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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. What I'm looking forward to: Palin's first post-election interview.
  2. I think I just found my exterior trim color. Thanks, H.
  3. I think that T-rex green might hint as to what the author was doing just before he put that idea to paper.
  4. Mfkn badass, dat jebus
  5. Dood. It's not like the place is gonna be overrun with mammoths. Clone the sucker, I say. That would be too cool.
  6. tvashtarkatena

    GO VOTE!

    Razin' McCain!
  7. I'd love to have an eohippus. Three cute li'l toes 'n all. Great size for the city, too.
  8. As I stepped into Starbuck's today for my free Grande, it began to hail. Dark clouds had gathered. NPR was just announcing Obama's Eastern rout. The poor girl at Starbuck's looked up at me and said forlornly "Oh, it's hailing outside. And here I was just about to take out the garbage."
  9. I only dis guys who like guns more than sex. Anyhoo, I got all the guns I need at this point. Thanks to all of you armed Mericans. Kevino, we'll swing by your local and pick you up for the festivities. Yes, there will be a TR with videos. As for zombies, everyone knows that all need for them is an old CD collection.
  10. where at least I know I kin git a free butt plug and a Starbuck's grande drip....
  11. The sun's coming out all over this Great Nation Cuz 'm proud to be 'n Meri-CAN.....
  12. CNN's live polling place feeds are really riveting.
  13. It's coming towards us, from several miles away, it's, it's....Beowulf Man!
  14. The GOP is more like an amorphous mass of puss at this point, so driving a stake into it would just get the stake all gooey. Hopefully, it will reconstitute into the fiscally conservative, socially laze faire form you mentioned, but, like any wounded beast, it is currently shrinking further and becoming even more dementedly rabid....which is good for the side of modernity, I suppose, but the Dems definitely need a counter to their bullshit on occasion.
  15. tvashtarkatena

    GO VOTE!

    McCain never figgrd out that just over half the country wants a little more from their president than slogans about lovin' 'merica and jackin' off to Old Glory. Time for America to emerge from the Middle Ages, whether the trailer parks across this fine nation are ready for it or not.
  16. tvashtarkatena

    GO VOTE!

    Child molester 'staches?
  17. I could fab a life sized metal goat for you on commission G...I'll even put supple, latex lips on it for ya.
  18. Unfortunately, he's still in the building.... Bush is still at it for 77 more days
  19. OK, I'm sorry, Bill, I told you I wouldn't give you any more shit cuz you're an Obama man now, but damn, you hit the exact wrong button. That rendition/Quantanamo shit drives me nutz. The cool thing is that with Obama, this disgraceful shit that stains our national honor and destroys innocent lives is OVER. Gotta finish my armoured suit....
  20. I'm working with old pieces of junked farm equipment, mild steel mostly. I try to alter the original pieces as little as possible.
  21. Cool stuff. I'm extremely limited space wise. Most of my finished pieces range from mantle size to about the size of a floor lamp. Nothing too big for now. Mainly I drill and tap in a such a way as to hide the fasteners. Welding will be a last resort attachment method. A bandsaw would be really, really nice. I'm just starting to look for one. Any advice as to what brand and type of bandsaw blades to use, and how to make them last?
  22. I don't support the closeted gay lifestyle.
  23. I'm gonna cook a little dinner for my wife, then we'll stroll arm in arm around my neighborhood, basking in the joy that will be coursing through the streets with the autumn leaves. Right up until the acid kicks in.
  24. There's even a Hollywood film called "Rendition", dude. This shit has only been headline news for, like, 4 years now. Where the fuck have you been? It's precisely ignorance like yours that is responsible for the last 8 years of hell. Tomorrow morning, I want you to get out of bed and be a different person. Leave the Drudge Report behind, start reading the WSJ, NYT, and other reputable international newspapers, and stop being part of the problem. FW is a lost cause. You're not.
  25. And rent "The Road to Quantanamo" while you're at it and weep for this fine country that Bush shat all over.
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