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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. tvashtarkatena


    You're on it!
  2. You really need to see his homemade stick clip.
  3. Bring it up to Seattle, beyotch, and I'll have it fixed for ya in 5 minutes.
  4. Dood, didn't read the whole thread but congrats on getting your anal fissures fixed.
  5. Your responsiveness to the treatment might have something to do with it.
  6. That didn't take long lol
  7. tvashtarkatena

    Hey Rudy

    I recently injured my knee and I wanted some advice on how to whine about it to maximum effect on the internutz. TIA.
  8. I think Attila the Hun was pretty socially liberal.
  9. I'll protect you from all these bullies.
  10. UFC would be a lot more interesting if they filmed the penetration part.
  11. Courtesy flush.
  12. Two words: Rest marks.
  13. tvashtarkatena


    Minx, Do you live in Colorado now?
  14. I'm thinking we're gonna declare "victory" and start pulling out right after the mid terms. We'll leave a token force around to keep up the pretense that we're continuing to go after Al Qaeda in Pakistan. When it gets too hot, which it probably will soon enough, they'll quietly leave too.
  15. Try Handjob. No ripping during, or burning afterwards.
  16. KATU's story is a bit inaccurate in that OR is not the first state to classify pot as anything other than a Schedule 1 drug. Other states have classified pot below schedule I or not classified it at all, so there's a long history of states challenging federal preemption in this area. “In contrast, some variation does exist across states in the scheduling of other drugs, most notably marijuana and club drugs. Although 37 states follow the CSA by listing marijuana as a Schedule I substance, six states (Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, South Dakota, Virginia, and Wisconsin) do not schedule it at all. Three states (Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee) schedule marijuana below a Schedule I but recognize the high potential for abuse and limited scientific evidence regarding the medicinal use of the substance. Two jurisdictions (Alaska and the District of Columbia) classify marijuana below a Schedule I with the intent of allowing it to be used for medicinal purposes.” http://www.rwjf.org/files/publications/other/DrugPoliciesReport.pdf
  17. Scottsdale. I think the Rfucks down there pretty much stick to jug vodka and oxy.
  18. In 2001, Portugal decriminalized personal use and possession of all drugs. In 2009, the Cato Institute issued an extensive report on what happened. Surprise, surprise: drug use, drug crime, and drug related deaths all went down.
  19. Several states had banned marijuana prior to the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, but the Act itself neither criminalized nor banned marijuana. Not terribly relevant regarding instituting policy reform today, but its important to get your facts straight if you seek to persuade others who may not yet agree with your POV. Establishing credibility apparently isn't much of a concern for Talk Radio groupies, however.
  20. Not at all accurate, but its all in good fun. Nixon started the war on drugs, not Reagan, although the latter escalated it massively. Marijuana was not banned in 1937. The Marijuana Tax Act required distributors to purchase a (taxed) stamp from the government. The government wouldn't issue any of these stamps, however; hence, the popular misconception that marijuana was banned (criminalized) that year. I give talks on drug policy reform. The criminal justice system is, by far, the leading lobby opposing such reform, despite that fact that forty years of Warring on Drugs has resulted in increasing the usage, death rates, potency, and availability of illicit drugs across the board. This stance should come as no surprise; a large number of jobs in the criminal justice system depend on keeping drugs criminalized. The argument put forth by individuals in law enforcement is always the same: drugs destroy lives. That is certainly true, which is why we should ban alcohol and tobacco as soon as possible. American death rate stats provide some interesting perspective: Tobacco: 440,000 Alcohol related: 75,000 Traffic fatalities: 35,000 Drug overdoses (majority of which involve prescription meds): 16,000 Murders (all types): 16,000 Marijuana: 0 American prison population: 2.3 million Sooo...what problem are we trying to solve here? Drug abuse (not use) should be a public health issue, not a criminal one.
  21. I don't know. If you look at Truman (and probably his predecessors, if that data had been available), it looks like things haven't really changed all that much.
  22. Blame it on all those soccer moms. Seems like there are twice as many kids playing soccer these days as there are kids. I guess Mommy dearest won't let little precious Liam play football anymore, cuz precious might get an owie.
  23. Throw Reagan in the mix and the same holds true. Kind of a meaningless comparison, really, given the vastly different historical drivers involved, and certainly not a predictor in any sense. It's tempting to follow popular blogic and attempt to compare Carter with Obama, but the two couldn't be more different by several key political measures. Carter's relationship with congress was famously dysfunctional. Obama just pushed two enormous, controversial measures through congress. It's true that both are presiding over some of our toughest economic and foreign policy challenges, but today's is a very different landscape, by every measure, than in Carter's time. The biggest takeaway from the graphs is that Obama's in the Middle of the Road group regarding popularity, at least so far...unlike the extremes of his predecessor, and predecessor's father, for that matter. Makes sense, given Obama's calm, relatively unthreatening demeanor (although Bush senior was kind of the same way personalitywise). It'll be interesting to see if the GOP can come up with a man with as large a presence as Reagan next election. Um...I kinda doubt it, though, unless they gin one up from spare parts or something.
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