1) When there is a high-profile tragedy, who the fuck are all these people who come out of the woodwork? Are these people attracted to tragedy? Where are they the rest of the time?
And can't they do anything more constructive than regurgitate news quotes? We all know how to use the internet, thanks.
2) Don't transcribe live newscasts in a thread. Are you fucking serious?
3) Climbers die. But there are no tears for them, unless CNN picks it up. Fucking lame. Read Accidents in North American Mountaineering. Climbing is dangerous. People die. It's sad. Save your tears -- they gotta last all year.
4) I'm not saying the media is a bunch of blood-sucking, heartless bastards who exploit tragedy for the sake of ratings, but...well, actually, I guess that is what I'm saying. Why anybody would give those jackals a press-conference, and cry on their cameras, is a mystery to me. If I ever die on a mountain and they pretend to care, they can kiss my dead, frozen ass.
It's my birthday. Peace.