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Everything posted by rob

  1. I don't see why more people aren't furious at this attempt to remove this basic safeguard from the justice system. What is the Bush administration afraid of? If the POW's that Bush is filling Cuba with are so criminal, then why is he so worried about needing to prove this to a court?
  2. rob

    Like Mushrooms?

    FYI: You can have your mushroom identified by the Mycological Society, they are experts. 206-522-6031 I used to mushroom hunt every fall (non-psychedelic) and would called them if I was ever unsure about an identification. I've heard that amanita muscaria can be cooked and eaten as (non-toxic, non-psychedlic) food, but I don't know how it tastes.
  3. rob

    Like Mushrooms?

    Seconded. Amanita muscaria does NOT contain psilocybin. It is a toxic deleriant. It is a quite different experience than psilocybin mushies, and is toxic in large doses.
  4. True, correlation does not prove causation. However, there is much evidence that the prefrontal cortex deals directly with the ability to make sound judgments, especially in studies of people with prefrontal cortex damage (as in this paper.) If you are looking for a more scholarly paper on the subject, let me point you to this article by Ken C. Winters, Ph.D. of the University of Minnesota Department of Psychiatry. The article focuses on adolescent risks of drug abuse, but mentions the youth/judgement correlation. If you're really interested in the subject, check out http://scholar.google.com.
  5. Here is a longish article mentioning basically what CBS has said. A quote:
  6. Anybody have any more details on this? Any details of the fall, or the individual? Why was a hiker trying his hand solo at Deception wall after getting separated from his group before dawn? Did he think they were up there?
  7. rob

    Climb Sunday

    Email sent
  8. My partner flaked...anybody want to go to Leavenworth or elsewhere tomorrow? I got the Saturday hall pass from the wife, I'd hate to waste it. 425-830-4784
  9. I'll take the windshirt.
  10. Whatever they're doing, that second guy is exhausted by it.
  11. I guess that settles it. Let's rename Rainier.
  12. This article details the recent discovery of the near-complete skeleton of a 3.3 million year old huminoid toddler. However, if you read between the lines: Represent.
  13. White-man maps!
  14. I'm not sure I agree that it should be in the North Cascades. He climbs in Canada alot, for instance. My $.02 Boulder Peak would be a good sentimental choice. Mount Despair another, except it already has a cool name.
  15. Plus, you can get free shipping to your local REI for pickup.
  16. I'm totally gonna send this route, dude
  17. 'Gratz! We named our daughter Athena. Allison and Isabela both sound nice with your last name. Madison sounds nice, too. So does Sidney. Best wishes on your new addition.
  18. I think I had you in Calc once. Cheers!
  19. I dunno, I always thought cc.com was like highschool; everybody is full of shit, nobody can spell, and you have to be careful not to sit at the cool kids table or they'll spit milk at you.
  20. Hey, maybe this has been asked before but I couldn't find any similar posts. My question is this: I've been told that sewn runners are stronger than tied runners. This makes sense. But how much stronger? Does this mean that tied runners are less safe? If tied runners are safe enough, then why do I need to extra strength of a sewn runner? The other thing I am told is that tied runners can "jam" easier when used to make alpine 'draws. Is this really a big enough problem to spend the extra money on sewn runners? I'd much rather just buy 30' feet of webbing and make my own runners as needed. Tied runners appeal to me because they are cheap, and I can re-tie them as needed. Also, with cheap webbing, I am more likely to replace it or leave it on a route (i.e. making a rap station.) TIA!
  21. That's cause there is no good excuse.
  22. I sent you mail. Unfortunately, the next weekend is my wife's birthday. Maybe next time.
  23. Still in the market for a partner. robmcdan _ AT_ gmail _DOT_ com
  24. Many athletes tape their wrists to help relieve/prevent wrist sprains and tendonitis. You should research online, or see a PT to find a good taping technique for this. I did a quick search, and I found several websites detailing proper taping techniques for wrist sprains and tendonitis. My $.02.
  25. Sent PM
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