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Everything posted by Braydon

  1. also do watever marc does...marc you're my climbing hero lol. always getting me back into the game when i get distracted
  2. Hmm...I'm 15 but not really sure what to say here. Forgive me if what I say is repetitive I didnt read all of this whole thing. Josh I'm sure your tired of hearing this but you gotta take time and grow up. And the thing about not telling your parents/brother while your running around in the mountain for three days...wtf? thats the stupidest thing i've ever heard in my life. look i was a ignorant little bastard as early as last summer just looking for rides and better climbers that can take me up harder routes (look at marcs baker nr tr) than what i'm capable of. what you find though after doing that for a while is that YOUR NOT GETTING BETTER. dont confuse luck with skill. anyone can get lucky. for example dont get lucky on a grad 2 and assume your ready for a grade 4 route. sorry for babbling on but hears some random advice... 1. READ, READ, READ!!! i read freedom of the hills, climbing anchors by jon long, rock climbing by john long, and several books on navigation and wfr before even stepping foot into the hills. when I thought i was ready for leading i read advanced rock climbing and several other books on reading. 2. practice all the stuff on the ground. i know it sounds stupid but trust me. for example find a crag that has lots of cracks and practice building anchors and have an experienced climbing evaluate your skills after you've practiced. or go to snoqualmie in spring and practice self arrest, crevasse rescue, etc. 2. Don't take advantage of your partners/mentors...i'm sure you've heard this before but make sure you're kissing their ass. buy gas, bring them booze for after the climb, etc. just make sure you don't do anything stupid, take the heavy load, and make them want to climb with you again. Hope this helps...forums are good places for advice but take everything with a grain of salt and have a fun SAFE time out there.
  3. Condorphamine addiction...open to ideas lets just keep it 5.9 max unless your leading
  4. Anyone want to climb tomorrow...having done anything other than sport the past couple months (i know lame) and looking to get going again. Possibilities are exfoliation west buttress, r&d, castle rock, stuff at index...pm me. The sidewalk may be wet though from the rain so probably not exfoliation dome. Edit: I have a rope/rack all that good stuff just need a ride
  5. Dude if I was going to Norway for a week the last thing I would be worried about is climbing...trust me they have the hottest girls there I've ever seen in my life...unless your married
  6. cbcbd you badass...your on a roll bro!
  7. dude good work! gotta love those alpine anchors!
  8. Andy Samberg's best song/performance ever [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QwM4vXex7c
  9. haha i know it was our theme song for the pp in our africa aid project
  10. Braydon


    I was checking cruise lines because I heard the rates are very cheap right now. I found a Somali cruise package that departs from Sawakin (in the Sudan ) and docks at Bagamoya (in Tanzania ). The cost is a bit high @ 800 per person double occupancy but I didn'’t find it that offensive. What I found encouraging and enlightened is that the cruise is encouraging people to bring their 'high powered weapons' along. If you don’t have weapons you can rent them right there on the boat. They claim to have a master gunsmith on board and will have reloading parties every afternoon. The cruise lasts from 4-8 days and nights and costs a maximum of $3200 per person double occupancy (4 days). All the boat does is sail up and down the coast of Somalia waiting to get hijacked by pirates. Here are some of the costs and claims associated with the package. $800.00 US/per day double occupancy (4 day max billing) M-16 full auto rental $25.00/day, ammo, 100 rounds of 5.56 armor piercing ammo at 15.95 Ak-47 riffle @ No charge, ammo, 100 rounds of 7.62 com block ball ammo at 14.95 Barrett M-107 .50 cal sniper riffle rental 55.00/day, ammo, 25 rounds 50 cal armor piercing at 9.95 Crew members can double as spotters for 30.00 per hour ( spotting scope included). They even offer RPG's at 75 bucks and 200 dollars for 3 standard loads Everyone gets use of free complimentary night vision equipment and coffee and snacks on the top deck from 7pm-6am. Meals are not included but seem reasonable. Most cruises offer a mini-bar... these gung ho entrepreneurs offer......... get this..... "MOUNTED MINIGUN AVAILABLE @ 450.00 per 30 seconds of sustained fire" They advertise group rates and corporate discounts...... and