places where these idea were hatched out (and many more that have been adverted) and found no evidence to support your claims. Now, if you have any evidence which may have been overlooked, perhaps now is the time to bring it to bear so that we may be truly enlightened.
hahaha....you probably believe in God. Where is that evidence? I keep open that there can be one... Clearly this is not the topic at hand. Now, do you have any evidence because unless you can produce any, your point is as weak as your mind.
Where did you get your evidence from? Fox news? Nuff said Afghanistan bitch. Furthermore, it is not I that is making a counter-intuitive claim. The onus is on you pal. Pony up or shut up. Afghanistan and 9/11 are not related. Please keep on point. If you think they are then you have been duped. Weapons of Mass Destruction. Remember? War on Terror....remember? War = Money. Just so we are clear. I respect your commitment to our country. I do not respect your leaders for sending any of our troops to fight in the name of freedom. And the war on terror. I do not follow Obama. Allow me to catch up as I was at work. 1) Afghanistan harbored terrorists. We were never truly at was with Afghanistan but rather the terrorist which chose to reside there and utilize it as a base of operations. This, is why we stress ensuring other countries have militaries that are strong enough to secure their own borders and are as inline with the Geneva Conventions as we can make them; so they can deal with this very eventuality. I am not going to discuss nation building but that is what we would need to be talking about if we were to end terrorism; at least non-state sponsored terrorism anyways. 2) WMD has nothing to do with Afghanistan, it was one of the premises (which was ill founded) upon which we went to war with Iraq. Try to keep up. 3) War does not equal money. It equals spending money and for those like Cheney, this makes war profitable. There is an important difference.
One piece of evidence Kev. Just one. That's all we want.
@ Kev...and if they were, why would they accept the blame/ credit knowing that it would give the U.S. Government carte blanche to fuck up their corner of the sand pile? Or do you think that all the video, audio and assorted evidence was simply fabricated? Whoah man! What if all video in the entire World is fabricated! Like the moon landing! Holy existential phenomenon batman!
Where did you get your evidence from? Fox news? Nuff said Afghanistan bitch. Furthermore, it is not I that is making a counter-intuitive claim. The onus is on you pal. Pony up or shut up.
Da noo liudij bez problemi nekogda ne mogy ponyat mesti gde luidij oomerayoot kadgdi dien Sorry, I could never write transliterated and cyrillic doesn't work here...
all that stoning led to a lot of begatting too I remember a book where it was So and so begat so and so and he begat so and so for like 40 pages. I think those guys must have had some killer weed. Perhaps it is the Jews' best kept secret. Um, yeah, it was to like establish lineage and thereby validate a prophesy about ancestry of the Messiah. Rewy?
Also, "critical thinking" requires actually thinking; not simply assuming everything that isn't posted by a pothead, jobless, anti-social asshat who has never left his home state is a lie. Kev had the opportunity to put forth his hypothesis about what transpired 11SEP01 and he chose instead to cast aspersions. If he had a scrap of courage within his bones, he would defend his ideals but instead chose to sling epithets. I WILL NOT allow someone to be praised for simply being a conspiracy theorist; especially when he refuses to expound upon his inflamatory hypothesis. If you want to, you are as great a coward as he. ] If you have no evidence to support your claims, perhaps you can make another thread; one that is not dedicated to the 3,000 mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and children that were murdered that day.
Not to be an asshole Bill but you don't know shit. If you want to know who they are, look at who the dead are. Two of them were the ones who protected the Ambassador to the death. I don't proclaim to know about being a leg humping office sycophant, so why don't the armchair quarterbacks kick back and leave the getting killed to us; the guys who are told not to shoot back...
all that stoning led to a lot of begatting too I remember a book where it was So and so begat so and so and he begat so and so for like 40 pages. I think those guys must have had some killer weed. Perhaps it is the Jews' best kept secret.
Ball's back in your court motherfucker.
