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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Acceptance. Good progress.
  2. tvashtarkatena


    "When the lah-eets, go down, on mah Ci-tyay...."
  3. tvashtarkatena


    Sting. Lots and lots of Sting. And Journey.
  4. Sorry. Still no. To both of you.
  5. tvashtarkatena


    Julie London
  6. tvashtarkatena


    I'm going to swim round and round the island singing Benny and the Jets at the top of my lungs until you choke yourself to death on the coconut.
  7. tvashtarkatena


    BTW, do I have a dance partner on this island?
  8. tvashtarkatena


    You're banished from the island, SS. I fucking can't stand Radiohead.
  9. tvashtarkatena


    Allman Brothers and some other stuff
  10. Did you get permission from those young ladies to post that? Perv.
  11. neither is mine. can't hide something so utterly inconspicuous. Whatever you say. this sounds like a call-out to me! So, exactly how large is your penis, tvash? is it inversely proportional to your tits, or does it correspond? (Heavens! blush blush) i believe a pull-up contest is in order, post-haste. Dude, with your medical history, you're never gonna get close enough to me to find out.
  12. Don't thank me. Thank the War on Drugs and mandatory sentencing laws, such as 3 strikes. There are over 2 million convicted people in the criminal justice system, BTW.
  13. Correct.
  14. It's correct.
  15. neither is mine. can't hide something so utterly inconspicuous. Whatever you say.
  16. Does it calculate how much dropped gear you've got lying at the bottom of the crag or how much is stowed in your partner's duffel bag?
  17. An automatic is they way to go on a climb. More rounds for creating holds. Eye protection recommended.
  18. The last time I was on Logan there was a butterfly migration in progress. Fortunately, and AR15 and several tabs of acid allowed us to capitalize on what otherwise might have been just another dull glacier slog.
  19. Amen to that! And talk about ridiculous - the funding for for parks pales in comparison to other budget line items. If you want to make government more streamlined - that's not the place to start. Please respect that KKK has me on ignore and don't respond to the responses of my responses to his postings, even if it's the person that has me on ignore is doing the responding. TIA, Queen Latifa
  20. I'll come clean. After I hacked into Fairweather's computer and started controlling his pea brain with some fishing line and tin foil, I hacked into yours. Payback for Ivan channeling you at Vantage.
  21. Fuck that. You'll get what's coming to you whenever I feel like shoving it up your poser ass, Your Majesty! There's your respect for ya!
  22. The Forest Pass was a gateway policy to begin commercializing the wilderness by having the administering agencies sell various usage as a basket of 'products'. They actually used this terminology in their initial proposals. The citizenry should have cried FUCK NO, but liberal idiots who believed it would be a way to limit access (to protect the bunnies n shit) and conservatives who didn't go to the wilderness both supported the policy. The wilderness is not a basket of 'products'. It's public land. It's ours. We have a right to go there without paying a dime. That's not to say we have a right to have the government maintain roads and trails for us, however. If we want that, it should be paid for through taxes (MUCH lower overhead), not fees (almost all overhead). Tax funded wilderness management levels the playing field for people of all ages and incomes to enjoy public lands. Fees make it the exclusive playground of the upper classes. I would have gone crazy if I hadn't had access to free public lands as a kid. Kids nowadays should be able to experience the same wonder and adventure I was able to when I was growing up.
  23. I'm confused. Maybe we should make it simpler: don't fall. Physician, heal thyself.
  24. BLog about it enough on your Facebook account and I'm sure it'll get noticed by the powers that be.
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