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Everything posted by Tokogirl

  1. Lowell - warmest thoughts to you, Tom, family and friends. She was a vibrant and welcoming person. Teresa
  2. With all this snow there aren't as many options. The irrigation ditch is a good place to run in Wenatchee right now. We were going up to Appleatchee when it was colder and not so muddy. I would suggest going to the RunWenatchee website.
  3. If your looking for mountain biking: Lightening Creek, Pipestone Canyon, and the Re-routed Buck Mt. are all nice. You can check in with Joe @ Methow Cycle for any updates on Buck Mt as they did a reroute due to logging.
  4. Bump....the ski season is getting closer! This is a great deal on a device that is basically new. Email or pm me
  5. I'm selling this for a good friend and he used it once up at Stevens Pass. It is complete with all the box, manuals, etc. He'd like $300 but will take offers. PM or email me at teresaxchanson at gmail.com
  6. Wow...glad you got out of town for some great climbing, incredible views and fabulous weather! so much to explore in the cascades and environs.
  7. Glad you finally had a chance to check out the area up there. Some darn good skiing, usually, just wish you would have had better snow/ice conditions. Here's to more great skiing in the coming year
  8. Looks like you had lots of fun and a good tale to tell. Johh - Hope you didn't fall into a creek and get wet feet.
  9. That is one of my favorite places to go shrooming! Nice pics.......
  10. rmncwrtr, Whatever happened with your neck issue? I am hoping you did not have to undergo surgery. Best, Teresa
  11. I am just happy that it has been a bit breezy, never thought I'd say that, but it does help keep those pesky buzzards a bit more at bay. The black flies around Lake Wenatchee were quite friendly....
  12. There is a club based out of Lake Chelan: http://www.chelanflyers.com/ They have an annual XC competition that started yesterday and lasts all week. You can go to the top of Chelan Butte for the best views. http://cloudbase.org/Events/ChelanClassic/tabid/65/Default.aspx Enjoy! Teresa
  13. "Is that Canadian Bacon"?
  14. I'll raise a glass of porter for you tonight in celebration. Cheers....
  15. I guess it is personal preference but I go with 89* on my skis. As Josh K.mentions de-tuning the edges is most important especially when skiing in the variable spring conditions out on the glaciers, etc. Waxed your skis lately?? Teresa
  16. Only paper available in your recovery room?!?
  17. Next Climbers party in Ltown we won't need a grill in the morning just some Vodka.
  18. Okay - I haven't been following these Bacon threads so perhaps this was brought up before. I was in the liquor store in Wenatchee picking up a few supplies and was perusing the Vodka selection: Grey Goose, some of the flavored Vodkas, etc.. Low and behold, BACON Vodka! I did a double take and grabbed the bottle to show my friend. I thought I was seeing things...sure enough BACON Vodka. Something new to add to those eggs and hashbrowns or spice up that tomatoe juice. Enjoy!!
  19. Great pics and looks like you guys hit the weather window to get a nice climb in before your surgery! When we were up there a few weeks ago, we thought about doing Dirty Sanchez but heard it was a bit loose. I fiquared it can't be any worse than Gangsta Rap, which was not that fun especially with a bit of rain. Best to you with your surgery and a toast, with a good Porter, for a speedy recovery! Teresa
  20. True what Joe is saying.....no snow to speak of and with it being south facing we didn't notice any drippy areas before we started the climb. I was a bit skeptical but the rock was good the whole time despite a few squalls. Some of the brush was a bit damp but no running water. Go for it!
  21. I was out there on Sunday/Monday but with the weather we have been experiencing here (sigh)......it was pretty nice on Sunday and we climbed Ride the Lightning with a little drizzle. On Monday we were caught in a rain squall while climbing and retreated underneath a boulder outcropping hoping it would blow over. We waited awhile and then decided to head back home to Leavenworth.
  22. These skis and bindings are in nearly new condition and have been well taken care of (re.hot boxed and waxed several times). No divots in the bases and top sheets have only a few minor brush induced scratches. These are 2008 green ones. Bindings are mounted for 305 sole or size 26 Dynafit boots. $450 If you would like a pic or two send me a message! Teresa
  23. Great adventure with some outstanding photos. I've skied/climbed/hiked in the Necklace valley and would highly recommend a summer trip there!
  24. Shad, I have a brand new pair of Charlet Moser Black Ice crampons for $65. PM me if interested!
  25. What HC says. Though the last time I was there was 15 years ago, I have recently spoke to several different individuals and all seem to have a common thread. Be prepared for anything.
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