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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Nah. Once you blow the head off, it just looks like a regular Cabbage Patch doll.
  2. I love it when a young tuff like AKA chestbeats with something like "What are YOU doing for your country?"...when the person on the other end served decades ago. Kids these days!
  3. Traveller's is OK, but I don't have a long history with them. USAA is definitely better and cheaper.
  4. To add insult to injury, many of these private contractors provide shitty service. Halliburton charges an incredible $100 for a load of laundry in Iraq, and soldiers stationed near major facilities HAVE TO USE THEM; a local Iraqi will do a better job of it faster for under $1. Just one more reason why they fuckin' hate us.
  5. I scrounged a big metal flange recently. Even 5% cobalt alloy drill bits won't scratch it. I think it migh be from another world....
  6. tvashtarkatena


    Hey mods, How hard is it to put the cursor at the bottom of the quote automatically? This has been going on for a year or more. IT CAN'T BE THAT HARD.
  7. Let's go! But you'll have to wear this: Don't those come standard with a zip down behind? Dood, if you wanna doggystyle me in a furry outfit, just come out with it. The answer will continue to be no, as it was with the tutu, but at least you'll be making progress towards openness.
  8. Huh, well that sounds pretty rosy (Elevated rates for alcoholism, drug use, domestic abuse, post-traumatic stress, homelessness, disability, etc. notwithstanding). My friend has worked many years for Northwest Mental Health, and she relates that the levels of drug abuse, homelessness, traumatic brain injury, and neurosis/psychosis among the returning troops is astounding. She also relates the difficulty the have in wresting any benefits from our government.
  9. USAA rocks. Love 'em.
  10. Are you kidding me? The major kingpins of a major terrorist group hell-bent on our destruction lie on that border and you think it would just be nice to win? The only thing keeping those men from terrorizing the US is the men keeping them in holes in Afghanistan. Back in the day Russia was being attacked by Middle Eastern groups, and they had military bases located there. Once they pulled their bases out, the attacks stopped. Ever since we have had a real presence in the Middle East we have started being attacked. Seems pretty obvious to me what is going on.... Example: If your neighbor started digging up your backyard because you had the better soil and started planting plants in your soil, I doubt you would be alright with that. It is the same thing just on a grander scale. Are you fucking high? No, he's pretty much right on the money. Al Qaeda issued a list of 3 demands long before 911: Remove troops from Arab soil, stop bombing Iraq, c) and stop supporting Israel. Originally, the group, before it splintered into many autonomous factions, had a very specific political agenda which did not involve anything like turning the U.S. into a caliphate under sharia. Our presence in Iraq has grossly destabilized the entire region; most analysts, including our very own CIA, agree on that. Of course, we all know that you know better, cuz, like, myan, yer in the fuckin' FOXHOLE, dood!
  11. Actually, Obama's got a great sense of humor and his delivery's pretty good. Check him out at the Newman dinner.
  12. Too scary. Plus, you're not dead yet, are you?
  13. Sarah Palin is a dumb cunt who somehow managed to finagle her way into a position of power far, far above her talents. She is a complete joke. She is also a very willing, self promoting target of public comment, as is her family, whom she has talked about in detail at every opportunity. Any notion that it is somehow distasteful to have a bit of fun at this national embarrassment's expense is fucking ludicrous. You know what I find distasteful? Evangelical pregnant teens raising children many years before they're ready. Invasions of foreign countries. Torture. And all the other fun and games this woman has promoted during here brief stint in the limelight. Offended by Sarah Palin potshots? Blow it out your ass.
  14. My sister called from Japan, and told me that, while the more subdued Japanese weren't out in the streets, she got many, many congratulations on the election. People there are very happy with this long awaited sea change.
  15. Laird Hamilton at it again? THE MOST AMAZING SPORT on the planet, period.
  16. Job security for you, eh? More "co-workers" and enemies. Nope. Just dont agree with corporate bailouts in general. Sink or swim imo. And the fact that there are tens of thousands of people who are "on the front lines" and "just following orders" "doing management's dirty work"? Does the same sink or swim philosophy apply in your line of work or do you call for an airstrike? I'd say it would be cheaper for the taxpayers if we just pulled our heavy equipment out and left most of the troops there to fend for themselves. No vets bennies to pay out, lower transport costs, big dicrease in salary expenditures. After all, they lost the war, they don't deserve a ride home. Yeah, that sounds pretty good.
  17. Given the campaign that just ended in defeat... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH!!!!
  18. That was my experience with Allstate when my whole south side roof blew off and the fence was knocked down by high winds. They had it fixed fast. Pope, if you really feel you are in the right (and I bet you are), tell them you find they're rejection of your claim unacceptable and if they don't revise their opinion you will consult and attorney and make it a court case: and also call the insurance commissioners office. Don't give up buddy. Good luck I blew up my house with a homemade domestic terrorist bomb and USAA covered it in full, no questions asked.
  19. bassetba' witiz boyz to show how black he is.
  20. Yeah, we'll get right on that one, Mike! When we want a dumbshit's opinion, don't worry: you'll be the first one we come to. BTW, LOVE the feaux gansta/boarder motif. ITS DA BIG BAD WOOF!
  21. Those are low top squash/raquetball shoes. Elitist.
  22. I think we are in for an inevitable world depopulation due to resource depletion, which will lead to a new sustainability (because, like, we're going to be forced into it by running out of stuff), but I think that depopulation will be mostly voluntary; an acceleration of the existing trend towards smaller family sizes. Yes, there are already resource wars and those will get larger and more widespread, but the bulk of the depopulation will be folks just saying no to having kids. About half of American households are childless right now. That trend will only continue. It's probably time to eliminate tax breaks that encourage having children. It's probably also time to relegate Evangelical attitudes towards birth control and sex ed back to the Middle Ages where it belongs. Actually, it never really belonged there, either. America's values are climbing out of a very deep, dark hole. After years of making people dissappear, torturing, invading places we have no business being, trying to establish world dominance, using way more than our share of gas and producing a proportionately huge amount of global warming, and basically being a bunch of ignorant, spoiled fucking assholes, a good, long, deep recession will 'incentivize' us to change some attitudes. In the end, we'll wind up with a healthier, more connected, happier, more creative, better loved, and somewhat poorer society. As anyone who's worked in any kind of development can tell you, an environment of scarcity is necessary for creativity, efficiency, and avoiding the luxury of consuming too much of your own bullshit. I love our national desire to 'fix the economy'. Good luck with that! Our economy must fundamentally change to adept to this new era of resource depletion, not be 'fixed' and thus returned to it's former speculative, gluttonous state. We may yet see richer times ahead, but only at a much lower population.
  23. I'm like a skinny, er, not quite so fat Rove for the Left! Unfortunately, 2 minutes of background check would render me unelectable.
  24. Ann Coulter's had Bill Maher's cock up her ass. Just thought you'd all like to know.
  25. It's kind of like, you need an operation. One surgeon pulls out a rusty lawnmower, starts it up, and says "Don't worry! I know exactly what's wrong with you and how to fix it!" The other one consults your chart, talks to you about your symptoms, does some tests, takes Xrays. What do you do? You turn to the second doctor and yell "Would you quit fuckin' around and get 'er done already!?"
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