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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. If you parked your Ferrari in the massaging fingers dildo building you'd have nekked pixies in your hot tub, too.
  2. Bristol, I mean.
  3. I can't stand Sarah Palin--or the misogynistic tirades you and your kleenex-swapping buddy TTK launched against her. Chris Christie is my man for President. What can I say? The bitch dumped me.
  4. It's the emotional scarring that never really heals.
  5. A mere drop of urine in a septic sea, KB.
  6. [video:youtube]
  7. Bill, whether racist, bigot, or just a guy with an anti-PC sense of humor, is certainly a moron.
  8. I just got back from 3 days of climbing with one of those Jew-bastards. Half breed Jew bastard, actually...even worse.
  9. Sounds like they're more sick of Al Qaeda. That France is 'sick of muslims' came out of your bigoted pea brain.
  10. His point being no nation can run a decent school system with everyone doing their own thing with no national standards of achievement. P.S. Oh, and it isn't the teachers who are to blame - it's the parents. i personally think we should all make the same money no matter what or skill levels or ages are... basically a itch digger and a doctor should make the same wages but a ditch digger should be taxed less cause it just seems right ....... An itch digger IS a doctor in most cases, no?
  11. ...an empty auditorium full of imaginary cheering Nazis.
  12. Don't get me wrong, The Globe is a great paper.
  13. Can you show me how you set the Jerry Springer Filter on your Googlez?
  14. The A students now work for the C students. Complete bullshit, of course. If you're job is all you care about, you're likelihood of landing a good one is more correlated with level of education and academic achievement than ever before. Sorry...the A students are still in charge. But life is more than a job. And those who include their job as just another aspect of a life well lived seem to be just a wee bit happier than those who view a job (or taking the LOLSAT) as yet one more another reason to chest beat to an empty auditorium.
  15. So how would you feel if your employees held a meeting, pointed out the fact that you live in a nicer house than do they, demanded more money and paid time off, and then physically (violently even!) blocked access to your jobsites until you relented? I'm working in a small startup (again). Biggest reported challenge to startup managers (and most common reason why they fail): inability to retain and motivate valuable employees. The split between the 'squeeze them until they bleed' philosophy of labor management presented here and those who actually run businesses and know the real deal about what your employees are worth is stark. Funny how none of the right wingers here actually run businesses that have employees. Hmmmmm......
  16. Those who can, ditch. Those who can't, teach.
  17. If a wind turbine blade falls in the night and there's no one there to see it...it must have been extraterrestrials.
  18. Ch ch ch ch ch che-chen Che-e-che-en
  19. 6:06 on a Sunday morning. Damn.
  20. More tongue, less teeth, guys.
  21. Maybe the state should get out of the business of placing a value judgement on homosexuality. Now there's an idea. While it's at it, the state might consider removing its nose from a whole lot of other personal business: drugs, Cuban travel, surveillance....
  22. Simply granting all couples an equal right to marry would to SO MUCH MORE COMPLICATED.
  23. Oh, you mean remove 'marriage' from the civil lexicon, and for everyone who choses not be married, oh, I mean civil unionized, outside a church. That way you can say you're 'unionized' with your wife, rather than 'married', unless you were married in a church. Great idea, and an excellent application of Newspeak. Good luck with it.
  24. Anyone well versed in this technology?
  25. "No Blood for Oil"
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