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Everything posted by rob

  1. Beer is on me if you can get one of them to mention the baby jesus again.
  2. Personally, I can't wait until this whole thing blows over and we can go back to watching DeC et.al. sling shit at Kevbone. This much tension makes me uncomfortable, and I end up getting spicy and mean. I try hard to cultivate compassion, but I don't do well with crowds. Fuck it, let's go bowling.
  3. rob

    Birthday Rant

    Ah, it's never too late to join the REI sucks thread.
  4. Why do people pray to god for help during disasters? Presumably, isn't he the guy responsible for the mess in the first place? I mean, if you believe everything is god's will.... Am I wrong?
  5. rob

    Birthday Rant

    1) When there is a high-profile tragedy, who the fuck are all these people who come out of the woodwork? Are these people attracted to tragedy? Where are they the rest of the time? And can't they do anything more constructive than regurgitate news quotes? We all know how to use the internet, thanks. 2) Don't transcribe live newscasts in a thread. Are you fucking serious? 3) Climbers die. But there are no tears for them, unless CNN picks it up. Fucking lame. Read Accidents in North American Mountaineering. Climbing is dangerous. People die. It's sad. Save your tears -- they gotta last all year. 4) I'm not saying the media is a bunch of blood-sucking, heartless bastards who exploit tragedy for the sake of ratings, but...well, actually, I guess that is what I'm saying. Why anybody would give those jackals a press-conference, and cry on their cameras, is a mystery to me. If I ever die on a mountain and they pretend to care, they can kiss my dead, frozen ass. It's my birthday. Peace.
  6. Yay -- 100+ posts of regurgitated news articles and spray. And who is jfmctlaw? Are you just transcribing a news channel or something? WTF is going on here? Just saying. Am I alone?
  7. Places in the Cascades you couldn't be rescued -- next, on FOX
  8. OK, got some more details on this trip...it will probably be the last week in January/1st week in February (1/28-2/4). I've got a car and (smallish) rack. I'm interested in doing some easy leads (5.5/5.6) and following some more interesting stuff to 5.9. Right now, it's me and a buddy from work (but we're still waiting for his wife to buy off). We've got room for 2 more. If anyone is interested (doesn't sound like it?) -- PM/e-mail me.
  9. rob


    Knob Creek
  10. CNN is running the story now. Except they refer to it as "China," not as Tibet. Bastards.
  11. Ah, give him a break.
  12. I wish I could go, but I've got family that week and there's no way I can get away.
  13. Mudhoney -- Under a Billion Suns
  14. I'll definitely have to throw a few bucks their way. Thanks for the link.
  15. I wish, more like, time to get home and help change diapers. You're not supposed to tell the wife when work gets out early!
  16. Hey, anybody for hitting up J-tree this January? PM me and shit.
  17. Cilogear 60L sack
  18. Anybody used this boot? Love it, hate it? What do you think of the last?
  19. Sweet. I love Cashmere. How was the road that leads to the 8-mile TH? Was it really icy?
  20. rob


    Yeah, that's the ticket. Totally fixed me up. Thx I think an egg mcmuffin would have killed me.
  21. rob


    Ow. Any tips?
  22. I've got a Suunto Vector. Pretty accurate altimeter, if you remember to calibrate it at the start of your climb, and whenever you get a chance to match it to known elevation. It does seem a little weather sensitive, but not by too much. The compass is useless for plotting/taking bearings and for any sort of real backcountry navigation. I'm not sure why they added it. My only complaint is that the watch randomly resets itself -- every few months, the clock, date, alarms, and altimeter just suddenly reset (as if I took the battery out.)
  23. What blew me away was this comment later in the article Imagine if they'd pulled that off. Would it have come with armament?
  24. rob

    TURKEY Day

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