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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. How about produce? Apples are up to like $2 a pound, and I clearly remember them being more like $1 a pound a few years ago. And I mean the ones on sale, not the most expensive, out of season ones. Suddenly I feel a little like the frog whose water was turned up a few degrees until I boiled. You just don't know how to shop. I go to one of two produce stands in Seattle that have apples, pears, oranges etc regularly for from .49 to .79/lb. Oh, wait...you don't have produce stands like that in the burbs. Not enough population density/concentrated demand. Oh well, expect your suburban cost of living to keep going up then. We all have to live with our choices.
  2. Statistically, you're much more likely to get into an altercation on an airplane. By this same chowderhead logic, guns should be allowed on all domestic flights. Also by the same logic; in an effort to protect oneself against crazies, one should arm the crazies. Dunce of the week post, for sure.
  3. With 60% of Americans in the obese category and our country producing 25% of the worlds greenhouse gases with only 5% of the world's population, I'd say that both food and gas prices have been kept artificially low through unsustainable practices for way, way too long. The prices for these commodities will and should go up as we're forced to adopt more sustainable ways of getting calories and energy, and we (us and the rest of the world) will be better off for it through improved health and a better environment.
  4. He's a Fed. You'll pay the fee alright, and you'll be nice and polite about it. I arrived back at the TH after 4 days of not paying midweek just as the Ranger arrived. Caught red handed. He was a really nice guy, and said if I mailed in the check within a week plus the 5$ difference, he'd send me an annual pass; no ticket. Don't blame the hired hands. They're just doing their job.
  5. tvashtarkatena


    my boys need to have a fenced-in area. Your boys should have been fenced in before they had a chance to procreate.
  6. Also, Canada does not have the equivalent of NWFP or Snopark fees, so, overall, their fee structure is much lower than the U.S. I'm not sure what the hell Canada has to do with this discussion anyway, except as a pointless diversion. We're talking about U.S. policy; something we have at least some control over.
  7. Yes, I love all the new signage (and those kiosks!) that the new fees have funded. Plus all the new fee enforcement jobs that the, well, fees have been generated. Less access than ever...but those SIGNS! Going to the backcountry is SO MUCH BETTER now.
  8. Rural counties already spend 7 times more than they generate in tax revenues; they are heavily subsidized by cities. Towns such as Forks should be allowed to adjust their population to what livelihood is locally available and sustainable, rather than become artificially overpopulated due to government programs which can and will end suddenly, creating a worse economic problem in the future.
  9. I used to love watching Buckley rip his opponents a new asshole with my dad. He was the King of Smarm. It's too bad that the GOP has abandoned folks like Buckley and progressively opted for 'stupid' since Reagan.
  10. Just got mine last night. Very nice piece of gear.
  11. "I think one of our servers might be down"
  12. pm sent for overboots
  13. Do a search on 'isolation traverse', 'thunder traverse' and 'ptarmigan traverse'. Skis are a must, unless you really love to suffer. The Ptarmigan would have the most peak bagging along the way.
  14. Lead with the thinnest gloves you can get away with, then change to warmer ones after finishing the pitch. To keep your leading gloves dray, don't belay and lead with the same pair of gloves.
  15. Ahm a lil' racis' pig, butt wut ah can' figgah out iz if ahm s'pose ta be hatin on white folk o colored folk!
  16. Ah thinks we got ahselves a regluh Queen Latifa of drama on dis forum. Das two queens on one lil' board. Wondah if dey gonna tussle fo da drivuh's seat o de ass wagon, you know, lahk dem Africanahz beez n shit?
  17. There were some at Marble Canyon on day 3, but I'd never dream of interrupting their yoga sessions.
  18. Yessuh, Mistah Bob! Ah sho duz love me sum R'publikinz. Dey alus wuz da tru fren to da colored folk. Dey jis nevuh did brag 'bout it lahk dem Democrats.
  19. One only needs to take a tally of your posts in response to mine. You just can't ignore me. Unfortunately. You're the object of so much derision around here because a) you post so much stupid shit b) you lack a sense of humor (both in the delivery and receivals department) c) you're the most repetitive poster on the board and d) you're consistently an asshole to just about everyone. You're a pretty standard, cookie cutter prick - nothing special - and you get treated as such. You've made your own bed, Your Majesty. Sweet dreams.
  20. Yeah, you're the sole reason why Porter posts, KKK. Nothing's funny to a drama queen with the sense of humor of a planarium (although planaria are pretty funny looking). Look at the bright side; you've now logged one credible statement in your posting history. Cheers. Hey, shit for brains: No. 13 posted this thread, not Porter. And 13's stalking of me pales in comparison to yours. I wouldn't overestimate the interest you generate around here, Your Majesty.
  21. Yeah, you're the sole reason why Porter posts, KKK. Nothing's funny to a drama queen with the sense of humor of a planarium (although planaria are pretty funny looking). Look at the bright side; you've now logged one credible statement in your posting history. Cheers.
  22. You're favoring the rights of persons who just want to take a quiet dump in a public facility funded and built for that purpose over those who would disturb those sitting, shitting persons with their screams from splitting each others assholes apart with oversized rubber fisting accessories. There's nothing puritanical or discriminatory about it; it's just reserving a public facility for the use it was intended and funded for. If the public wishes to fund anonymous ass fucking and blow job stalls for public use, it's probably best for the health of our democracy to explicitly state that up front.
  23. Refusing to acknowledge and not being able to discern what isn't there are two different things.
  24. Yeah, comical to one who has yet alone morality.
  25. We can't laugh. It's not fair. It's not decent. It's common. It's small, petty, and evil.
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