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Everything posted by Maine-iac

  1. The Ingraham direct is probably out. I came down it two weeks ago, and the snow bridges were small, and the cracks are LARGE. The ladder which was used by the guides has also been taken out now. You probably want to try to get on F. Finger ASAP if it is still in. When I was up there it was out of condition for skiing, and I think starting to go that way for climbing.
  2. Did the guy soloing look like a total bum with long blond hair? And probably wearing chacos.
  3. Hey I was up on Hood this sunday, and my petzl glacier axe fell off my pack on the way down. I was below crater rock when it happened, but I am not too sure where exactly. If anybody found it please let me know and you would make my day!!! (209) 613 7800 Thanks guys!!
  4. Hey I was up on Hood this sunday, and my petzl glacier axe fell off my pack on the way down. I was below crater rock when it happened, but I am not too sure where exactly. If anybody found it please let me know and you would make my day!!! (209) 613 7800 Thanks guys!!
  5. I am a geography major and have now taken 4 GIS oriented classes. The stuff is fairly easy to figure out once you have an understanding of what you actually want to do. I probably spend the most time trying to figure out how to get the software to do the things that I want it to do e.g selecting out slopes or aspects.
  6. It was hard finding avalanche data for Mt. Hood. Unless somebody is caught in a slide they tend to go unreported. I have seen crowns to lookers left of Crater Rock, which is identified on my map as an area of High risk, so something must be right!
  7. Here is my final project. Avalanche Map *don't die using this map.
  8. I do not remember many skiers up there Letsroll, I talked with one guy for a little while who had skis. I would hope I would have remembered seeing someone in shorts! But I tried to get down as fast as possible (I managed to sit on my shovel and do all of palmer-Tline in 40 mins or so!) because I had class at 10am that morning. So it was just a quick jaunt to the mountains! You do get some good looks when people ask why you look so haggard and you tell 'em you just pulled a 24 hour stint cus you climbed a mountain. Bruckie, good to have met you. But to be honest I can not remember where.
  9. Bruckie, did you see a guy in a red jacket (solo) coming down from the old chute around 445am? I was on the hogsback by 5am.
  10. A brilliant idea just occurred to me.... Put a beer or two in the parking lot, put a beer or two at I-rock (or the rocks above Palmer, so you don't have to go to I-rock), and then finally at the hogsback. It would be like an AWESOME treasure hunt!
  11. Typically what I do, i've skied 3 times off of the summit, is get up to the top just before the sun hits the hogsback (smc007's times seem about right). If you plan on skiing the old chute, by the time the sun hits the hogsback, that typically means that the old chute has had about 45 mins worth of sun on it. This is condition/avy dependent!! If I am worried about that whole slope ripping away the second the sun touches it, I am either at home, or I skied it before the sun gets on it. Watch the temps/freezing levels closely leading up to your climb, I have found everything from awesome corn to boilerplate hardpack on that slope. Once that slope has been skied, I ski down to the hogsback and wait, the longer the better. Sometimes I bring a beer or two up and HIDE it in the snow, up on the hogsback. It is a good way to kill some time!
  12. I have a Sony cybershot DSWC (or some combination of that) 120, and while it takes good photos, I find that it is a very "soft" camera. Meaning, that it is ment for inside use and not "throw in jacket pocket or pants pocket" and get on with your sports. I managed to tweak the lense just by leaning on it.
  13. Good conditions up there this morning. I heard stuff falling and cracking a few times, but never actually saw anything come down; granted I was at the summit at 4, and off soon there after. There were a ton of people up there!!!!!!!! I counted 30 at the Hogsback area by 5am, and another 30 or so on their way up! I did a little "exploring" in the Gates area. I wanted to climb one of the gates ice falls, but right as I hit the Hogsback a cloud sat ontop of it, so the vis went to nill. I ended up climbing straight off of the end of the Hogsback, to the left of the Gates. I topped out on one of those pillar thingys, but thankfully it connected to another snice pitch, which lead to the summit.
