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Everything posted by rob

  1. rob


    me and my wife's 8th anniversary. I guess you could say it's our PRIME anniversary.
  2. nice job man. Hope to see more reports coming soon Post some pics!
  3. rob


    now if we could just find the thing that only eats hippies....
  4. So, a guy at work finds out I'm a climber and looks at me real suspiciously... "Oh yeah? What gym do you climb at?"
  5. Hey, I have an idea! How about that huge infrastructure could be put to use investigating and prosecuting REAL crimes?
  6. Looks like a trip I had planned for Mon/Tue/Wednesday is falling through... I've got the time off -- anybody wanna climb something? Weather looks sweet
  7. cool, sounds like a nice day. Don't know who kristy is, but gratz on the first alpine lead.
  8. rob

    dynamic belay

    Don't get a grigri * it was designed for indoor climbing/sport climbing only (according to Petzl) * can't rap with it * doesn't work on doubles or skinny ropes * ice = bad * People seem to continually find new and creative ways to fuck up when using a grigri
  9. This is more my style 2AcwnScNM9M Fuckin' awesome
  10. rob

    Guitar boogie

  11. follow-up
  12. Here's to a speedy recovery Hope he gets back on the horse
  13. Thursday looks good, why not give the man the finger, ditch out early and tear it up at Index? I can be in Monroe by 3 PM. PM me and shit.
  14. Totally shitty dude. Homeowner's insurance cover it? I'll keep an eye out for the fucker
  15. hey, nice -- someone put a ladder over the washout. Climbing over that thing (sans ladder) in the rain was kinda fun, though. Nice trip
  16. Trip: Mt. Shuksan - Fisher Chimneys Date: 7/1/2007 Trip Report: My buddy Pie called me up suggesting we do a route together this weekend. By Thursday, a questionable weekend forecast had improved and we decided that Fisher Chimneys sounded like a great idea. Pie recruited Jenni and another climber (Jon) for the adventure. We hit the trailhead at 5 PM Saturday and settled into a comfortable bivy around 8:00 PM or so, dropping packs and going on a quick reconnaissance of the chimneys, hoping to speed our ascent in the morning. Back at camp by nightfall and feeling somewhat confident about the next morning's routefinding, we settled down with dinner and hit the sack. Lake Ann Sunset The next morning, we quickly learned that our confidence in our route was unfounded as we ascended what was to be the first of several incorrect gullies. There was still plenty of snow, and without benefit of a climber's trail or prior knowledge, we wasted time climbing and downclimbing various starts which turned out to be incorrect. Eventually, we found the start of the chimneys (keep moving right!) and didn't have any more route-finding problems after that, except for a few places we had to bypass some snow and moats. Hmm, not this one This seems better... Whew! Jon, Pie & Jenni on top of the chimneys Winnies Slide -- Oh Noes! The black gloved finger of death! On top of Winnies Slide, Pie and Jon weren't feeling well and decided to wait for us while Jenni and I continued to the summit. We made pretty good time up Hells Highway and onto the final slog to the summit pyramid, where we encountered a group of ~15 (!) mounties taking turns on the summit. Due to time constraints, we abandoned our hopes of climbing the SE ridge and climbed the standard snow ramp instead. Pretty easy climbing got us on the summit in short order, where we admired the view and snapped some photos before downslogging back to camp. The hike out to the car was awesome. Summit View Jenni on the summit Me on the summit I downslogging -- there it is again!
  17. How did it turn out, knotzen?
  18. rob

    picture comparison

  19. Band Aid makes a blister thingy that works good. I had a knarly half-inch bleeding blister on my heel, I slapped one of those on it and hiked 5 miles without too much pain.
  20. rob

    Other talents?

    Do you ever play with musicians? Used to, but I've been out of the scene. Between climbing and family, who has time to play out?
  21. rob

    I am in seattle

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