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Everything posted by akhalteke

  1. akhalteke


    The only way she is gonna enjoy your tic-tac is if she closes her eyes, get an epidural and about 6 hits of acid. sounds like a good second date Pick you up at 8?
  2. akhalteke


    The only way she is gonna enjoy your tic-tac is if she closes her eyes, get an epidural and about 6 hits of acid.
  3. That's the definitive signature right there!
  4. What about all millions of dollars that has been sent to Iraq and not accounted for. In most cases there arent even reciepts. I would think that would affect you more especially since a good portion most likely funneled back to the opposition foriegn forces in Iraq. If there have been misapropriations, I would love to see the perpetrators punished. Heresay is not proof of wrong in my book. Try 13 billion dollars unaccounted for, according to the NYT. Now Scott, you know that the U.S. has been handing out a whole lot of cash in Iraq and Afghanistan (will you take a check? No?). Well, a few pallet loads of it has gone for a walkies. So petition your representatives. Don't bitch about it and imply that a theft of a petty couple mil doesn't warrant prosecution because of your judicial relativity.
  5. It wasn't a big secret cheif.
  6. My drug of choice is baby blood.
  7. What about all millions of dollars that has been sent to Iraq and not accounted for. In most cases there arent even reciepts. I would think that would affect you more especially since a good portion most likely funneled back to the opposition foriegn forces in Iraq. If there have been misapropriations, I would love to see the perpetrators punished. Heresay is not proof of wrong in my book.
  8. akhalteke


    So now you want that in Iraq huh? Already have it, thanks to you find boys and girls in uniform and your idiot political handlers. what exactly am I searching for?
  9. akhalteke


    casualty- it's your brain and your sorry ass thinking. what happened to wmd's? because that was the primary reason for war. oh one more thing you dolt. since you mention russia don't forget they are the third largest producer of oil and gas- hence they rake all time high profits from this. this of course is nicely financing their military build-up, which is of course done with blessing of this administration. which just proves one more time you are just a dumb fuck who knows jack and shit Wow. Someone was on the debate team at Harvard. Perhaps if you read the thread, you would be a little bit more enlightened as to my position on the matter. Since the chances of this are highly unlikely, I will bid you adieu until we come crashing together on another thread.
  10. akhalteke


  11. Guy was funny as hell. He also had some great things to say about the direction (or lack thereof) of this country.
  12. plotting room? How cute! A Napoleon complex!
  13. akhalteke

    Gas-out June 29th

    ...and clearly reducing my use of fossil fuels is the wrong thing.
  14. akhalteke

    Old Tuna?

    Puss. It passed the sniff test.
  15. akhalteke

    Gas-out June 29th

  16. akhalteke

    Gas-out June 29th

    Yeah...haven't lived in a dorm for quite some time now. My thermostat is as low as it goes, there isn't a single set of lights on in my apartment. Obviously my computer is on. You clearly have no concept of how much you actually have to increase your food intake to pedal to work (especially when it's only 2 flat miles away). Try an extra glass of OJ, or a muffin (if your ride is more than 30 minutes). I'm sure you only eat the exact necessary amount everyday. Or maybe you have a little 'comfort food' while you sit in your car on a bad traffic day, or perhaps a little 'pick me up' while you sit at your computer and try to come up with 'witty' responses to threads. Nice try on the bicycle components too....I'm sure it was so much more oil than it would take for me to drive a car to work or deliver all of my 'car components' to plants for assembly and delivery to dealerships. Mis-quoting hacks...gotta love it. Sorry, I guess I just assumed that your youth-like idealism was exactly what it seemed. Feel free to cut consumption of energy all you want--it's a good idea. Just don't live under any illusions about Guilded Age monopoly politics driving the current price crisis. Better yet, take a look at how your 401k assets are invested and see if the company administering your plan is involved in some of the rampant speculation taking place in the oil market. You really think you're standin' up to da man by taking a day off petrol? Chances are good that in some way you are the man. Huh. Way better idea to just resign myself to being the man than actually taking steps to avoid maximizing my impact on this world and this country. Its a mentality. If it becomes commonplace, things can change. I have been a conservative all my life but am watching the GOP turn the United States into a Czarist state. This pervasive mentality that the GOP is sending down throught the ranks is ridiculous. Pull the blinders off. I am not some bat-wing hippy liberal. I vote very conservatively, but I refuse to buy into this mentality.
  17. akhalteke

    Old Tuna?

    I'd eat it.
  18. I stick to just yanking my self. You Seatomites ARE weird.
  19. akhalteke

    Gas-out June 29th

    Wuddup FW. I would really like to hear you pipe in on why minimizing my driving is a bad idea. It is healthy for me, it is good for me financially, it is good for the environment, it helps to point out that the pricce of gasoline is artificially inflated and takes a stab at men who are raking in record profits while the economy is taking a nose-dive in front of them. I am a conservative voter but I will not fall into the polarization trap that both parties have set. I will not say no to gay marriage because I could give a fuck what a couple homos do behind closed doors. I also refuse to swallow the pill that the market is trying to feed me. There is no good reason for this recent surge in the cost of oil. NONE. I furthermore do not want to line the pockets of Prince's in countries that wish death upon us.
  20. akhalteke

    Gas-out June 29th

    Lets do it. No gas for a week (except mass trans). Name the time and we'll get this thing going.
  21. akhalteke

    Gas-out June 29th

    what's your e-mail address?
  22. akhalteke

    Gas-out June 29th

    Boycott for one day? So the gas companies have to wait one more day to get their money. Big Deal. Much better idea to look for a way to minimize consumption for a length of time. How about a mass utilization of mass transit. This would do 2 things: force investment in mass transit infrastructure and it would also thin the wallets of the oil barons.
  23. akhalteke

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