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Everything posted by Clavote

  1. You my friend are highly employable! When we get this legalized and I start my mega ganja farm, you can come work for me.
  2. We need to invade Canada!Look at all we stand to gain. A stronger currency, universal medical care, the world will hate us less, outstanding mountains and forests, oil sands!, a lot of the arctic, Canadian bacon (and I am talking about the bar fly variety!)and BC Bud!Personally, if you're gonna smoke weed you should be a little polite and fire up away from other people that may not agree or just dislike smoke in a public environment. Smoke up outside and enjoy. Yeah, I know it's not easy when it's windy but you will be surprised what someone will go through to get high.
  3. Royal Gorge for X country. Kirkwood for downhill and boarding. Donner summit state park for snowshoeing cheap and it's right next to the PCT where you can snowshoe to Donner peak. Just did that last weekend and it was cold and windy making for some brutal wind chill. Excellent sierra conditions.
  4. Passport- I never travel out of the country without it anymore. It's a must-have when returning to the US. Smooth sailing.
  5. Clavote

    2 questions

    1. Vegas baby with my pregged out wife. 2. Christians climb? (so you're 500 feet from the summit. The weather is going south and wind and snow are expected in the next few hours. What would Jesus do?)
  6. Happy Holidays! I hope I pissed off the Christians with that. As for the Atheists, they spend way too much energy caring about god's existence. What has god done lately........there, nothing. You can now stop worrying about god existing or not. I just hope both these groups stay the fuck away from me so I can have some down time, a few beers and my wife handing me my pipe while we watch the fire. The last group I hate are the fucking consumerist asshats who must decorate and buy products. Shit brains who buy diamonds, perfume, cars and shit like that because the ads convinced them their wife would fuck them if they bought that crap. Maybe all they really need to get her is more foreplay. Oh, I guess that is what all that stuff is for in our modern society. Honey, I got you some diamonds......watch her soak her panties. Brilliant fucking marketing. This year they even added the word "Monogamy" to diamond ads. So I guess diamonds are like cuckold insurance.
  7. I just gotta ask. Isn't anyone worried about getting busted by a ranger with binoculars? Maybe I'm being paranoid. I think you would be facing federal charges since most of these recreation areas are in federal lands.
  8. They also spend a huge amount of time on food gathering and consumption. "The Munchies", I think they call it.
  9. I bought stock in "health care" years ago and it's been a good ride. I saw some of the writing on the wall with blue cross being privatized, The health care IPO's, record profits, the payment of docs from a pay per visit to a monthly stipend for each head and so on and on... until everyone decides to think of health care as a vital human right and not a for profit business, it will not change. The folks who are in charge of my investment will want to maximize my and their profit by taking it out of somewhere and that is your pocket. I'm all for the government paying for or delivering health care. The gov can buy me out and take over all the health care systems, blend them into one to streamline the payment, first to get some tangible cost benefits, then move on to the structural concept to cut operational costs. I think we could all benefit from a new and better system. This current system sucks and will just continue to increase in price to us while cutting coverage. It's inevitable.
  10. This may be a step in the right direction - we'll have to wait and see. But currently the amount of people who work for Blue Cross of Mass. is close to the amount of admin staff for the entire Canadian Health Care System. I don't see this effort doing anything much to bring down health care costs with the rest of the industrialized world. It has other economic effects - besides years of making shitty cars US auto makers have had to deal with the cost of health care built into their product, Japan does not. Blue Crux is a for profit company just like the rest of the others. They are bloated with mediocre, overpaid workers waiting for their retirement pensions. When does it become obvious that medical care does not need to be a for profit enterprise. The Government can provide this if we take the "greed factor" out of the delivery of medicine (docs and nurses should be well compensated). We are all going to have to use the doctor some day, if not frequently, so calling it medical "insurance" for something that is an everyday need is silly. And since it's as vital as clean water, sanitation, police, military, DMV,internets, etc... the gov should use our tax cash to create a national healthcare system of some kind. I don't think we will get worse care.
  11. Raise gas prices. I suppose you don't want gas prices to go up. Do you drive a poor fuel economy car? I want to see people pay $100+ to fill a huge ass SUV.
  12. Al Jr. looks like a victim of fetal alcohol syndrome. The bush babies look retarded though.
  13. But, that's the beauty of the thing, you don't need real facts!
  14. If you'd written "world", you may have had a point, as this world can be Heaven and/or Hell depending on your personal momentary experience. This "country", however, is one of the best, if not the best in this world - once you travel a bit more and sample Asia, Africa, and South America, the poverty and oppression of most of the people in this world will give you pause (hopefully) in your mouth before making such statements. In many cultures, with your oft voiced condition of ADD and erratic behavior as a young child, you may have been abandoned to the streets and a life of petty theft and sucking cock for survival. Count your blessings and thank your lucky stars you've been pampered in this country and culture. Thank You. It does need to be repeated that we live in a great country. Although we are not without our problems, I would rather be pooor here than anywhere else. Besides, what other country has such beautiful and easily accessible climbing? The vast array of junk food or opportunity for all? And because we have people from all over, our food tastes better.
