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Everything posted by Maine-iac

  1. Well I am deeply sorry to hear what happened to these folks. If I had known that something was going on so close to me I would have rushed over to help. Again, I'm sorry for everybody's loss. RIP
  2. I was up on Devil's Kitchen yesterday morning. Was on top around 10am. We left Timberline parking lot around 230 or so and it was still very nice. There was a light wind the entire climb, but nothing major. The snow conditions were fantastic. Some clouds had blown in by 330 or so. I saw a group of people at I-saddle maybe around 430 or so.
  3. I am free from thursday to thursday. Call me up. I'll put in that boot pack for ya. I aint scared of a little wallowing.
  4. If I wanted to get on Jefferson right now. Where I am looking at starting my approach from? I don't see any snow parks along 22 (towards Marion Forks).
  5. It was in the teens with up to gale force winds which means that the wind chill would freeze anything not already frozen in minutes. All of T-line was on wind hold today.
  6. No slowshoes needed. Never steeper than 50.
  7. Thanks. Those pics helped. It is looking chilly up there this weekend? Anybody going up?
  8. How was the Steel Cliff headwall looking? Is that where your second picture is looking at? You should have skirted around it (Steel Cliff headwall) to climbers right then gone up (Wy' East) if my memory is correct.
  9. Something like that?
  10. You should be fine. Conditions on the Reid were fine. Didn't even get the ropes out. Even as the day warmed not a lot of stuff was coming down on us and there were no large runnels forming up on the route. The upper sections of the Queens chair is probably rimed up, but that should not be much of an issue. Leutholds was my first non-southside route.
  11. I was up on the Reid yesterday morning. We tried to do the entire thing topping out near the Queens Chair, but we managed to top out around the middle of the West Crater Rim (right before it turns to rime cliffs). There is now an amazing boot pack up the entire thing as 5 people were on it that day. Yesterday it was in skiing condition with only one thin/icy section. I would have skied it but lugging all that ski and climbing stuff up there tired me out. Super clear night walking up under the almost full moon. We saw many shooting stars and a brilliant sunrise. A little windy up top, but fantastic conditions for skiing down!! Since somebody asked earlier about I-Rock; it was looking thiner than in Joe's picture.
  12. There is a third vote for the Garmonts! They are a rockin' boot. And same with the VCT. I just mentioned that in another thread, it is a sick ski. I love my Line Prophet 100s; if I ever get a different ski (other than powder sticks) it will be a pair of the 4FRNTs.
  13. I have a few buddies that just kill it with the 4frnt VCT. It is a sick ski. I have the Line Prophet 100s and love them. It is my second pair of Prophets that's how much I love them. How hard to do you ski? Many of these companies have two similar models with one being for the ripping skier the other for the casual one. I also know a few people that rock the BD Kilowatts and love them.
  14. I have a pair of Leverlock Sarkens, and the leverlock thingy hits the walk mode on my boots. I think the Flexlock (or whatever that rubber cage thing is called) should work on 'em.
  15. Dynfit has now come out with a DIN rated binding. You can get some bomber boots to fit that system. I have the Fritchi (SP) Explores and have mixed feelings about them. I think they are a little mushy for the skiing I do. I have the Garmont Radiums and love them. I could easily climb most routes on Hood with them. The one thing I ran into was my crampons dont fit the ski boot because of its walk-mode switch, so i have to buy another pair of crampons. Think about what counterfit asked... Do you want to ski or climb? When I ski, I have a pair of rondo boots. When I climb, I climb in my Nepals, and probably approach on slow-shoes.
  16. As a college student with little funds, I eat pancakes probably twice a week, baked beans and eggs the other few nights, then one good meal lasting for two days; all to save money for gas. And while I manage to get out fairly often, and people sometimes ask how I manage to be buying gear it is because I try and cut back on other costs. My lights are always off in my house, I don't turn the heat on, and I eat pancakes more than anybody I know. I have only started my outdoor escapades in the last few years so I have had to buy everything so I appreciate what Dane is trying to do. I would ask of you more experienced folk, not so much for gear, but for the chance to get out with some of you guys in the hills and pick up what 30+ years of climbing can teach me.
  17. AMEN Billy!
  18. SICK Skiing yesterday!!! 7 hours worth of hiking up Hoodoo ski resort and shredding the gnar.
  19. Hoodoo wasn't too bad. Only one core shot for me and one for my buddy I came from Eugene, so with Hood being that close to PDX, Hoodoo is NOT worth your drive.
  20. I went skiing today!!! Hiked for my turns at Hoodoo. Why is Katahdin closed in April?
  21. Possibly, the freezing level is supposed to be around 12k tomorrow and wednesday, and it was 40 degrees at T-line this morning. It looks like some more flakes are in the forecast for the end of the week. It is too bad that it rained after we got that 20 inches of snow the other week, that would have been a nice base. It is still early....
  22. God Damn what a bad time to be having mid terms!!!! I have no classes tomorrow, but have to prepare for them. Damn!!!! Good work guys, great pics!
  23. I have never skied Katahdin, just been up there in the summer. Fat skis will turn heads, aswell as a BC setup. I went around to a few ski stores and asked if they had Garmont or BD boots, and they had no idea what I was talking about. Different culture.
  24. Mmmmmm skiing.... It won't be a bumper year, its always good. Katahdin is harder to get into than getting into the Sisters (unless you are going at North in full on winter). Sugarloaf got dumped on last winter. I skied a 30+ inch storm over winter break. I was the only person on 100mm skis.
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