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Everything posted by Clavote

  1. Clavote

    Ron Paul

    Uh...yeah! Good point Libetarianism does attract some pond scum. But back to my point, many of the women at a Ron Paul event are ripe for the picking....hehehe
  2. Clavote

    Ron Paul

    Maybe so. But have you been to one of his events? Lot's of kook women dying to fuck a straight guy in the heat of the political moment. He can attract some seriously good looking women and the price of admission is just a little donation. I try and support a few kooks every election cycle. It gives them a warm a fuzzy feeling.
  3. Yeah sure. Talk to the other voices in your head.
  4. Yeah, sure. Now you think you're part of the crew here attentionwhore? She doesn’t think….she is! Not until she shows some ass and it has some pink showing.
  5. I have to comment on your fashion sense and design abilities. Are you designing for prostitutes? Or are you designing to be more of an attention whore? I've seen a lot better asses than yours wearing heavy winter clothes. Maybe a bi-guy would want that boy ass. Please see the other butt posts for examples of really hot ass. And as someone else noted, you are tit-less. Are you a little rat girl looking for a bi-guy to do you in the ass? Looks that way to me. Regarding your original post. If you are serious, get the fuck out to a mountain and stop bitching. Man, you are so fucking boring that if I had to car pool to a mountain with you, I would throw you out of the moving car into oncoming traffic. God help the man or woman who ends up having bad sex with you. You are a mess...
  6. Yeah, sure. Now you think you're part of the crew here attentionwhore?
  7. Hardcore mountain climber! Hahahaa....I would say, transvestite calves, but not hardcore mountain climber. I count on stupid people to make me smile or even laugh. It's kinda hard to get that around here, so when someone like you shows up I am reminded that stupid people make the world go around. You are so funny in a pathetic rat girl kinda way. Please don't stop being a whiny little excuse filled shit. It's too funny!
  8. I'm going to buy some carbon credits from the carbon credit company that I am starting! I encourage all of you to send me your tax rebate and I will gladly take it in and send you a paper certificate, suitable for framing, that shows your concern and action to lower your carbon emission and increase my bank account.
  9. Clavote

    What a gal!

    That's funny and I am sure many would like to believe that. A smart man is not bothered by this. We just move on if our needs are not met or we can't satisfy her. On the other hand, you have to be weak man to feel this way and stick around with a woman who is just using you until the kids are old enough to dump you. I would be having a very public affair, just to show her he can play her game better than her.
  10. Clavote

    What a gal!

