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Everything posted by Clavote

  1. "Hello Onstar, I locked my keys in my tent"
  2. You must have meant to post that on the PETA board. Stupid humans! One question: Why didn't the dog run down to timberline lodge, through the front lobby and up to the front desk and bark like Lassie until the front desk lady says's "what's wrong boy?", your owners are in a snow cave at 8300 feet near IS" "bark, bark" "we'll follow you boy, take us to your owners" And then the calvary shows up with hot cocoa and a free cat ride down to the lodge for a press conference? Maybe it's not a mountain breed like that huge St. Bernard dog that I've seem roaming timberline in years past.
  3. I wonder if they will be embarrassed? When something goes wrong, my first thought is "man, this is going to be embarrasing" "people are going to think I'm stupid". The possibility of embarassment has been a good incentive not to do stupid things. Natural Selection never takes a break.
  4. I thought journalism was an honorable profession that people would still do even if the profit motive was eliminated. And that they were objective and "Fair and Balanced"tm. I am dreaming!
  5. How does your MLU work when you're alone? I solo a lot and something like an MLU is dead weight for me. In trips to Alaska I take a PLU which is similar to a boat EPIRB. Uses the same satellite frequencies and contacts SAR via the same satellites. In Alaska this seems to work real well for people in the bush. MLUs are more like avalanche beacons. Nice if you have a bunch of other people around with probes and shovels.
  6. I could see myuself voting for McCain in years past, but now his whole facade is falling apart and he just looks almost like a flip flopper. Worse, he looks hypocritical when he hires the same people who smeared him in his last presidential bid. If you can't beat them....just drop your morals and join them!
  7. Clavote


    There's nothing I like better than an un-referenced citation of outrageously unbelievable statistics. I'll just deal with a couple of numbers here. That's all that's needed to nuke the credibility of the rest. Ready, kiddies? Illegals kill 12 people a day? That's 4380 a year. From theFBI website: "National Volume, Trends, and Rates The UCR Program’s homicide data for 2004 showed that for the first time in 4 years, the estimated number of murders in the United States decreased. An estimated 16,137 persons were murdered nationwide," That would mean that illegals committed 4380/16,137, or 27% of all homocides in the US in 2004. Again, from the FBI website: "Offenders In homicides where the race of the offender was known, 50.0 percent were black, 47.6 percent were white, and 2.4 percent were other races. (Based on Table 2.5.) Data from single victim/single offender incidents showed that 92.2 percent of black victims were murdered by black offenders, and 84.8 percent of white victims were murdered by white offenders. (Based on Table 2.7.)" So 97.6% of offenders where either black or white (not hispanic, and yes, the FBI treats that as a separate racial category), which means less than 2.4% of homocides, or roughly 387 per year, could have been committed by hispanics, legal or illegal. You're citation is off by at least a factor of 12, and probably much more, but hey, that's within the realm of 'creative' license, no? We see similar 'irregularities' in your drunk driving statistics. 13 deaths a day = 4745 per year. From the Alcohol Alert Website: "There were 16,694 alcohol-related fatalities in 2004 – 39 percent of the total traffic fatalities for the year." Again, we see illegals as being responsible for a whopping 28% of all drunk driving related traffic fatalities. There are an estimated 12 million illegals in the USA, or 4% of the population. 4% of the population is responsible for 28% of the drunk driving fatalities? Illegals are 7 times more likely to kill someone while drunk driving? Riiiiiiighhht. Next time you quote statistics, I'd recommend steering clear of politicians as your source. Glad that's cleared up. I was staying away from illegal drunk drivers and muderers there for a while. I had my suspicions that his sources included some slanted statistics or just plain made up statistics. Perhaps the same propaganda/entertainment source the fox news uses. Or maybe Stouth Shaft does not want to check his sources. Or he just like sources that support what he believes. Whatever. It was a good debate and my entertainment value was excellent. I could almost see Sheaf Stout (a brand of condoms incidentally, for men with ED in malaysia) spit flying out of his mouth, as he typed his statistically accurate post against wetbacks, beaners, greasers and Guatemalans. Illegals. But I did notice a slight bias even as he tried to remain, race neutral. How about a fence on the Canadian border? Those bastards just blend in to the slowly shrinking anglo population and unless you question them carefully and wait for the accent on the O, you can't find those Canadian terrorist. That Canadian bacon under the arm may just be a dirty nuclear bomb. (Although Canadian Bacon is a term used for some wild girls. Much like we would use the term "skank".) The world is changing. You will die and the world will keep changing. It's inevitable. Culture, race, it all changes. The same fucking argument ever since some asshole from the fertile crescent wanted to plant wheat in my hunter gatherer territory out west. Hey, you got a cute daughter? I know she wants some. I will tell you that the Mexican government is corrupt and it it has one of the worst records of collecting taxes from their European-Mexican citizens. They have the worlds 13th largest economy and they still have to have their citizens brave life and limb to support themselves and their families. Shame on the Mex. Gov. They will lose some good hard working people. People who have to endure incredible hardship and challenges just to make less than the minimum wage. That gene pool represents some pretty outstanding human qualities of strength, intelligence and balls. This will come in handy for the US. And believe me, I want their offspring to get college educations so they can pay mroe taxes to support the older, retired workers and keep this country competitive so my dollar will go further on vacation in Cancun. OK, off to get me a taco made by people who know how to make a taco. Authentico.
  8. you can see underpants That does look like a cotton crotch. Jesus would approve.
  9. Clavote


