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Everything posted by Maine-iac

  1. Congrats man, amazing effort. Want to give a winter traverse a go?
  2. How slow can you walk? People go out for multiple days at a time and do all three. There is not enough snow for it to be skiable until spring, or winter (can't really get in there in the winter though.) Those guys run it. And run it fast.
  3. Maine-iac

    Pig Roast

    Bomber site Gary. Thanks.
  4. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J835dwG6Mbc These guys just came through Eugene, with many other west coast stops along the way. Totally sick crew and footage. Make the effort to see 'em and support the backcountry guys.
  5. Maine-iac

    Pig Roast

    The keg (quality, local beer) is as mandatory as the pig is. Next weekend will be a good one....
  6. Maine-iac

    Pig Roast

    Anybody ever done one before? I just put in an order for a 50lb hog and was wondering if people had any tips out there.
  7. Was on Serpt arete on friday and found a camera off one of the belay ledges, it looked like it had just fallen out of a pocket. it works and has pics on it. Tell me the type of camera/what ya look like and we can discuss how to get it back to you.
  8. Julbo glasses are bomber.
  9. I've used a Vision Fitness (I can probably find the exact model # if you really care) one for a good amount of time. It works fine. It doesn't have a HR monitor or weird bells/whistles like that (I have a real HR monitor so I don't care.) I found that for actual running it was better to just go outside because my stride was longer than the treadmill, but walking and cooling down after a run was great on it. And hell, I have had SOs get on my case for wanting to peace out and go skiing or climbing on MY birthday.
  10. Just wondering, but when was that photo taken? The Gates have not looked like that for the last few years....
  11. Braided or anabranching stream bed (from meltwater)? What was the surrounding area like? Was it in a Cirque, or other similar feature? Sorry I am not familiar with this area.
  12. The only snow on South is in the crater; other than that it will be dry, very dry.
  13. I'm thinking of heading though Montana heading West in a few weeks... I'd love to climb some.
  14. There is camping at Moraine Lake; above that I believe it is all a pristine area and no camping allowed. Well... people bivy on the top... Moraine Lake is very pretty and is roughly halfway from the car to the top.
  15. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dHoH2mUkbU Powderwhores!
  16. Claim is easily one of the best ski films out there. Nice turns Feck.
  17. Winter is on its way! [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eHSh93zbZY [video:youtube] Get STOKED for it!!
  18. Permit for what?
  19. Always settle for Aconcagua?? Josh you need to learn some respect. Mountains, and your choices in them, could kill you in a minute. How are you expecting to get up Aconcagua or Denali if you are having issues on much smaller mountains? You should re-read all 9 pages and your other various posts and see what other vastly more experienced people are suggesting to you.
  20. Josh, I have a feeling you don't quite understand why people are getting on your case. It is not about your physical speed, it is about the choices that you have made in the past. I would encourage you to do your homework on the mountains. Know the ins and outs of them; and while you are doing that get to know the ins and outs of yourself, both mentally and physically. I feel that if you rounded out your passion and enthusiasm, you could be a very good climber. Just like you, I love the mountains and all of the freedoms associated with them, but everything is connected together. I spend time making sure I am physically fit, knowing the route, knowing how to drive there, knowing the weather, and I spend time keeping up with my technical skills, both from readings and from teaching and taking classes. I make sure that I am an asset to my partners, because your life is held by them, and you hold theirs. The more effort you put into the time not spent in the mountains, the more enjoyable your time will be in the mountains, because you will be able to do what you want.
  21. They are allowed to be unroped. ask 'em.
  22. They are still technically under the same solo guidelines as everybody else. If there is an accident which requires a ranger on the upper mountain, and there is only one ranger at Muir, then they might be able to get a quick solo permit, but technically they are have to have the permit. Rangers are not required to be roped up on glaciers on the upper mountain though.
  23. Good to know! Did you come back the S. E. ridge? How is the downclimbing at the top section of it?
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