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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. And statistically, the average bra cup size is a A+/B- which in your case might actually be true Nah, I think we'll go back to the topic of your original post and continue along that vein. No one wants to hear the 100th repeat of the manzier joke, save KKK, but then you can lead him around a dark room with a flashlight. So, why are you happier than other people, exactly? Did a desire to share your secrets of happiness motivate you to post this life changing bit of journalistic wonder?
  2. tvashtarkatena


    priceless! (that one is really good, you have to admit.) that's about the equivalent of Adolf Hitler lecturing on racial and religious tolerance. yeah but hitler didn't have tits (although i guess he only had one testicle??? ). No, you're not going to weasel out of this via the standard Tvash trash routine with KKK sucking on one of your testicles. The question posed represents a pretty clear measure of how much of a tool you really are. The ball's in your court, partner.
  3. tvashtarkatena


    priceless! (that one is really good, you have to admit.) you are certainly correct that moral categorizations such as "transgression" would come from a poll of peers, but i have no interest in peer polling when deciding upon my own sense of ethics and morality. Trying to deflect this to me won't change your tool-like behavior in the eyes of anyone, save a moron like your mini-me, of course, but he's just a remora that feeds off other people's insults because he can't seem to come up with any of his own material. Big people apologize when they fuck up. You clearly crossed a line, by any measure, and owe some happy young guy and his fiancee an apology. I've apologized to people on CC several times when I was in the wrong, and had no problem doing it. Just did it several days ago, in fact. I guess that's just one of many areas where we differ.
  4. tvashtarkatena


    last time i was with her, she had this nasty drip and wanted me to go down on her. blech. has it cleared up yet? Classy. Why the hostility and vulgarity? It's fucked up that he went there in response to this photo, particularly knowing it was some guy's fiancee, but then, it's fucked up enough that his mind has a need to go there at all. Mommy dearest issues, perhaps? you two obviously know nothing about yeast infections. but ok, i will stoop for the earthlings, since spoon-feeding is what some of them still need at this stage of development: PLEASE DO NOT POST PHOTOS OF LOVED-ONES ON THE INTERNETS WITHOUT THEM KNOWING. THIS IS WAY MORE BASE THAN GETTING A LITTLE COTTAGE CHEESE STUCK BETWEEN YOUR TEETH AND GUMS. AND A RANCID ODOR ON YOUR UPPER LIP. I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT WHEN YOU, TVASH, POST REVEALING PHOTOS OF YOURSELF, THERE IS A DECENT CHANCE YOU KNOW YOU ARE POSTING THESE PHOTOS. I UNDERSTANDS THAT SOME GUYS (AND GALS) ARE TEMPTED TO POST PHOTOS OF THINGS THAT GIVE THEM AN EGO BOOST, BUT HUMAN BEINGS ARE NOT THINGS, AND TO ATTEMPT AN EGO-BOOST THROUGH THIS TYPE OF BEHAVIOUR IS, AHEM, CHEESY AT BEST. JUDGING BY THE PHOTO OF HIS BELOVED, 111 IS PROBABLY JUST GETTING PAST HIS TEEN ACNE STAGE, SO A BOUT OF YOUTHFUL INDISCRETION CAN CERTAINLY GIVE HIM SOME LEEWAY, BUT CONSIDERING THE TITLE OF HIS THREAD, THE LEEWAY SEEMS A BIT MEAGER. A simple apology would have sufficed, but it seems it's just not in you to ever be wrong. I challenge you to find anyone here, DeChristo (who participated in your transgression) aside, who agrees with your self assessment. We all "got" your "joke", as if that is somehow at issue. You dissapprove of someone's action, so you make a really crass reference to his fiancee (who's a complete innocent bystander), and now you're trying to defend it somehow? You're acting like a complete tool, man. Jesus, your ego must be precious.
  5. tvashtarkatena


    Jeez. Let's leave the wives out of it. Unless, you know, she's hot and you've got nudes readily available for posting.
  6. EricB must be so awash in excess happiness that he feels the need to do things like this to himself every now and then.
  7. I recently took a shovel to the back of somebody's head in the Climbing Partners forum because they tried to discourage the original poster, who was looking for partners, not permission, from their project. It got to the point of ridicule, and I called bullshit on it. I assume that is what the little prick who started this thread was talking about when he named me on his little 'non-spray' survey. Otherwise, I think he was mixing up what happens in Spray from the rest of the forum, which raises the question as to exactly what his point is here, if not to diss a couple of individual members that he simply doesn't approve of....a personal issue which certainly does not belong in the Climbers forum.
  8. Thing about statistics is, they indicate that everyone has exactly one testicle and half a vagina, which, in this thread originator's case, might actually be true.
  9. I've never met a happy person that feels the need to tell anyone else how much happier they are than others. "No, I'm WAY happier than you! Trust me, I've got the data!" Tragic.
  10. tvashtarkatena


    Any thread + RuMR = dull
  11. nwhikers.net
  12. Well, this troll predictably went over like a lead balloon. Fuckin jaggoff.
  13. tvashtarkatena


    Conservation of energy requires a bounded system. If you draw the dotted line both the man and the woman, the man sucks the life force from the woman and produces only waste heat: energy is conserved.
  14. tvashtarkatena


    It's a bug, not a feature.
  15. tvashtarkatena


    We're two steps ahead of ya. You only THINK you're escaping from us, but in actuality we incentivize you to do so so that we can just stay where we are. Men: the ulimate energy saving device.
  16. tvashtarkatena


    You know, is it so fucking hard for this site to automatically position the cursor AFTER the fucking last
  17. tvashtarkatena


    Being escaped from is not your choice. Being left at home is. that makes me kinda sad i never want to be with a man who views me as something to secape from. and most of my BEST times climbing have been with the person i was married to or dating at the time. All 'attached' women get 'escaped from', honey. The only difference is whether or not you're aware of it. I guess that explains why i wont get married again. i hate HATE being the little woman left at home. Being escaped from is not your choice. Being left at home is.
  18. tvashtarkatena


    that makes me kinda sad i never want to be with a man who views me as something to secape from. and most of my BEST times climbing have been with the person i was married to or dating at the time. All 'attached' women get 'escaped from', honey. The only difference is whether or not you're aware of it.
  19. tvashtarkatena


    Post any hott pic and the misogynists come out of the wood work. It's probably the same on any online forum: the cockblocking hormone kicks in. It's fucked up.
  20. Check it: 145th and Lake City Way. Cute place, inexpensive, really nice people, tasty and interesting Indian, Tibetan, and Nepali food.
  21. It's one of the few jobs I can do.
  22. Why don't you read the thread? He's already got another job, sweet thing.
  23. tvashtarkatena


    last time i was with her, she had this nasty drip and wanted me to go down on her. blech. has it cleared up yet? Classy. Why the hostility and vulgarity? It's fucked up that he went there in response to this photo, particularly knowing it was some guy's fiancee, but then, it's fucked up enough that his mind has a need to go there at all. Mommy dearest issues, perhaps?
  24. LA is not Cali. That's SoCal. If you truly knew anything about California, you would know that.
  25. Ahh, that's better. Like many men: as hard and emotionally alive as a rock.
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