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Everything posted by akhalteke

  1. Definitely cloudier in Colorado. You should be in Gargen of the Gods tonight.
  2. Looks like common sense prevails... all I have at hand is Chivas Regal. It will have to do.
  3. I used to get that on tap when doing some time in Germany. Great one!
  4. It is local here, but if you see it, it is great. I am not a fan of seasonal beers, but the Uinta Brewery Pumpkin Ale is top notch! It is the first pumpkin that isn't too damn pumpkiny or over spiced. Try it out! SOBO, when you get back, I will bring some up there if you can't find it and we can swap some stories and name drop.
  5. akhalteke

    RIP 9/11

    Huh, if anything, I will probably be the butcher but let me know how that slaughter works out for you.
  6. This just in! The UN has ratified the African Muslim Commission's recommendation that all non-muslims (dirty heathen pigs) are no longer allowed to pray to God as since he is the same Abrahimic God that the muslims follow. The 'dirty heathen pigs' inability do "do it right" has led to this prohibition of prayer. Why isn't mainstream media picking up on this?!?
  7. akhalteke

    RIP 9/11

    What makes you think the official story is fact? Why does the government get off scott free of having to prove their story? Oh, and they did. It was published. YOU just choose to ASSUME that it is false (because distrust of the government is hip and all and shows how smart and counter-culture I am) and have no rationale nor proof. If you cannot see why people think you may have a learning disability, you might actually have one...
  8. akhalteke

    RIP 9/11

    What makes you think the official story is fact? Why does the government get off scott free of having to prove their story? LOL why don't you have to prove yours?
  9. akhalteke

    RIP 9/11

    In other words....you don't know. You are speculating....just like the rest of us. You think you are special? You are cattle just like the rest of us marching off to the slaughter. Goddamn Kev, AS WAS PREVIOUSLY STATED, the onus is on YOU to prove that conventional wisdom is false; that the only investigation conducted was a fabrication. We're waiting.... 16 pages and you still haven't sacked up.
  10. Rob, if this really were Monsanto, the pusher would require his buddies to pay for the drugs they ingested too.
  11. I will be back in WA likely during winter steelhead. Any of you guys want to do a combo trip let me know.
  12. I am a member there. Bet you can't guess which one....
  13. akhalteke

    RIP 9/11

    I think that is what Einstein said right before he made up a completely illegitimate and fabricated theory of relativity; devoid of facts, logic and evidence. Oh wait, he had that shit. You don't.
  14. What?!?! Monsanto not doing what's right by humanity and the planet? Get the fuck outta here. Your science MUST be flawed!
  15. akhalteke


  16. akhalteke


    You are correct sir. It is the former.
  17. akhalteke

    RIP 9/11

    Actually, I have Kev. As regards to the tape "confiscation" I am sure it had to do with the investigation and also was part of security protocols to keep secret the building security as well as the TTPs of the first responders the pentagon has. Only a couple hundred people likely know these answers and you are probably one of the least likely to know. Your ideas about this conspiracy are akin to theists "proving" God's existence due the lack of proof to the contrary. As I said before, the onus is on you...
  18. akhalteke


    and if only they could be more like rich educated white people AMERICA! FUCK YEAH! COMIN' TO SAVE THE MOTHERFUCKING DAY YEAH! Many of the string pullers in these fundamentalist organizations (Osama Bin Laden included) are simply rich educated brown people.
  19. Worst case scenario, in 12 years, it is on.
  20. You fuckers make this shit federal,I will burn one down with ya. Its the one thing that makes me regret my current occupation. That and the bullet holes in my leg...
  21. akhalteke


    My premise is essentially that I abhor those that have the bumper sticker AND those who loose their shit over them. One is a pretentious fuck and the other an ignorant troglodyte.
  22. akhalteke


    4 Stone IPA's here but after today's workout, I are fillinit brah.
  23. akhalteke


    Ivan, on a scale of 1-10 how drunk are you? I am not judging, merely comparing conditions...
  24. akhalteke


    Alan West- Discuss
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