So who created this tragedy? Uh, OBL... First of all, thank you for your service. It is much appreciated. I guess I am not a very good American. Because I don't believe what we were told to believe. I did not just roll over and say ah. Maybe because I have something called "critical thinking". We really need to distinguish the difference between catching those responsible and invading Iraq. One has nothing to do with the other. I understand Hussen was a bad guy.....but that is not why we went in there. War = profit for the rich. And what better way to get our people pissed off at someone is to be attacked. And you have to have a bad guy, so why not OBL. Most main stream media reports what they are told to report. What makes them more credible than a smaller local media outlet? The ball is not in my court. There is still not one shred of evidence that OBL had anything to do with 9/11. Some youtube video of "him" stating he did it. That even does not look like him. And he was wearing jewelry which is forbidden for him to wear. Other than that lame video....what evidence is there? there are way too many "coincidences" for this to be how the government told us how it went down. I don't believe it. And no matter how many times you try to make fun of me on here that will never change that. I have always said. We all get our information from the same sources.....TV, Web, Paper, Friend, Radio and at that end of the day, you will believe what you want to believe. I dont make fun of you for believing what you were told to believe. Even though it makes you look like cattle/ sheep. WAKE UP. I knew you were a coward. You would rather cast aspersions than try and prove your point. You are just like the Black Panthers, the Evangelical Christians, the Radical Muslims and the dumbass college kids who blindly follow Obama. Why don't you run down to DEVGRU HQ and tell those fuckers they are full of shit and that they didn't kill OBL. I would love to hear what happens to your weak pathetic ass. What? Can't stand up for what you believe? Not willing to put your ass on the line? I fuck did and I do everyday so don't patronize me mother fucker cause your head would fucking blow up doing the shit I do everyday. Don't want to believe what operators do? Fucking become one and find out. You need to wake up. There is a war that we have been fighting for YOUR sake because of YOUR actions/inactions. While you ramble on about conspiracy theories, there are men who shoot people in the chests and heads because they are told to; by the men YOU allowed to be elected as president. If you think ANYONE has changed their minds based upon your weakass conspiracy theory bullshit, you are dead wrong. Bush told us to kill, Obama told us to kill and goddamn Ron Paul sure as fuck would if he ever had the chance to lead this country. Armchair quarterbacking is easy as fuck. Obama is now seeing how damn hard it is to throw the ball. He has thrown a lot of footballs lately. Now fucking show me some fucking evidence or shut the fuck up you know nothing, asshat.
I am going to create the "Piss Muhammad." The piece will not be complete after dropping the boy humping pederast into a large vat of urine collected solely from transgendered individuals but rather when the neanderthal Muslims attempt to kill every American within their women hating, boy humping grasps because their sensitive boy humping feelings got hurt. I anticipate a large following and an international spectacle. What do you think? I am looking for investors. This thing is going to be big; likely 30 meters tall (that's a lot of tranny piss). Any takers?
dude, you totally read the wrong part! the first bit of the big book's way more cool! fuck yer daughter, kill yer neighbor, marry all the big-booty bitches you can cart off from your enemies camp, bury bitches on the rag n' w/ big mouths six foot deep, what's not to dig? Forget ye not when you send your men to war so you can bang their wives, turn queers into salt and stab your son to death on top of a mountain; on wait, "I was just kidding" - God.
Nofahquingwhey. Anyone who has worked for the Government would realize that they cannot even accomplish the most menial of tasks; let alone covertly. Look at this shithead SEAL who can't even keep his mouth shut for much longer than a year, about the most profound assassination in our time.
Everything I read about the Bible depicted Jesus as a really friendly hippy that believed that the rich should give to the poor and that only through absolute poverty could you truly realize the greatness of God. The Reformation is really the only time that being a rich asshole really was propagated within the Church; the Protestant church that is. Everyone who had money in the Bible (and didn't give it away) was pretty profoundly chastised. Perhaps I missed something but I ready the whole thing and that is what I got out of the teachings of Christ. Perhaps when you cherry pick the shit out of it, you can find something else...