  14. Fantastic report man. One of the better South Side TR to date, your pics are stellar as well. If you go back and look at probably the three most recent trip reports from Hood you will see that they all include a run in with the Mazamas of some sort. I have been up Hood twice this year and both times it has been a cluster fuck of some sort. I witnessed the same thing you did, although I still feel it was a 10 person rope team not two 5s, on the Old Chute route. I have mixed feelings on the issue: First I am stoked that they are getting people outside, I think that is a wonderful thing in this day-and-age. But I agree that the manor in which they do it in is not very safe IMHO. I feel that there is a time and a place for learning these mountaineering techniques, and that pitch before the summit on Hood is neither. There are many other suitable slopes on Hood in which to practice rope team travel, which are not in the way of other people. Would other care to weigh in on this? TCK, there is some dialog between some Mazama members and others in my Hood TR. Also just wondering, is the 12 person party rule in effect for Hood?
  15. I found this article while doing research for my own project. It is about predicting avalanches on Mt. Hood's South Side. Mt. Hood GIS For a final project for one of my classes I am making a similar map, encompassing the entire mountain, but I am not using on the fly weather information. I hope to show areas of risk based on slope and aspect (relating to the wind) and possibly one other feature (any ideas?). Then overlay the climbing routes onto the map to attach a human element to the project. I would love any feedback on this idea, and if the finished product looks half-way presentable maybe i'll post it.
  16. wait till you step up to the dark side and try AT gear. You will be saying it will take some convincing for you to do the SS with out skis That was a big reason why we had sleds!! That was my first summit without skis and I was not about to walk down. AT is the way to go. . . My heel has been freed, and it still clicks in every time I go down!
  17. Maine-iac

    Climbing Hood

    There are some good talks in the Oregon Forum list about what things are like. You can also find some current pics of the upper section in the Main forum and the Oregon forum. Just watch the weather, mainly the temps and sunrise time, and plan accordingly. It seems a lot of ice was coming down this weekend, which makes sense because freezing levels went up to like 12 or 13k over the weekend; so bring a helmet (duhh).
  18. I was up on N. Sister this weekend (not climbing it, just above treeline for the weekend) There were a ton of wet snow slides coming off of N. Sister and apparently some large ones off of the east face of Middle. The snow was SUPER soft, and was starting to get soft by 530/6am or so. I never had a super close look at S. Sister just because I was far away, but it looked like there were a few rock patches. Here is a photo taken on Saturday.
  19. If you saw the ice coming down, why didn't you look up and have a chat with me??? I was solo after all and hadn't really chatted with anyone that day! (there is some humor in that, so don't take too literally). On the way up the old chute I was hit in the face with a chunk of ice by a group not yelling ice when they knocked larger sizes down, and as you guys were new I wanted to let you know what was happening above you. As an FYI I skipped out on the line that I actually wanted to ski to save you guys from the ice fall. Also, I will charge that line as hard as the next person will, so a lack of balls wasn't really the issue. Glad that you got up there, and hopefully you enjoyed yourself so that you will do it again!!!
  20. 6 miles and 5k vert gained in 3 hours? By that math you can do the South Side of Hood in 1.5 hours, since it is half the distance. And this does not look class 2 to me....
  21. I had full avy gear; a few solo attempts I have joined up with other people, and its nice to have that stuff. And I figured I wouldn't be the only person with a beacon, so if something happened I'd rather have one than not. I got there around 4pm, so sorry I missed you; And I also saw a number of people with sleds. The snow was starting to soften up a fair amount, but I was out of liquids so instead of waiting around I peaced out. The gates are totally do-able(!!!) I was bummed my pons wern't fitting well. I gave the right gully a few goes but it wasn't going to happen.