even claim "FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY" They even offer a partial money back if not satisfied....here’s some text from the ad. "We guarantee that you will experience at least two hijacking attempts by pirates or we will refund half your money back including gun rental charges and any unused ammo ( mini gun charges not included).. How can we guarantee you will experience a hijacking? We operate at 5 knots within 12 miles of the coast of Somalia. If an attempted Hijacking does not occur we will turn the boat around and cruise by at 4 knots. We will repeat this for up to 8 days making three passes a day along the entire length ofSomalia. At night the boat is fully lit to attract attention. Cabin space is limited so respond quickly. Reserve your package before Feb 29 and get 100 rounds of free tracer ammo in the caliber of your choice." As if all that isn'’t enough to whet your appetite, there were a few testimonials “I got three confirmed kills on my last trip. I'LL never hunt big game in Africa again. I felt like the Komandant in Schindlers list! …#157;---- Lars , Hamburg Germany "Six attacks in 4 days was more than I expected. I bagged three pirates and my 12yr old son sank two rowboats with the minigun. Well worth the trip. Just make sure your spotter speaks English" JEB, Park City, Montana USA "I haven’t had this much fun since flying choppers in NAM. Don’t worry about getting shot by pirates as they never even got close to the ship, and with those weapons they use, and their shitty aim -- reminds me of a drunken 'juicer' door gunner we picked up from the motor pool back in Nam" -- 'chopper' Dan ----Toledo USA. "Like ducks in a barrel. They turned the ship around and we saw them bleed and cry in the water like little girls. Saw one wounded pirate eaten by sharks -- what a riot!! This is a must do. --- Zeke-Minnahaw Springs Kentucky USA
  11. haha, the departed right? i dont think i've ever seen matt damon swear as much as he did in that movie...great movie though
  12. awesome, rad, sick, sweet...thats all i got
  13. so hows the hangover coming along ivan? best thing to do is just go on a run, work up a good sweat, and just get it all out of your system. You feel like new!
  14. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kxe8R6BhdBQ Another version of that song.
  15. Anyone been around there lately? Know if its dry? Looks like we might be having some nice days starting Sunday.
  16. Yeah I don't think this would work now but when I'm done with track I'll be able to leave at 2:30
  17. 14 for basic but 16 for intermediate
  18. Of course not Marc...I'm probably do all the canadian stuff with you though so I didn't really mention it much.
  19. This is just a random post to say I am always willing to get out if anyone ever needs a last minute partner. I felt like I spent all of last year waiting for climbs to be in rather than just doing what was available at the time and I think I need a new strategy this year. I just want to get out as much as I can between now and october when the rain comes. In early May when track ends, I'll be able to go cragging after school at places like Index and exits. Starting in the summer i'll be available for alpine climbs fulltime. Technicaly I can lead up to 5.8 (follow 5.10a) in the alpine and know glacier travel and crevasse rescue skills. I've done a little alpine ice and am interested in doing some more this year. Some random goals include: Work up to leading 5.10a in the alpine (maybe) Sandy Glacier Headwall Mowich Face Forbidden/Torment Traverse Dragontail Gerber/Sink route Stuart North Ridge Prussik South Face Outerspace Stuart Glacier Couloir/Ice cliff glacier Rexford group Buckner North Face Shuksan North Face Stuff in the Liberty bell group Anyway just keep me in mind when if you are ever looking for a partner for one of these routes. Braydon
  20. Austin Texas actually has some really nice rock climbing...I have some family in Houston and always go there when I visit. Enchanted Rock http://www.rockclimbing.com/routes/North_America/United_States/Texas/South_Central_Texas/Enchanted_Rock_State_Park/ Probably a good 5 hour drive though from New Oreleans. About 3 hours from Houston.
  21. I'd be up for that as well...what time, on average do you plan on leaving?
  22. I've been planning this since last Spring. Thats why I went to Aconcagua, to see how I do at altitude on something non-technical. Alright then, Pink is right about going to cc.com for advice, I guess we'll bring this thread back to life in November then...case closed...later.
  23. bingo...the whole "first" thing helps out with getting the money.
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