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Hugh Conway

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Everything posted by Hugh Conway

  1. What smells like shit suddenly? You pulled your head out of your ass?
  2. you were always closer to Mark's needs anyways
  3. my GF would go for a cute blonde with curves and ski skills
  4. I'd give a shit what the resource banana republic to the north thinks when they aren't dependent on selling resources to China for China to turn into crap to sell to the rest of the world & themselves
  5. baaaahhhhhhh bleeaaaatttt
  6. It's often the bulk of pay for Firefighters and Policemen. JayB's solution is going to be to hire more.... oh, no, he wants to cut the employment roles! Shouldn't your schadenfreude be directed at Ireland who mortgaged their future to bail out those deserved bankers and now, rightfully, are getting rolled over the coals for their predatory corporate tax rates? Oh, wait, they followed your little economic perscriptions off a cliff. Whoopsie!
  7. got another note you can play?
  8. are you serious? you have only met/only know one person from Pakistan? amazing all the ethnic hate for a country <70 years old. strike strong kkk
  9. Hugh Conway

    uss mt hood

    Fast forward through all but the battle scene and 'Pearl Harbor' is pretty cool too
  10. Hugh Conway


    we're all reporters now
  11. KKK just uses the can
  12. quick links for the ignore list: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/toggleignore/User/18932 http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/toggleignore/User/11907 http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/toggleignore/User/15301
  13. limit Real ( http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/988303/7/Open_Letter_to_CC_moderators_a ) -> 0
  14. No. Some people do take saws backcountry skiing/snowboarding for digging snowpits (avalanche type stuff)
  15. with the right drift on Hood, if you'd set out to dig one, which I can imagine groups doing, you could dig a quite large cave in not that much time. ~6 people or more. at least enough room, and warm enough, for everyone to take off their cloths 8D
  16. Why are complex numbers so difficult for people? action = real number = x talk = imaginary number = y value of sprayer = z = x+iy value of climber = Real(z) or x note that it's entirely possible for a climber to have no spray (y=0) and a sprayer to have no climber (x=0)
  17. I definitely plan on doing that this March in Chamonix! you'd have to be SCJB to find a marked "double black" in Chamonix
  18. Note: This book has little instruction on the mechanics of ski technique. Plenty of tips and tricks for making ski touring more pleasurable, but it won't help you turn in powder. All Mountain Skier & Ultimate Skiing might be more what you are looking for.
  19. is it a surprise that "get laid" hasn't been mentioned yet?
  20. view profile -> ignore this user
  21. dude, PDX hipsters don't eat
  22. surely someone of your talents could get laid off
  23. Long. Picture link: http://tetongravity.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2941664&postcount=4
  24. Hugh Conway


    or get a jar of peanut butter and have your dog neuter you, Aussie style
  25. I love lamp
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