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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. BTW, it's a CHINUP contest. Sorry...old elbow injury. Shouldn't matter to you.
  2. I just wanna see the video of Pope with a watermelon strapped to his ass.
  3. No. Fuck East Side traffic. I have good intel that you come over here on occasion. Just let me know when. I'll flash a 5.13 for ya. In my dreams.
  4. John, that problem was largely fixed a couple of weeks ago when certain mods let certain posters know that it was not OK to bring Spraydettas into non-spray, but most particularly the TR, Newbies, and Partner forums, or take excerpts from those forums and bring them into Spray. If you find that cropping up again, a quick PM to the mod should extinguish it pretty quickly. As for Spray, well, as you know, anything goes. The repetition does get really old, however.
  5. so...redmond vw sometime next week??? Fuck Redmond. I'm not driving over 520 for anybody or any reason. Come to the Seattle V World. I know you've got friends over here who miss you. And don't worry: I'll bring your 45 lb handicap. Mine's already packed.
  6. I can eat 50 eggs.
  7. I wonder if the tendon sheath for that finger in your palm area was also torn a bit and is still inflammed? If so, using it in any way will just lengthen your recovery time. It's probably best to concentrate on aerobic and other stuff right now and let it heal. 4 to 6 weeks would be pretty fast for that type of injury.
  8. Your not the only one. I'm done. KKK: take a hint and give it a rest.
  9. You're boring too.
  10. You haven't seen me, however. BTW, when's our pullup contest? YOu may be dumber than a houseplant, but I here you can crank in that department.
  11. Every once in a great while there's a post that's so far out of the loop that it can no longer be considered part of our solar system. Congratulations, Rudy.
  12. And where does your pasty ass fit in to all of this?
  13. Doesn't advertising cost money on this site?
  14. You're boring.
  15. Funny thing is, my comments were purely an attempt to get people talking about football...in a football thread (that's how it started). I (correctly) suggested that most of the loud-mouth types on this board are even less capable of talking football than they are talking about climbing. It was a challenge...with the goal being to stimulate football talk. I think that the game was interesting, but what the Giants did was incredibly special. What we end up with is yet another cc.com thread degenerating into absolute trash with the usual a-holes leading the charge. Another funny thing...you claim I'm all washed up for "real climbing" and arbitrarily claim that mt. biking doesn't qualify. I offer to climb off the couch and show you what "Mr. Glory Dayz" is all about and you punt. Icicle Ridge sounds super, if you're still interested when it melts out. I assume you're talking about doing it on mountain bikes. And here's another challenge: I'll bet I can do your hardest boulder problem with a watermelon tied to my ass. [/ Um...this is punting to you? What's the matter, you can't walk anymore? I'll PM you so everyone else can get back to football. I'm sure the irony of your "loudmouth" comment isn't lost on anyone, Bolt Boy. Oh, and my dad can beat up your dad.
  16. ...and the bells are ringin out on Christmas day!
  17. Greeeeen Acres is the place to be....
  18. NONFACT: there is a procedure used in processing gaint squid to make them edibble. FACT: You are wrong. I learn so much here.
  19. I read too much into your post, too. Positive vibrations, mon.
  20. Beware the noodly appendage.
  21. This is a joint US/Mexican action involving US legislators, that includes manhunts within the U.S., and therefore a domestic issue.
  22. Um...N.O.W. deals only with domestic issues. That's why it's not called I.O.W. Dumbass.
  23. Christianity is hardly unique in this respect. Islam also portrays Allah as being "always right" and perfect in every way. Islam, like Cristianity, also attracts those who have no idea how to live a life by their own construction. Islam goes so far as to say that men must wear beards, women must be veiled lest they arouse the male libido, you can't be in the same room with a dog, you can't touch a woman to whom you aren't married, and you have to wipe your ass with your left hand only. I wouldn't know, I've never read the Koran nor had any Islamic religious training. Have you? I won't claim I've "read" the Qur'an, but I've "looked" at it enough (you can listen to recitations on teh interwebz) to know its general contents. Plus, I've read a lot about Islam and have talked for years with Muslim friends. Plus, my father spent the last 30-odd years (1968-2000) of his career in the Middle East working/dealing/interacting with Muslims on a day-to-day basis, and has shared his experiences with me at length. So in that respect, I'd say, "Yes, I would know." I've mused over your posts for a long time, tvash. You seem to be an intelligent, informed individual by most measures. You'd even be surprised at how similar I believe our philosphical/spiritual viewpoints to be. So why always the antagonistic attitude from you? Can't a guy ask a simple question around here without everyone getting all huffy? Jebus.
  24. Ahhh....that sheds a little light on why your belayer on Triple Couloirs got hypothermic. Perhaps you should warn your climbing partners about your skill level so they know what kind of belay parka to pack! He got hypothermic while he was leading up the Hidden Couloir, not while I was leading. Dumbass.
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