    Some people just can't admit they are not into the other person otherwise they would be fucking their brains out every day. Now this chump is going to wait until the kids are gone and she leaves to join a sexual lifestyle commune or some shit like that? He should kick her to the curb, pay his support and get some real pussy. How would any guy feel knowing he was a chump. Better to move on and get a slimmer, more fertile looking babe. She has a job, she can support herself and the kids. What is she waiting for? His pension to accrue? The only loser in this scenario is the limp dick with a wallet who is her husband.
  11. I use both platforms and my opinion is that the mac is a profit bloated device shrouded in some form of teen mistique. Both machines work as well and have slight pros and cons. I will stick with a PC for my personal computer since there is little advatage to a mac except for being "cool" with your buddies. Oh, and the virus issue.....years of using a PC with no anti-virus software has resulted in no viral infections. NONE. Over the years, I had two virus infections with the mac. But I stay away from suspect sites and porn portals.
  12. Only WHITE WOMEN were betrayed. NOW only cares about white women. They are happy to go against the interest of NON-WHITE WOMEN when they have no stake. So much for hanging with your gender. NOW has betrayed non-white women before and then had the balls to ask for their support when they needed it. Many non-white women will not support Hillary because she is a white woman. Now if Hillary were black, as well as being a woman...That would be historic. But let's face it, electing a half black dude (he does not pass for white) is much more symbolic than a white woman in our society. And the fact that Obama can tan and Hillary just gets lobster red, is well, significant. No?
  13. That looks like garbage medicinal marijuana. And why the fuck would you want to be fingerprinted when it's still illegal per federal law. Besides, it just looks like someone's way to make some easy cash on marked up weed. Why the fuck would anyone want to create evidence against themselves? And if they put prescription meds in there like oxytocin, addicts and junkies like Rush Limbaugh will have a field day cleaning out these machines. Bad idea all around.
  14. I do the same. As long as the market moves up or down you can make money. A static market makes no one money.
  15. exception to what rules? it seems quite obvious that his exposure early on to a "successful" environment would help give him both the freedom to follow his dreams and the abilities to pursue his professional career later in life. definite advantages over someone growing up being taught that life sucks, everyone is against you, no use trying etc etc negative crap. i think everyone has the same potentials; i also think that realizing those potentials is more of a challenge for some. i think you'd agree with the above, but i can't say i understand your anger towards those who aren't "succeeding" in this life game. i'd guess it has something to do with an overbearing father? mother? being picked on early in life? some latent self-hatred issues? (interesting possibility, since you blame others (projection?) for having this issue).... So basically, being poor now is better than being poor then. That should provide the poor and working poor some measure of comfort. So all you poor people, shut the fuck up and get back to work. If you were rich and smart, you would know how good you have it.
  16. Stay on topic please The corporate asswipes I used to work for wanted your ink covered at all times. Most corporations generally want ink covered. I have never not hired someone who covers their tats and interviews well. Ink makes these corporate leming biased against you because they probably think you are "rebellious" and have a big dick. So they feel threatened that you will not stay in line. This only really applies to the large buttoned down, suit and tie wearing companies. Smaller companies that I dealt with were much more accepting. I would not recommend your showing ink at your interview and I would even recommend that you stick with long sleeve shirts during your workday, so you can avoid assholes from HR.
  17. This is a climbing site? How the fuck did that happen?
  18. More likely he will be shunned by the republican base. are you saying republicans don't like african americans. OMG! Someone said it.
  19. UNEMPLOYED, by choice. And let me tell you, it feels good....I told the man to take this job and shove it on January 1st. I was so bored. I was in the photographic business. Former Electrical Engineer and corporate entrepreneur. Soon to be grad schooler.
  20. Back in the day my mother used to get bottled drinking water with Fluoride. Sparkletts water. Now, many years later....My brother gets cancer and so did I. It's gone now. But now I wonder if fluoride was the cause. I definitely think the brush on application is the safest way now.
  21. Maybe if Muslims did not have so many tribal wars there would be some peace or semblance of national unity. But there seem to be many factions fighting for control. Iraq under Hussein seemed to be a state that was progressing to real democratic statehood (eventually and maybe), or at least some sort of non-secular national unit, where tribal and religious differences were suppressed in favor of statehood. Most nations have gone through this sort of scenario (years, centuries) where there is a lot of bloodshed, language and religion are re-calibrated and history moves on (think the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, etc...) I think that some nations have been caught in the midst of this process by historical expansion and collision of cultures and nations and were not able to complete this process (not that they have to, I mean shit it would be cool if they would stop killing each other and just elect people without secular concerns and move on from this). Maybe the Muslim nations will split into lots of small countries (Iraq would like that. India and Pakistan did it), each still hating each other, or the world and media look away while these guys eliminate each other and a definite majority in charge emerges and we deal with them. Brutal, but it has been a tried and true method to settle this sort if shit between people and move on. I would hate to think this still needs to happen. It seems that the Muslim world is still in the middle of that age old method to settle differences....bloodshed. Terrorism...is that the new buzzword for enemy Muslims from other Muslims? Why not just call them what you have been calling them for centuries....Sunni/Shiite/insert your choice of sect or faction. Your enemy. We're stuck in the middle of this shit right now. Billions of dollars spent and many lives wasted. Bhutto was not really a uniter of anything more than her party or sect or whatever. She seemed to be a spoiler of national unity. Her death was unfortunate and not helpful to anyone in Pakistan or the world. Just make sure the fuses for the nukes are removed and no one crazy can push the nuclear button. The world has enough problems.
  22. Clavote

    Super High Me

    It's medicinal. Trust me, I've done extensive studies and I have proven that it is medical and all good bro!
  23. Yup, there was something fishy with Bhutto and corruption. I kinda figured the best way to remove her as an obstacle was to kill her. They did it. She seemed to think she would inherit power from her father and she did play that up. With one bombing, you would think she would be a little more cautious. She was also in negotiations with Musharrif. Talk brokered by the US. Well the brokering is over, bt at least the US's Boy Musharrif made out OK since AlQueda did it. Strange bedfellows in "the fight against terrorism".
  24. Fly Alaska Airlines: They will get you there or crash. So far so good.Excellent First class. They don't suck until you arrive in Fairbanks and then their employees really suck. United sucks. They really suck. The suck in first class too. Every aspect of this company reminds you that you are just cattle in the back of the truck. American has narrow little seats. They suck. Nice First class on 767 planes. Delta has even narrower little seats. Good first class. Narrow first class seats too. WTF! Jet Blue has long legroom and TV. They don't suck hardly any. They don't have first class. Commie bastards. Southwest is cool. Their passengers suck hard. Continental sucks less than your wife. This is a good thing if you are an airline passenger. First class is nice almost as good as Alaska. JAL sucks like a typical Japanese company when you want something that has not been programmed. First is OK as long as you go along with the program. ANA they suck less than JAL. Coach seats are designed for midgets. First class seats are designed to pack more revenue into a small space. Lower prices than JAL allow them to suck less. Singapore: I wish they would suck, but the company is very strict on what the flight attendants can do. They will give you a foot massage. Coach is fine. First and business are superb. Nice airline to meet flight attendants.
  25. I've tried getting a "contact high" does not work. You will get a better buzz off coffee. The only thing that happens when you are in a smoke filled room is that you get particulates in your lungs. Shit, if a "contact high" worked People would stop buying weed in BC and just stand around the "cafes" and get high. Trust me, it don't work, even after "browsing" and sipping your organic OJ, you will not get high unless someone offers you some bud.
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