  22. I didnt finish the gates because for some lame reason my crampons dont fit super tightly to my boots. I have the flicklock ones and they dont lock all the way because of the walk feature of my boots. I had only one "tool" (BD Venom) and my glacier ax; but it was the crampon issue that kept me off of them There was also a group from Northern Idaho college or something up there, so they might have been the ones in the mega team. Not sure though. I brought all of the gear one would need for a rescue/ team travel. So I had a 30m rope, pickets/ screws and what else one carries for that stuff. I figured that if for some reason I had to bail out of a weird spot that I would just rap out, so if shite hit the fan for somebody else I would not be completely useless in helping out.
  23. Trip: Mt. Hood - Date: 5/10/2009 Trip Report: This is my last free weekend before my summer adventures and I vowed to ski the Pearly Gates this year, so that was the main goal of the trip. I also wanted to check out the Reid Headwall as it looks really fun! Was skinning by 215am or so, and reached I Rock by 5am; changed out the skis for the 'pons, and dropped of the backside of the saddle. Right away I was wallowing in the snow we got earlier on in the week. I managed to traverse, to the start of the route, and up about 20m. I was a little worried about the berg that was covered up, but either the snow was deep enough that I walked right over it, or I just went above it. Full moon over I- Rock Looking up towards the Headwall How many people can you count? I counted 40. This is ONE rope team, with two people either way out front or in the very back, cant remember. After spending way to long and not going anywhere I retraced my steps, and headed over to the hogsback. Since I had not been able to get a straight answer about the pearly gates, I decided to climb up and have a look. The left gully had about an 8 foot step up And the right one had about a 25 foot 40 degree ice/rime ramp After not being able to climb that, I down climbed back to the Hogsback, traversed over to the old chute route then toped out. When I wanted to ski down, that mega-rope team was starting their downclimb, which annoyed me because I dont like it when I get hit with falling ice, so I tried to yell down to them that I was going to drop in. Of course they never heard, and after a few sprays of ice to try and get their attention I said screw it and dropped in. The ski on the was great, it was hard to hold an edge though so you had to be careful. I skied over to the west crater route and skied that. That was quite nerve racking, it was a good 60 degrees of VERY hardpacked snow. Once back in the T-Line resort I found a few new features to play on! With my pack on I was getting up to the lip, and at the end is a nice quarter pipe. Overall it was a good day, and I added about an extra mile to the standard S. Side because of all of the randomness that I did. Gear Notes: Without the skis my pack weighed 23 pounds!!! WTF did I have in it.
  24. Went up yesterday, got there around 4pm and drank some beer. Didnt sleep at all, and started climbing at the normal climbing hour. I wanted to do the Reid Headwall but that didnt happen. DEEP snow. I managed to put in a solo boot pack for the traverse leading to the start of the climb. Then I hiked all the way to crater rock, up the hogsback and went to look at the gates. I was going to ski them after doing the headwall; and boy and I glad that I did not drop in blind!! Climbers left gully has a 8' ice step (if it were 5 foot or smaller I woulda just dropped it) climbed up into the right gully got halfway up and found a large (25 foot) long 40 degree or so ice ramp. It was made of blue ice and rime. Downclimbed all the way back to the hogsback, cut up high and got on the old chute route. Summited way to late! Well.... not late by a skiers perspective. There was a group of clowns (Mazamas I think) who had 10 people all on one rope holding up the old chute for a HUGE chunk of time, luckily I missed it by dicking around in the gullies. but ran into them on the way down. So I did what any skier would do (already mentioned above!!!!), and sent a few sprays of snice down on them to get their attention to let them know that I wanted to drop and not wait 30 mins. I will post a TR with mainly photos so people can see what the conditions were like. But overall the snow seemed solid (with respect to avy (I made a few hard cuts above the Mazamas)) Lots of post holing through the 20 inches that they got earlier on.
  25. When it rains it snows in the mountains. That gets me through almost every storm, except the ones where the freezing level is at like 8k, then I just stomp around and swear.
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