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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. A perfect example, if ever there was one, of exactly how our rights are systematically eroded with the implicit assistance and approval of rightwing [and incredibly naive] nationalists. Either that, or you're just flat out too damn stupid to put your paw on exactly what has happened over the past six years. "Basic liberties"? I suspect you won't wake up so long as gun rights are the last right they strip from you. Just extrordinarily blind, clueless, or will be on the frontlines with the government if ever they do make such a move. And that threat will always come from the right in this country. Just what basic rights do you think are gauranteed to you? The right to have a faat 401K? The right to have a corner office? The right to pay 1$ for gas? The threat would have come from the right if it were to have hapened in the last 8 years. Now, the threat indeed seems to loom from the left who has laid dormant for years. Take off your political blinders. Tyrrany has been perpetrated by the left and right throughout history. I can't say what JosephH meant, but I'd guess, from his previous posts, that he was referring to the elimination or serious violation of a) Habeus Corpus b) the right to protection against unreasonable search and seizure c) the right to be secure in ones person, papers, and effects d) the right to due process, e) the requirement of probable cause and f) a prohibition of mistreatment of prisoners any time any place by any means; all of which are either directly granted by the Constitution of the United States or indirectly through ratified treaty, which becomes federal law under the Constitution of the United States. Since you took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution from all enemies foriegn and domestic (which would certainly include your Commander in Chief, a sticky situation to be sure), at least I think enlisted people take that oath, no? I'm sure you've followed the violation of these rights closely since 911 as many of us have. I really doubt JosephH was crying over prices at the pump, here.
  2. These "people" are simply evil - and full of hate. It's bottom of the barrel stuff from bottom-feeders. Par for the course from a day in Spray. Hey Kojak, glad to see you're back. Don't worry about responding to this kind of stuff though. Fairweather's compiling it all for his libtard hate-collage that he'll be presenting at the next Party meeting. They're looking for new leadership. FW!!! I need you to look up in your libtard hatabase when I first predicted an Obama landslide so I can chestbeat. Will you do that for me, buddy? Hey, we're all Americans now. I just got my citizenship back.
  3. Her shopping spree proved that she is, in fact, one of us. Shopping: America's number one pasttime. Same as everywhere else.
  4. really? This one doesn't really stand out that much to me. Hmm. I mean, I guess it's distasteful, but not THAT much. The threads cheering Jesse Helms' death, for instance, were in much worse taste. There were some pretty nasty ones about Obama's and McCain's spouses, too, I think. I mean, this one IS distasteful, but seems pretty tame, actually, by spray standards. Seems weird to call it out. Whatever, maybe I'm just pure evil. You mean, he's not YOUR president-elect, too? Just ours? Huh. That is all. I've long suspected that John is not merely foreign, but alien.
  5. One gift Obama has is brevity. I was nodding off 3 sentences into that FDT.
  6. Um, what does Texas have to do with this? They were all cheeseheads. And, of course, it was obviously staged.
  7. Weeelllll, one goes in the 'gossip' section, and the other goes in the 'politics' section. Some of us have room for both. Thanks for the post. An entertaining piece about an entertaining lady.
  8. Send your kids to a Catholic school full of horny priests and see if it isn't a moral issue.
  9. Big Tough Todd might take him out into the muskeg and 'harvest' him if he doesn't. Plus, Mommy's got 2012 to think about. Expect a wedding.
  10. FW's just maintaining his astounding record of being 100% wrong, 100% of the time. 'Consistent performer' would probably be the way I'd give him his review.
  11. Yeah, I'd say the biggest 'moral issue' the Vatican faces right now involves little boys, not grown black men.
  12. My god, you're an even bigger posing douche than I thought....and you were pretty big and posing already.
  13. Quite a fat fuck, too, apparently.
  14. I think those supporters acted so badly because a) Their candidates are pricks and b) they're pricks.
  16. tvashtarkatena

    Hey Mods

    5,000 quatlus 10,000 quatlus....
  17. Why don't your ask the founding fathers? I find it ironic that those that utilize the rights garnered by force are the first to demonize the necessary force that is sometimes needed to obtain/retain freedom. Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum my friend. As long as there is freedom, there will always be those that wish to take it away. Fact of human nature and existance. I will maintain myself always prepared to stand for freedom. Whether the assault against freedom be from Uzbeck insurgents, Timothy McVeighs or Villanous men obtaining office in our government. I truly hope the latter never comes to fruition but if it does, know that there are those that are ready to take action. While you're slowly sawing your own gangrenous leg off whilst humming the Ballad of the Greeb Berets through lips clenched tight with the pain of patriotic pride, you're also dodging the question, so let me spell it out for the not-so-bright real slow, like: What.exactly.is.the."way of life".under.threat? Who.exactly.is.threatening.it? How.exactly.are.they.going.to.take.it.away? I've never heard a single one of you freedom defenders give a coherent answer to this question without pulling out the same old tired slogans about the founding fathers and all that crap. How is Billcoe's way of life threatened to the point where he needs guns to protect it and by whom? Exactly? Answer that, fucknut.
  18. Holy shit, I saw him last night on the tube without sound, and I thought, from the look on his face, he was conceding then. What an ass.
  19. What is that "way of life" that Bill feels the need to shoot his way into or out of, exactly? How is that 'way of life' threatened, exactly? Any more cliche's you'd like to share? Continue circle jerk!!!!! AMERICA...FUCK YEAH!!!!
  20. STFU, you fucking kewler-than-thou uber-hipster. And don't spill your chai tea latte when the door hits your ironically emo-jeaned ass on the way out. Continue circle jerk.... Right after 'Born in the USA', the Prost honeys put on 'America, Fuck Yeah!" Awesome.
  21. I don't agree that his race was the deciding factor for his winning margin, but as a unifying symbol for a country that is still deeply divided along racial lines, his ethnicity is powerful.
  22. No one is more relieved than I, although I never, even for a nanosecond, seriously considered it.
  23. I think the country has been ready to pitch in for some time. The problem is that the current administration's message has been "If you're not with us, you're against us." With their train wreck agenda, that left the smarter half of the country saying to ourselves "Um...FUCK YOU. We're defininitely not with you wanting to drive the country over a cliff while making what few friends you have even more hyper-rich." I've spent too much of the last 8 years fighting an agenda, rather than working for one. Finally, we can join in with some inclusive leadership we can believe in at the federal, not just the state and local level. We can watch a president who can actually speak English in complete sentences, who can consider a whole idea, even several, in a critical fashion, who does not embarrass us, and who does not believe that Jesus probably rode T-Rexes. We no longer have to argue the details of mediocracy and lackluster performance; whether he got a C or C- average in college, just how much or little he blew off his national guard service, or how badly or not so badly he'd screwed up the organization's he'd been in charge of. Finally, an organized, focused, articulate, ethical and intelligent guy who has an unbroken track record of finding a way to be successful at what he takes on. Given the challenges we face today and the character of the man, I predict Obama will become one of the top 4 greatest presidents of our history who guided us through our most troubled times, along with FDR, Washington, and Lincoln. It's a really good day today.
  24. I'd like to video that for my next art installation.
  25. You might start the trend by not beginning every post with an insult. Ready, set, go....
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