    That money is not free and you are right about the high introductory fees. Good thing I invensted in BoA stock. It's been doing real nice.
  10. It's the usual crap. Some asshole comes in an makes a comment about how christians are so good and everyone else is a spawn of satan. You know, the same crap low self esteem dillweeds need to spew in public so they can feel good about there being a place in heaven for them. Not that there is actual proof in any of this mind you. The short of it is. Just another asswipe. He's not that talkative and thus boring.
  11. There you are. I thought you just dropped a bomb and took off. I wouldn't blame you though since it seems you just want to be provocative. Anyway, let me know if you need some counseling on how to be a straight christian so you can stop molesting kids or hiring male prostitutes. Are you still sleeping with your flock?
  12. Cough, cough, cough......whoa!
  13. We still have the war on drugs. Remember that one. I think we're winning the war on drusgs too.
  14. Clavote

    Happy V.D.!

    Look's suspiciously like the same woman who gave my buddy a disease.
  15. Clavote


    If I meet you guys on the trail, please do not offer me a job picking apples in Wenatchee, WA. I do speak Spanish and the improvement in the service is huge when you chat with the spanish speaking help. I'm prepared for the future. I'm off to get a credit card from BoA. WoooHoo!
  16. Hey man, you survived that fall. Glad to hear it. Get a helmet as well as that axe and some climbing instruction. Good luck!
  17. Clavote


    he he. I like this proposal and I will be mulling it over with the regulars at the Amsterdam cafe next week after a quick stop at the camby pub for a pint ;-)
  18. The media has just switched to the epic of the moment. Media Alert. A sailor, who is going around South America, got caught in a storm. His masts, engine, navigation control are out. His sat phone is running out of batteries. But he does have the Chilean navy, USCG and a fishing vessel going to his positon to aid/save him. He's alive and healthy. He's in contact with authorities periodically in an effort to conserve batteries. He did deploy and EPIRB...for your MLU fans and haters. They do work, because they know exactly where he is from the sat positioning. Peronally, I like those expensive PLBs that you can rent in Alaska. He is an experienced sailor, but he did get caught in a storm an we do not know what he knew about the weather or his route. The sailing web sites are probably getting vultures and ghouls right about now. Molly, you'r a sailor. Every do something ballsy like that and sail in a storm? I say we should require rescue insurance for all sailors on all waters. How about that grenade. Sailors! they should pay! Time to do some winter climbing while the public is distracted. And hopefully the weather will settle, they find this guy and he praises the SAR people for risking their lives in going to save him in the middle of a storm.
  19. Law and Justice are not the same. Law does not guarantee justice. Justice is not guaranteed by the law. You have to fight to protect yourself and if you want to be righteous, it won't matter because the opposing attorney will screw you. When things get sticky you need your own lawyer. Do not skimp in this or you will regret it. As for Mr. DA...his state DA association colleagues are now asking him to recuse himself from this case. As far as DAs go, they all kinda suck so it's surprising to see them outing one of their own. That has to say something. The state bar is also investigating him. He probably has a headache. Even rich white boys deserve some fairness (sort of..as if things weren't already more fair for the wealthy). They will get justice, their daddy's did not skimp on represenation. But this ultimately will not be about rich white boys hiring strippers or strippers/students making false claims. It will probably end up being about the DAs actions to get re-elected in a majority black town. If I were that DA, I would probably be looking for a bar exam in an out of the way state to start my family law (divorce) practice. Lot's of lying goes on in that particular niche of the law. This should be a pretty interesting time for that DA.
  20. Were #1 Baby!!!! Right?
  21. Looks like Mr. DA is going to get sactioned or disbarred by his state bar. He did however make the right choice to get re-elected. I don't think he's going to keep his job though. Too bad the DA has immunity.
  22. oh, it will get wet alright. You need a sack or a bag with a waterproof goretex material. Lots of dripping in a snow cave. It does not take long for it to get wet either. I've seen people bring down while using a plastic sheet on the snow floor with a floorless pyramid type tent and they fared OK. But those were short two day trips. On a prolonged stay in a cave I would want a sack. I also used a synthetic bag on hood for a long time and I have to say the synthetics dry real quick if they get wet, but you do get a bulkier and heavier bag than down. I am looking at down/synthetic hybrid bags, but most of those are summer rated bags.
  23. Well there goes the intelligent design theory. Shit, if I were intelligently designed, I would not have a fucking cold right now. Wait, maybe the cold virus was a BETTER design.....hmmmmmm
  24. There is no objective meaning of life. If the observer creates their own meaning, then that is the meaning of (their) life. Otherwise, the universe is a collection of particles and forces capable of producing complex structures. Why the complex structures? Because it can. Can't argue with that since it is my view as well. In any case, the flowers in spring stimultae my mind and I think they are beautiful. That's pretty meaningful to me.
  25. that would be an easy access modification and not a trim.
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