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Everything posted by OrganDonor

  1. Splitboard is the way to go. Either buy a factory built board, or make one yourself using the kit voile provides. If your a snowboarder there's no point in learning to ski when you can just get a splitboard. Only advantage to skis is the approach, and the splitboard solves this problem. As far as the DIY kit, I myself stand by it fully. I rode a DIY board for over 6 months before I got a factory split, and I still let my friends use the DIY I made. If you can cut a straight line with a circular saw, you can make a splitboard.
  2. Yeah but if you get a split you'll never sit in a lift line again. The money you save in lift tickets will pay for the board. I still ride every week, plus riding in the summer rocks!! 14 consecutive months so far!! But then again its not for everyone.
  3. Why would the NPS destroy them? There's already somewhat of a list out there but I'm not sure its accurate. I dont plan on making a list. I was curious about this topic because if I climb a peak that has a register I might as well sign it. But there is no point in looking for the register if the peak doesnt have one. I heard the mountaineers maintain some, but they appear not to have a list. By the way I agree, whoever is destroying the registers, may your rappell anchor fail.
  4. Deep snow would require huge snowshoes also. I was up at Heather Ridge last friday after the big dumping they got. We were on splitboards and were sinking to just below the knees. Breaking trail left a skin track, or I should say TRENCH that was a good 16" deep. If you were on snowshoes, I dont think you would have gotten very far, unless they were the mammoth 36 inchers and even then it would have been hell.
  5. Probably gonna get spray by asking these questions but what the hell, spray doesnt bother and I'm curious so here goes. Is there a list of mountains in Washington that have summit/peak registers? Also, What determines if a peak gets a register, if there is such criteria?
  6. Looks like some quality ice there. thats funny shit!!
  7. I have found North Bend to be somewhat safe, have not had a break in yet. Of course I dont leave valuables in the car at all. Just be smart about it and you'll be fine. i.e. no leaving car overnight, no valuables in plain sight(your retarded if you do), park in the open not hidden(safer to get in a car thats hidden off in the back of the lot, than a car in the open), etc... All these things tend to deter the common thief, from past experiences during my teenage years, you tend to go for the easiest targets.
  8. Last time I heard there are raving lunatics out in the area of Mt. Pilchuck...people get killed around that place... Two people have died, a mother and daughter. Lastest news on that story is the hubby has to take a lie detector test. On the otherhand just becuase poeple died there doesn't mean its not safe. Plus its not like I dont pack heat in the backcountry anyway.
  9. Mt. Pilchuck, Sauk Mtn, Heather Ridge, those are pretty mellow. No technical gear needed anyway. You would want avy danger to be low though at least with pilchuck and sauk, IMO.
  10. Wow, I wonder if they know that boulder has a "U" in it. Yeah there fucking tards.
  11. If want to be carried out by someone else, due to broken leg then go for it.
  12. Where was the survey located again?
  13. Well you may not care for TAY, but they have trip reports thats for sure.
  14. Yes, you need something betweeen you and the ground/snow/ice. Without a pad or bivy sack of some sort your basically sleeping on ice.
  15. Just apply for gearmail and get a 15% off your entire purchase coupon. Takes less than 5 minutes.
  16. My resolution: To climb harder, longer, and safer.
  17. Start reading and look for more experineced partners that can teach you how not to kill yourself. Or be like me, read, start on smaller climbs and work your way up, then read some more. First hand knowledge from an experienced climber is best IMO.
  18. I'm intersted also. Send me a pm with more details. Like mainly the date.
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