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Hugh Conway

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Everything posted by Hugh Conway

  1. Hugh Conway

    Fux Freakout

    so you don't know fuck all about Kazakhstan? It's ok, women are less likely to be sexually harassed there than Italy, have better job prospects, and can travel without a male relative! Nice mountains too
  2. Hugh Conway

    Fux Freakout

    Which offers women better social standing and potential for advancement - Muslim Kazakhstan or Catholic Italy? Which has had more terror attacks on it's soil?
  3. Hugh Conway

    Fux Freakout

    You're speaking in cliches and pablum with a view narrowly centered on the Middle East - a minority of the Muslim population in the world.
  4. Hugh Conway

    Fux Freakout

    Ten to one says that says that you are about to have someone demand to know exactly what it is that *you* know about being a woman.... Nah, the easy fruit is why you idiots think the muslim world is homogenous. It's not. Or why the gang raping stoning Hindus get a pass. Is it because you don't know what "eve teasing" is? Muslim hospitality is quite good. Even when the men cook.
  5. just give him some sperm FW - TTK functions on that, dingdongs, and the excrescence of Ariana Huffington
  6. you mean the one that caped sean penn? yeah baby!
  7. you'd be surprised what i can pull off on a related note, san francisco also has the finest church buildering i've ever enjoyed Why such Godless country even bothers with churches I'll never know. Because there's a whole legacy of interesting immigrants before the dumb hippies and yuppies showed up? You know, that culture you prattle on about being awesome.
  8. It's a bitch when the free market decides they want something you don't like, isn't it? Paying a premium for easy access to public transit. Oh dear.
  9. unless you live in VA because the system sucks their because the dumb republifucks from downstate refused to pay for it until recently
  10. Or just buy knicker length pants in the first place: http://www.realcyclist.com/cutter-tech-knickerbocker-mens doesn't drive the blog hits though
  11. kevbone's easily more annoying
  12. damnit, now I feel like I stepped in a great big pile of Dru
  13. So, buy from a local shop you know and trust, or an honest mail order house. Shitty eBay deals and fly by night discounters may not actually be giving you what you want - just what you paid for. Oh, and make shit in China at your own risk. I'm waiting for BD's and K2's comeuppance next. I already have my fake North Face
  14. plenty of small cottage forgers (if that's actually the correct term for this, one wonders if they couldn't meet spec with a decent QC program) in China now with the capability to a decent job in small markets - have been for 5+ years. Course with $100million + in sales, petzl isn't "small"
  15. Well that was Nitrox.
  16. Interesting topic but I'm left wondering if Language will get you banned or if Language posted by me will get me banned. Its not as if offensive language, insults, and personal attacks aren't posted here often. Obviously my post was vulgar but not extraordinary judging by some of the posts in Spray. Its strange that "flapping cunt" is over the line but not "Alright, You Faggots", "can't help that Nitrox craves big black dick.", or "JewPR". If I didn't know better I'd swear that you have a personal problem with me and are making it public instead of addressing the issue privately (Which I think would have netted a more positive result). I can accept that what I said was a ban'able offense but does that mean moving forward the rules will be applied evenly regardless of the side you're on? Maybe Admins would like to weigh in on the topic, is the 'swamp getting drained' or have we found a petty new low? quit yer flapping, cunt
  17. Hugh Conway

    Fux Freakout

    kkk getting cockslapped doesnt count as violence
  18. Off White - toss mr cock in a pot and I'll give you some soup
  19. you've never had fresh grilled cock? goddamn that shit is good. Ask your wife about grilled rooster
  20. all I read was warm cock
  21. Hugh Conway

    Fux Freakout

    based on memory Jay_B was for afghansitan and iraq. you know, huge violent wastes of money
  22. There was a train to El Portal. It went under because -Massive Federal water project forced them to relocate lines -Convict labor (i.e subsidies) built a road roughly paralell -Big Ass War placed other demands on resources. In other news an A380 is the cheapest per passenger/km to fly; for some strange reason airlines aren't buying them to fly from Portland to Seattle.
  23. Hugh Conway

    Fux Freakout

    duh, suicide bombers are poor
  24. Jay_B has big problems picking a side in the Opium Wars.
  25. So it's more you can be banned for being an annoying twat? I'm cool with that.
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