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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. No, your 'partisan' card is so distinctly worn out we can tell what it is from the backside when you try to pull it out of your shoe. Craig's crime is hypocrisy: being a closeted gay while actively supporting anti-gay legislation. His penchance for stall-schtupping may be what brought him his present legal difficulties, but it is not really what people such as myself take exception to. As for your Barney Frank/scoutmaster attempt to link being gay with child molestation (the oldest anti-gay trick in the books, folks) KKK, you might take note that, statistically, several of your kids' teachers are gay. Best to give up the anti-gay fascism and just get used to it, boyo.
  2. Funny. I could have sworn that the story broke when Craig himself filed a guilty plea after his arrest. Must be my mistake, because it couldn't possibly be a lapse in KKK's chinkless (no racial pun intended!) record for accuracy and scrupulous avoidance of hyperbole.
  3. Perhaps the new thread topic should be hypocrisy...one of very few subjects which KKK is well versed in.
  4. One of these things is not like the other...
  5. Yessuh, Mistuh Scuhleeuh!
  6. Who am I, without a common decency, YET (let?) alone morality, to question the immorality of gayness?
  7. OMG, a GAY INNUENDO! Not that there's anything wrong with that. So subtle, so fresh! Raw, hard hitting...pure comedic genius.
  8. as well as my remote control little bitch! Squeel, little bitch! React!
  9. and you are a Drama Queen!
  10. I am not an animal! I am a man!
  11. OMG, I posted a picture of a hottie! I'm so ashamed, my little monkey! How do you always know where my weak spots are? Girrrl, you really got me now! Wait minute here...monkeys climb, at least occasionally.
  12. you've got yourself on the ropes. which is something you tend to avoid. How's my favorite little monkey?
  13. It's interesting how little difference there is sometimes between things that are intrinsically funny and things that are not. A steaming pile is intrinsically funny. KKK is not. Something to think about.
  14. I'm going to have to agree here. I wouldn't put the rope anywhere near the razor sharp top edge of my pick, and there's really not a whole lot to prevent the rope from slipping off the top of the tool and winding up there during a fall. One scenario to think about is what if you bury a tool and can't remove it on a stance with little or no rest? It happens. You'll probably want the option of hanging on the other tool while you work out the stuck one. I use the thinnest runner available (to clear the tight gap between the grip rest and the ice) binered to my belay loop (the biner gives you the few extra inches of length you'll need to loop it over your grip rest so you can hang).
  15. Those all sound like plausible explanations for Prole's profound mental retardation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rC5hPzonErs&feature=related Just what do you have against howler monkeys?
  16. Describe make, model, length, and markings to claim.
  17. Trip: Bridge River Canyon/Lillooet - Shriek of the Sheep + others Date: 2/21/2008 Trip Report: [TR] Lillooet on February 21-23rd 2008 Jens, Scott, and I blasted off for Lillooet at 1:30 am Thursday morning. There’s still ice there. Jens dances up delicate ice lenses on the start of the 3rd and final pitch of Shriek of the Sheep (Bridge River Canyon). A recent party had climbed half way up pitch 2 before apparently v-threading off (thanks for the approach steps), leaving the upper part of pitch 2 and the spicy 3rd pitch spectacular virgin territory for our happy band Day 1 The author on Oregon Jack. The canine greeters in the parking area are friendly Jens on a new mixed line, Marble Canyon Punching it Shaking out Jens on the Deeping More Deeping Grabbing a screw on the Deeping The Deeping Wall, top to bottom Day 2 Scott slums it across the Bridge River in trash bags… …while a more well appointed gentleman saunters across in proper hip waders Yet another stupid macro of leaves n’ shit: Hoar on grass, Bridge River Canyon The author on pitch 2 of Shriek of the Sheep. I chose what turned out to be a really beautiful line on excellent ice to the right of the previous party’s trail Jens traverses to the vertical prow on pitch 3. The upper route was so hollow that we could feel his tool strikes through our boots a full rope length away The next victim in line watches the send Scott raps down pitch 2 Day 3 Scott on Jolly Rancher (Marble Canyon). After warming up on Icy BC, we climbed this and Waite for Spring before heading home. A UCBC van load made for a busy day at the crag. Approach Notes: The Bridge River is mid calf deep
  18. First the m'fos dump their nuke waste in your back yards, then they dump their junk satellites!
  19. A solid gold dubloon to the CC.comer who first finds the crater.
  20. I slept in the tent all day at Colchuck enjoying the tail end of the flu. It was a struggle to raise...my...weighty...camera...skyward... I was wondering how much sketchy climbing (thin ice on slab) etc there was on the route, if any?
  21. You can climb, but you cannot hide: Taken yesterday from Colchuck Lake.
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