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Hugh Conway

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Everything posted by Hugh Conway

  1. Staring at all of those Mac choices broke your 2 brain cells?
  2. Amen. Marlinspike for untying, use a fid for splicing. Shitty rigging knifes can be picked up on fleabay for a ~$5 delivered.
  3. ttk, kkk was making fun of your gf in the other thread. throw the whale some fish.
  4. Dusting off your spank bank, eh?
  5. Hugh Conway

    LOLZ, who knew?

    ja wohl, mein Fuhrer Corporatism's your fetish
  6. Oh there's a tough sell, but I've been surprised before. haven't the Twilight movies laid the groundwork for that? just print some posters of topless "werewolf" hunks running around
  7. The Olympics are still home to the dumbest Mountain Whitefish known to mankind
  8. I agree, it's going to be cool. Amazing terrain up there. Curious to see what happens to the delta & hook as well.
  9. bizzump! Stimulus funds bring it up to September 2011 for the start!
  10. silly j_b, hookers don't work on 99 until after dark, this is P_P's "private time"... he found an internet connection that takes quarters!
  11. I stand corrected. Though I would contest the inclusion of Silcox Hut, in the middle of a groomed ski run, in this list. Fewer people at tline than doing the muir hut conga. The need for the hut is to reduce impact; the cascades could use a few more selectively, a couple thousand campers a season leaves places looking like shit
  12. A single structure would likely produce less impact than a seasonal horde of tents - Muir isn't exactly a wilderness experience when there's 100s of people trekking up. The whole "less is more" mantra fails with the impact places like Muir receive.
  13. Oddly I always find the cocksuckers in these threads to be the customers. Featheredfriends may not be the most welcoming store on the planet, but they've been a nice dependable store in my experience, and I've spent $$ there and will again.
  14. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/918f1d8e-232e-11e0-b6a3-00144feab49a.html?ftcamp=rss#axzz1BPGDcgxD http://www.contracostatimes.com/news/ci_17135269?nclick_check=1 That's a fairly shitty way to default on compensation; that is the nuevo american way though
  15. Fee's often go up in a recession because there's less tax revenue Honestly the fee, itself, is of minimal concern to me. $10, $20, $100, BFD compared to the whole pain of the permit system itself, which isn't going away.
  16. Hugh Conway


    kevbone's kids will end up better marbled. I luv me some soylent green
  17. that's not whats actually happened, but hey, sounds good
  18. California, New Jersey, Illinois, Mass, etc are hardly the poster children for low taxes, kemosabe. You do realize those are all net-donor states and pay more in income tax to the feeds than they receive in spending? When you receive $.61 of your taxes spent in your state (New Jersey) it doesn't take a genius to see that a couple billion budget deficit would easily be covered. But clearly the only way to the future is tax arbitrage, it's so successful!
  19. aren't you a touron? Especially if you are hitting all of the classic routes?
  20. At least you've stopped the pretense of neutrality. If you'd followed Vallejo you'd note that the bondholders, as most shitbirds do, did better than people Bankruptcy means the states are fucked for borrowing. No new roads, new bridges, new schools. No repairs on the existing ones. "bankruptcy" and the attendant impact on the state would be HUGE - hell, the prospect of such being muted is huge to the bond markets. Bankruptcy does benefit the lawyers though, those "service" employees that Thomas Friedman fellates
  21. Liver failure. one of the other symptons would be irrational confused thought. Coincidence?
  22. Where'd all the people go? You need to adopt the conceit that them slant eyes will never, ever be able to match Amerucuns when it comes to manufacturing* *wait, Jay_B has previously said he'll never buy a car not made in Japan, scratch that.
  23. You must not be an expert.
  24. He got those 2 years ago
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