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Everything posted by hafilax

  1. I could go for a less spooky snow pack.
  2. Love was in Hole. This is what Shirley Manson would have to say for confusing them
  3. "Hey Cap'n Jack, why you got that wheel in your pants?" "Aaarr, I don't know but it's drivin' me nuts."
  4. How about the gas powered blender?
  5. I'm just an anchor in search of a sliding ex.
  6. I know some exercises that will improve the back paw-work.
  7. It played in youtube. I guess embedding was disabled for that one. Here's another try with a live version. xJEQBVLqGFU
  8. PscogedAWTI Maybe I'll actually get some work done on my thesis.
  9. Dude, I still can't hear the ocean.
  10. If you drop everything I'm not sure I'd want you as a partner.
  11. hafilax

    Animal Fat

    That and she comes from Caerbannog.
  12. hafilax

    Animal Fat

    Warming up for Thanksgiving? duck... duck... ... GOOSE!
  13. Nice work on yet another FA Dru and Doug. What made you decide to avoid the headwall cracks?
  14. There's a story of Kate (AKA hold2please) on RC.com taking a huge fall as a result of girth hitching screamers to rivet hangers. After a string of rivets her next hanger fell apart and she took a whipper. As she weighted each rivet the screamer activated, ripped to the end and then the sling sheared off of the rivet hanger. This happened for like 12 rivets until she came to a stop. So yeah, girth hitching a sling to a nut would be a bad idea. And bounce test those rivet hangers on the ground. As for hard-hard connections I think the issue is torquing the biners if things are too rigid. This isn't an issue with biners on bolts because of the geometry but it does make back-clipping an issue on bolts whereas it isn't really an issue with gear placements IMO. (And one more for effect ISSUE)
  15. Will McCain die before the end of the next term (as president or not)?
  16. What about all of the art that has been inspired by war? Art and culture draw people. Do you think that people live in New York because they love the crowds? There is a lot going on there artistically. A part of the goal of public art works is to draw tourists and more importantly permanent residents. There is a financial payoff from having a globally recognized art instillation or even overall cultural draw. People plan vacations around architecture. I went to the EMP partially to see what the hell was inside the melted jelly bean and discovered that the inside is far more appealing and will return because it is interesting. For many, art is business. The real question is when is art compromised by business.
  17. I don't think it's a good idea. Dyneema can slice through nylon at pretty moderate loads. It's a really low stretch material and when it is tied all of the force is taken up by the strands with the longest path length. This can create incredible pressures that will cut into whatever it's tied to. There was a recent incident where a dyneema sling cut through a nylon sling in a top rope setup IIRC. I think is was a route cleaning situation. This is why BD didn't go with extendable slings on the C4s. They found that the double wrap destroyed the plastic coating on the loops at forces common in big falls (again IIRC). I also think that it will clutter things up more than just carrying a couple of quickdraws. How often do you place every cam on your rack and extend them all? I'd rather carry a couple of slings over the shoulder with a single biner for a quick and easy minimal cam extender.
  18. Science is boring and pointless. At least when the experiment you've been working on for the last 8 years still isn't working but that may just be me. Maybe something will blow up in the lab today.
  19. The difficulty in defending Evolution vs. Creationism is that there is a somewhat agreed on version of the theory of evolution whereas the defenders of creationism never really describe their theory in any fashion. I just assume they agree with what can be found at Answers in Genesis. I spent like an hour yesterday reading some of their stuff. It is actually a pretty fair comparison of evolution and creationism in that they describe the assumptions of each. The fundamental differences are twofold IMO. The creationists take the Bible to be an eye witness account of the creation of the earth (which is a leap of faith I will never take). The other major difference (and how they defend the 6,000 year old earth) is what they call uniformism. Evolutionists believe that the age of the earth can be estimated using observed processes of rock formation and metamorphosis such that they are constant through time (uniformism) whereas creationists believe that god caused catastrophic events (such as the great flood) that short circuited the changes in the earth. Again I am a uniformist. I can understand the willing skepticism of the faithful but really it is only faith that can make creationism seem at all logical. This is why all of these arguments are fruitless because you're not going to turn an atheist into a Christian or vice-versa through arguing about evolution. Creationism is very good at pointing out the predictions of Evolution that aren't 100% agreed on but their answer is always "Because that was the way god did it." which is fine for the believer but it doesn't really help the non believer. Personally I think that having whales evolve from a land mammal is far cooler that god putting them in the ocean from the beginning. As for teaching creationism in science class; that would require asserting that the Bible is a factual account of the creation of the earth which is not a part of the scientific method. Why not make it part of Sunday school? I really think that creationism will weaken faith in the long run because it is so far fetched. Come on, man living with dinosaurs? Having gone to church 5 days a week at an Anglican private school I can tell you nothing wrenched Christianity out of my life as effectively as listening to the stories of the Bible every day.
  20. I recently read a paper that also predicts a cooling trend for a decade or so based on new ocean current data. This isn't going to be good for the global warming debate. I still stand by the conviction that we must reduce consumption regardless of climate change arguments.
  21. Bring on the Higgs. Hawking is betting they won't find it.
  22. The WC's are 50g lighter for the largest few sizes so I would say that the set will be quite a bit lighter.
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