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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. Feel better, Rob. Sending hugs your way. Loved your trip report and it won't be long until you're posting more of them so hang in there. And take care of yourself too, Cassie!
  2. That's awful. Feel better and take care.
  3. I can't get past 20. It shouldn't be this hard. I'm assuming you have to reflect the various colors on the same mirrors/benders you use to get the two whites to the prism, but it's just not working
  4. I'm sick and exhausted and thought I'd give it a try before bedtime. I glanced at the clock after starting to play. One freaking fifty freaking three in the morning. You suck, snowboy.
  5. I finished what needed to be finished so I'm a free woman right now, but since I get totally addicted to stuff like that I have yet to download. Are you still going at it?
  6. Come, Bri! I've got a babysitter for the kiddos so I don't have to be home at any certain time. Would love to see you!
  7. Thanks snoboy! I did not know that. BTW, you still playing that game?
  8. I was just telling him the title I'd used since he said he didn't know what search terms to use. I'm sure he would have never found it unless I'd called it The Wind, but then that would have given the entire thing away. I thought it was very clever. Wish more ad agencies would do stuff like that.
  9. I posted it a couple of months ago here with the title Cool German Commercial.
  10. We used to be the Indians a long time ago but that offended some people. Then we became the Cardinal (color) and I'm sure others are offended by that. The tree is on the school's crest and is also the mascot that dances around with the LSJUMB (marching band which was so fun to be a member of.) And yes, Minx, we are quite clever
  11. Although both teams suck, my alma mater beat Cal in The Big Game today. About time. Go Cardinal! IaHywTO6Fcs
  12. rmncwrtr

    It's Snowing!

    My kids wore rally jammies (turned inside out and backwards) to bed last night so that it would snow. They screamed when the white stuff started to fall. Next thing I know they've got their boots on and winter gear and are heading out the door. My son said in a few hours he would be able to ski down the driveway. I had to explain that wasn't going to happen. We just picked up their new skis yesterday.
  13. rmncwrtr


    So true. Of the three moods (horny, hungry, sleepy) you mentioned earlier, Minx, as long as you take care of the first, the other two don't really matter and it's pretty smooth sailing.
  14. So CP, exactly how long have you been playing?
  15. Ask and ye shall receive, Sherri. ABCFAM 39 Mon, Dec 3 8:00 PM Year Without a Santa Claus ABCFAM 39 Sat, Dec 8 2:30 PM Year Without a Santa Claus Year Without a Santa Claus is hubby's fave, too. He sings that Heat Miser song all year long. I couldn't find the other ones yet, but will look for them when I have a little more time.
  16. Sorry, but the camera goes everywhere with me, John. You of all people should know by now But I don't have to take your picture. At least not when you're looking
  17. [lalalalalala] I can't hear you, Snoboy [/lalalalalala]
  18. Haha! See Ivan. People need advance notice! Thanks Geoff, looking forward to meeting you.
  19. I shouldn't have even looked. I've got a project due in a couple of days. Thank goodness you have to download or I'd be in trouble.
  20. rmncwrtr


    That was a great linky, Sherri. I'm still feeling and that made me I loved the she said, he said take on things.
  21. Enjoy SLC, Mike. I hope you find everything you're looking for there. So glad I got to meet you in person and bump into you again at the ice fest. You give great hugs Hope you find some gorgeous Utah ski bunny/climber girl to share them with!
  22. Oh, boy. You and my hubby. Poor guys work so hard and we wifeys blow it on four legged creatures. But we love you for it :kisss: We spent something like 2K on my glowing Hyper-T kitty earlier this year with all the tests, isotope treatment and followup, but it cured her so was worth it. Her brother has the same thing, but not as bad as she was, so hubby put his foot down (only for now, I'm hoping) about getting him the radioactive treatment.
  23. Shrek the Halls and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas are on ABC at 8 pm and 8:30 for those with kids and/or are kids at heart
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