  15. C'mon, show some class. Class? Like using a child's death for a political campaign of personal destruction, engaging in a seditious game of anti-Americanism, meeting with despicable dictators who are actively trying to undermine us? That kind of class? Mr. Chavez is really the anti-oligarch in Venezuela. The fact that the elites in Venezuela neglected and exploited the poor to the point where they represent 80 to 85% of the population allowed Chavez to be democratically elected. This is not a bad thing, to be democratically elected. Unless the US Gov decides they did not like the results. Remember Iraqi elections.... Those elites, who thought democracy was only for them, failed to recognize the sleeping giant in the impoverished masses had a vote too. I suppose they thought they did a good enough job keeping the masses uneducated and starving that they did not fear their vote. After 500+ years of fucking over the poor, they deserve that asswipe Chavez. I was recently privy to be detained by the Venezuelan National Guard for being in the wrong place while on our way to dinner. This detention, was horrible. Auto weapons in our faces. Threats of death. Accusations of being "paramilitaries" come to Venezuela to assassinate Chavez were used as a pretext to rob us of our money. And rob us they did. We spent the night at Military Intelligence where the professional Army realized we were innocent and the target of Chavez thugs in the National Guard. We were released the next morning, but not before we got to see the political prisoners from the Army being held there. Scary shit. Chavez may do some good for a lot of the poor in Venezuela. I doubt he is more than a zit on the ass of the US Gov. He is not inclined to be inclusive with the upper classes. This is wrong. He is determined to force feed them some of their own medicine and it is a bitter thing for the wealthy and privileged who for so long been in power, political and economic. Those assholes deserve Chavez. I do know that his arrogance has emboldened the National Guard thugs to harass the middle class and visitors to Venezuela. This is a very, very dangerous situation. It's not Venezuela, socialism or even Chavez we should fear, we should fear his thugs who act on Chavez's threats. They are the equals of the right wing thugs that came before them. The right wing and Chavez deserve one another. Be good to your fellow human being and share your food with him in brotherhood. If not, he will remember you did not help him and when the tables are turned, he will not help you. He may, in fact, come to kill you. Hmm I wonder if its part of the the democratic process to take over media and private business?? Certainly not. However, Chavez shut down RCTV because he claims they supported the short coup against him. Moreover, he did not "shut down" or take over the TV station. He refused to renew their license. CCompletley legal. Chavez uses legal democratic methods to achieve his goals. Chavez is an asswipe because he empowers thugs to run around like the Nazi SS fucking with people. Unfortunately, this bolivarian revolution will come undone because his thugs do not aspire to ideals higher than shaking down tourist.
  16. I'm not so sure about that. After all, they already had/have that under the European oligarchy. It may be different given the massive oil wealth they have...if they spend it and invest it well.
  17. Try this book. Panic Away do a search. You will not find anything unique in there, but he does a good job in putting all this together for you so you can take action when you get a panic attack. Seems to work for a lot of people. Or you can smoke a lot of weed and climb some scary shit. That seems to end panic attacks nicely too. Try the book first. Good Luck
  18. C'mon, show some class. Class? Like using a child's death for a political campaign of personal destruction, engaging in a seditious game of anti-Americanism, meeting with despicable dictators who are actively trying to undermine us? That kind of class? Mr. Chavez is really the anti-oligarch in Venezuela. The fact that the elites in Venezuela neglected and exploited the poor to the point where they represent 80 to 85% of the population allowed Chavez to be democratically elected. This is not a bad thing, to be democratically elected. Unless the US Gov decides they did not like the results. Remember Iraqi elections.... Those elites, who thought democracy was only for them, failed to recognize the sleeping giant in the impoverished masses had a vote too. I suppose they thought they did a good enough job keeping the masses uneducated and starving that they did not fear their vote. After 500+ years of fucking over the poor, they deserve that asswipe Chavez. I was recently privy to be detained by the Venezuelan National Guard for being in the wrong place while on our way to dinner. This detention, was horrible. Auto weapons in our faces. Threats of death. Accusations of being "paramilitaries" come to Venezuela to assassinate Chavez were used as a pretext to rob us of our money. And rob us they did. We spent the night at Military Intelligence where the professional Army realized we were innocent and the target of Chavez thugs in the National Guard. We were released the next morning, but not before we got to see the political prisoners from the Army being held there. Scary shit. Chavez may do some good for a lot of the poor in Venezuela. I doubt he is more than a zit on the ass of the US Gov. He is not inclined to be inclusive with the upper classes. This is wrong. He is determined to force feed them some of their own medicine and it is a bitter thing for the wealthy and privileged who for so long been in power, political and economic. Those assholes deserve Chavez. I do know that his arrogance has emboldened the National Guard thugs to harass the middle class and visitors to Venezuela. This is a very, very dangerous situation. It's not Venezuela, socialism or even Chavez we should fear, we should fear his thugs who act on Chavez's threats. They are the equals of the right wing thugs that came before them. The right wing and Chavez deserve one another. Be good to your fellow human being and share your food with him in brotherhood. If not, he will remember you did not help him and when the tables are turned, he will not help you. He may, in fact, come to kill you.
  19. hehehe...what a nice day. God decided to kill Falwell. What too her so long?
  20. I'm a robot and I'm live on webcam. Come visit me at www.webcamrobtsluts.com
  21. or maybe...."I don't recall senator"
  22. Sex at altitude. Definitely.
  23. Hell LA, CA
  24. Taco Del Mar...aggggh...puke! I walked into a Taco Del Mar and everyone looked at me....I looked at them and well, there was no Mexican in the kitchen or dining room. They looked embarrassed and I turned around, walked out and called my wife and asked her to make sure her guacamole was especially hot for dinner. I really needed a fix and Taco Del Marano was not the place to get anything remotely called food.
  25. You got something there when you get angry at yourself. That's actually I can respect if you can see your own biases and acknowledge them. I would have had the same reaction, but I would have thought "professional athlete"....Black people in my hood are well to do and drive nice cars. If it were a white person, I probably would have thought white trash with an education (maybe), since professional athlete would not be the first thought to come to mind. And yeah, it bothers me for a second that I get pissed off like that and resort to stereotypes. But I would not yell it out or try and fuck with them. We are a little racist inside.
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