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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. I've noticed that in the past 10 years, the skinny mullet pickemup driving yahoo has been replaced with the corn fed skin head goateed pickemup driving yahoo. I realize that America in general has been getting chuffier, but has anyone else notice this trend?
  2. We're libtards. We believe in the nanny state. I believe in managing public lands by doing not much. Much cheaper that way, and I get the whole place to myself more often.
  3. 40 + .357 + 4 x 4 = Pretty fuckin good weekend!
  4. As long as these roads stay washed out, they ARE closed to everyone but me and a few of my friends.
  5. I really love running gmail via Mozilla on my Mac. So much smoother for staying in touch with my yoga group. Cheers.
  6. This brings up an important side point. I've read some posters on other forums who claim that they clip both their half ropes into a single biner because their 'nervous about falling on such a thin line'. Don't do it. You double your fall factor and increase the chance of pro failure accordingly. If your half rope is not also rated as a twin, don't clip both into one biner.
  7. I like Macs cuz they use that translucent plastic just like on "I robot".
  8. Closet libtards.
  9. Grow some of your own veggies. Buy the rest at produce stands. Buy meat in bulk directly from the farmer. Shop at TJ's. Make your own bread. Quit drinking. Avoid processed foods. You've just cut your food bill to a quarter of what it was. Yes but you've cut your disposable time in half, as always it's a tradeoff. Mrs. Selkirk and I are better off, but through no help from the economy/government. Getting out of grad school and getting a good private sector job made all the difference. Pretty easy to double your income from a grad school pittance 3 points: 1) doing the above takes no more time than what you're doing now (once your garden is up and running). That's a complete myth. You walk out your door to get your salad, rather than spending 30-45 minutes going the the store. And I don't know about you, but I hate going to the grocery store, and love walking through the garden, so my quality of how I spend my time is better. When you do go to the store, you're buying 1/4 of what you were before, so your shopping sprees are really quick. Your meat order takes one phone call and one pick up a year, rather than 60 or more trips down the meat isle. And, hey, no mornings wasted on hangovers. 2) Eating healthier is worth putting a little time and effort into. 3) The myth that Americans are short on time is just that. The average American watches 17 hours of TV a week. Case closed.
  10. Can we talk about why Bill Cunningham used Obama's full name at McCain's rally now?
  11. I agree with the last poster, but reading Rand is one LOOOONNNNG anti-Soviet cliche. Ironically, in her efforts to inject the power of human individuality into her parables, she strips her characters of any real human traits and turns them into comic book heroes. BORING.
  12. You want to raise taxes for everyone so a few of you lazy posers don't have to walk/ride your mountain bikes so far?
  13. They're talking in complete sentences. Paragraphs even. We do not have this kind of TV on my planet.
  14. It's been fun circle jerkin with you boys. G'night, Your Majesties.
  15. That's cuz there ain't nothin around your campsite worthy of a photo, pal.
  16. Grow some of your own veggies. Buy the rest at produce stands. Buy meat in bulk directly from the farmer. Shop at TJ's. Make your own bread. Quit drinking. Avoid processed foods. You've just cut your food bill to a quarter of what it was.
  17. Actually, Pope and I had a friendly exchange via PM and agreed to do a trip together this summer. Dumbass.
  18. Hint: 'one sided' and 'myopic' are redundant, in that they convey the same idea of narrow thinking. Ditto with 'low-brow' and 'dimwit'. Stringing them together makes you sound like a, well, dimwit. Dumbass.
  19. Well, pussy pussy, I still had the flu at Colchuk Lake, and the Lillooet pics speak for themselves regarding your second comment, which is pretty funny, considering that you couldn't lead your way up a fudgesickle. And what is this 'getting in the ring' stuff? Are you challenging me to something puss puss? Did you mail order a set of balls or something? Or am I gonna go another no show round with your poser ass?
  20. The conservatives have allowed themselves to become a freakshow of gun nuts, Bible nuts, war nuts, anti-drug nuts, nut nuts. It didn't need to be that way, but those are the conditions that prevail. Now these fucking kooks, calling themselves 'true conservatives', demand that John McCain, a man who, as far as I can tell, is as principled a politician as the GOP's come up with in a long, long time, to prostrate himself before this shitpile of special interests.
  21. What was that, puss puss? The ring or the mat? Don't shoot your own atrophied balls off now (an outcome much more likely than realizing your inadequate male pipedream of DEFENDING THE WYMYN FOLK FROM HOMOCIDAL PHOTOGRAPHERS! Our dear Fairweather. Who writes his material?
  22. pussy pussy pussy pussy
  23. I've heard Fairweather can hit a wasp with a bb gun at 10 paces. What a fuckin pussy.
  24. The only idiot out there is you. The fantasy of the homocidal hiker is all in your tiny head.
  25. Yes, thankfully, because you'd probably be dead after your first round. Idiot. I like Denali NP's take on wildlife verses humans: the safety of the wildlife comes first. Take the time to learn proper bear safety, respect their environment, leave your gun at home (you won't need it if you do the above), and STFU, you pussies. If you don't like it, then, by all means, stay out of bear country altogether. Please.
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