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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. On my 18th birthday my parents told the that I wasn't adopted after all.
  2. I could see Tyson selling mace or the morning after pill.
  3. If he's so against bikes, how come he's sporting a silver bike helmet?
  4. We traded one big evil dictator for 100,000 little ones. Kind of like the loaves and the fishes.
  5. Yeah, cuz, like, if you march in a protest, and there's some black people there, then YOU'RE trying to be black too, man! And...and...wait a second, I just dribbled oatmeal on my pants....
  6. leave it to TTK to weave both Iraq and Christian mocking into a thread on animal cruelty Your four working neurons are weaving a bit too much into a simple prison joke.
  7. He'll find Jebus first.
  8. I'm grabbing my dry suit.
  9. so for consistancy sake - do you wanna let vick go or keep the gitmos locked up?? For decency's sake - everyone should get their day in court to determine guilt or innocence. That's a basic human rights principle that the U.S. has shamefully ignored with regards to its detainees in the War on Terror. Vick, by his own admission, is guilty and therefore subject to punishment. The detainees at Guantanamo have not been afforded any means by which to establish their guilt or innocence.
  10. I think the NAACP could use a little tightening of their organizational message...whatever that is these days.
  11. One word: Guantanamo. Vick is pleading guilty to a plea bargain, not being 'proven guilty without a trial'. He could have had his day in court had he wanted it. He, not the state, chose not to.
  12. The Great Rift Valley appears to be a little too far to the West on this projection.
  13. A woman needs a man like a bush needs a fish.
  14. A rare photo of the Carlyle group from Wikipedia:
  15. Eject the little blue SD card and bring it to the next pub club.
  16. If NASA really wants to go to Mars, they'll 'discover' signs of oil there. We'll invade in no time... Well, given that we already know that Titan has lakes of liquid methane, I'd predict you'll have your answer soon.
  17. Yes, Kat, that is correct.
  18. 50 times the insulation of the best down. One use is to temperature stabilize electronics on spacecraft, such as the Mars rovers.
  19. If only this wasn't a hoax.
  20. The Rove Presidency The current issue of the Atlantic has a lengthy but comprehensive article on Rove's agenda, methods, and eventual downfall. Apparently, what works well for winning elections does not translate to governing.
  21. "Men Against Everest". Accept no substitute.
  22. You might be able to find a seaplane pilot who will drop you off in the Cascades. If you prefer to land first, that's another matter.
  23. About 2 years. It's probably a power supply component (a little more mass than other components, not surface mountable) that fails from impact on these things, I'd guess.
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