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Everything posted by Peakpimp

  1. Anyone want to get out and climb on something tomorrow? Ice? Alpine? I was considering maybe heading up to Chair Peak to solo it if anyone might like to join me I wouldn't mind some company. I'm up for anything really, and will gladly drive/lead/carry gear or whatever needs to be done. Shoot me a PM and we can exchange some suggestions. -Josh
  2. That was totally awesome! I can't wait for alpine rock season!
  3. I still love my Ecrin Roc. Dated but still awesome.
  4. How awful, a true inspiration, may he rest in peace.
  5. So that caught your eye too, I want in on that action!
  6. The most awesome video I think I've ever seen.
  7. Way cool! I've read the Climbers Training Manual word doc you wrote many times over. Can't wait get a copy!
  8. Anyone want to get out this wednesday (10/28)? I'd be up for a trip to the coleman seracs for some sweet early season ice primers or anything else someone might have in mind. Shoot me a pm and we can discuss logistics. -Josh
  9. I have this upcoming sunday off anyone want to go climbing or perhaps carpool down to the Rainier Mtn Fest? -Josh
  10. Sup with the belayer? Too distracted to pull up the slack?
  11. I'm down! Weather permitting of course
  12. One more bump to the top. Also one more day added. I'm now seeking a partner/partners for sept 3-6 (Thurs-Sun). Camping in L-worth? Road trip to City of Rocks? 4 days at Wa pass or in the Pine? Simply cragging any one day? Shoot me a pm I'm up to climb anything. -Josh
  13. Bump again. One more day added, got Thurs,Fri,Sat (Sept. 3/4/5) off. Trip to Wa Pass? Extended Alpine Adventure? Any Takers? -Josh
  14. Bump! Found partner for one weekend one more to fill so far. I'm also looking for a Cragging partner for this friday 8/21 to warm up for my alpine trip next week.
  15. I've seen that bike before Ponderosa. What a badass machine!
  16. Wow the rock strata up there are really wild! Very cool.
  17. After much arm twisting and teeth pulling I've finally convinced my employer to schedule me with two consecutive days off each week for alpine pursuits. So far my upcoming weekends are Aug. 24/25 and Sept. 4/5. I'd especially like to get out for some alpine adventures. My list of pursuits still contains basic Nelson Selected Climbs fare but I also have a huge desire to accompany you on your obscure project. I have a rack and a Jeep that I'll gladly drive anywhere, just no regular partner as his priorities have shifted from climbing to keeping his girlfriend off his back just long enough to squeeze in 18 holes of frisby golf. PM me and we can definitely get together for a day of cragging next week maybe sunday (8/16) or friday (8/21) and see how it goes. Peace -Josh
  18. I've been a motorcyclist since I was just a wee little one. My mom would prop me up on the gas tank and putt around the yard when I was just a toddler. All of my family vacations as a child were taken on the back of my parents motorcycles, my sister on the back of one, me on the other. Once I was old enough I just bought my own. Still after years of riding experience I always equate the craziness of whatever I happen to be doing at the time to the scariest moments I've had cycling, such as riding home from Marysville to Seattle in a snowstorm with no glasses (after they fogged up), and going 155 mph on some deserted backcountry road. Whenever I find myself in a hairy situation I think well at least its not as crazy as (fill in random scary motorcycle incident here). Although I was taught well that there is a time and place for everything so for the most part I just putt around town, which has afforded me 20 years of riding with only a small handful of close calls. I have non-climbing friends that think climbing is some of the most stupid, crazy stuff you can do, and I have climbed with people who say they would never touch a motorcycle with a ten foot pole. I've always thought, "well if climbers think motorcycling is so dangerous than it must be, more so than climbing." Ironically my mom has since told me that she always worries more about me when I'm out motorcycling than she does when I'm out climbing. Speaking of which, I am looking for motorcycle/climbing partners to go for a nice ride with out to the crags for some climbing. Coincidentally most climbing destinations also happen to feature some of the best motorcycle riding around to access them.
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