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Hugh Conway

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Everything posted by Hugh Conway

  1. No Tina, it's just my way of saying your a whiny little bitch. It appears that was enough to drag him away from his naval gazing for a few minutes
  2. ahh shit - an overhyped weather phenomena not matching up? Oh look, another "storm of the century" in the tropics
  3. as many public schools require vaccination this is not surprising.
  4. You took the opportunity to teach your son the proper use of the pimp hand?
  5. what a fucking cesspool
  6. If he'd returned the jacket to Mountain Hardwear that'd be a different issue.
  7. kevbone level of dumb
  8. That's probably the dumbest thing you wrote. The hundreds of thousands of FoxConn slaves don't count?
  9. gayer than a porter circle jerk
  10. all of the oligrachs who produce your talking points are bought and paid for by china
  11. Reason #34q2498 that Jay_B is fucked. They are more capitalist than he.
  12. or, more accurately, douche nozzle meets douche receptacle KKK doesn't know how to spell Vagina. Who'd have guessed?
  13. I thought he was the guy making the midget beastiality videos?
  14. Not sure who you flew from Krabi but Air Asia and some of the other carriers can be strict about carry-on weight/size requirements (in general most extra-US carriers have stricter weight/size limits and actually enforce them). Air Asia is something like 7kg for a carryon, then you have to pay to check a bag; escalating scale based on weight. Still cheap as chips.
  15. Discount tickets: http://www.liftopia.com/
  16. course you care, you couldn't brag about owning a mac
  17. thanks picasso
  18. Posty election? It's a sum total of actions.
  19. I think they are militantly dumb. See Fairweather.
  20. Amusingly ironic from the ideology currently wishing to change humanity to fit their scripture
  21. We've all seen the Meme Brother's alternative. It usually begins with a good cleansing and goes downhill from there. oddly the "socialist" nations have worked hard to support small towns in the mountains - it's your ilk who kick them in the nuts while feeding them stupid lifestyle caramels
  22. Hugh Conway

    "That's so gay"

    can't help that Nitrox craves big black dick.
  23. Hugh Conway

    "That's so gay"

    And some are just dumb cunts
  24. Nice to see the brainwashing worked The Alps (French, Swiss, Austrian, German, Italian, Slovenian) are the best place in the world for a mountain enthusiast - but intra-Euro immigration has filled their quotas currently(you need a stick to beat off the Scandos and flatlanders); living in a big city with a decent commute to mountains is living in a big city with a decent commute to mountains; whatever the benefits you gain from leaving are offset by the drawbacks of restarting.
  25. Hugh Conway

    "That's so gay"

    dberdinka sleeps on a cock shaped pillow
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