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Everything posted by OrganDonor

  1. I'll agree with genepires heather ridge other side of Stevens Pass (HWY 2), is a good spot to go. Plenty of options there. Also Mount pilchuck is another option. I've heard leavenworth has good snoewhoeing spots, just dont know where. Might want to look into that.
  2. Merry Christmas!! Happy Holidays!!
  3. OrganDonor

    Chop all bolts

    If you CHOPPED ALL BOLTS, I wouldnt be able to climb!!
  4. Looks like it would only work on flat ground. Maybe mild terrain. I wonder how the flotation is in soft snow.
  5. Yes very nice opening shot!! Now I'm just trying to figure out now which run in more insane.
  6. That was pretty insane!! respect Having access to a chopper though, I dont I could have packed it up and called it a day Bigtree. Days over when its out of gas, or I die trying some shit like that. Me's wants a chopper.
  7. I'll agree snowshoes are not much slower and the switching over is a little faster. However showshoeing will cause you to use a hell of alot more energy to cover the same amount ground versus using a splitboard. That's I would say go with the splitboard, you'll have a better time and most likely get alot more turns in. Never seen to many snowshoers who like to yo-yo a slope.
  8. Why are people bitching about the costs of search and rescue? What ever happened to people just helping people no matter what the cost. Isnt life priceless? If more people were willing to help others in need, without bitching and complaing the world might actually be a better place. On a final note, they said the rescue operation costs were around $100,000. So you as an Oregon taxpayer will probably fork out less than a $1 towards the cost of this particular rescue. Come on people grow up, and help one another!!
  9. Yeah the sherpas are insane. I couldnt imagine setting ropes on any mountain with a 120 pound pack on my back, much less Everest.
  10. I hope one day that guy needs rescued himself. Then I hope they send him a fatty bill.
  11. How many people are gonna show? Plus could I get some directions to the trailhead? I have never toured over in the snoqualmie area.
  12. I hope this isn't real? lol http://www.nwanews.com/adg/Style/173617/
  13. Looks like a pretty decent show. I'm curious if that dude with all the steel is gonna summit. Must be pretty painful trying to make it to the top with over 30 screws holding various body parts together, a couple plates, and a steel cage around your spine.
  14. I'll be your partner. I climb sport. Want to learn trad eventually. Also like to ski mountaineer. If anyone wants to get out let me know. Of course if it ever stops raining. I'm up for whatever. Lead upto 5.9, Follow 5.10.
  15. I have a sims 160 splitboard. Split it myself, and saved considerable funds. Have used mine many times with other splitboarders using manufactured splitboards and there's not much of a difference. If anyone wants any info on making your own send me a pm. I have pics, if interested in seeing it before you hack a board. The most important thing is that you use a table saw, and not a circular saw, like they'll tell you use when looking for directions online. At least if you want a perfectly straight cut. If you want any other info on splitting your board, or want to see pics of the one I split, send me a pm.
  16. I'm new to climbing and have learned that posting here, asking questions does lead to people insulting you. Even when the post is in the newbie section. Its like wtf. Maybe it cause there scared the newbies might learn to climb better than them. I dunno. Just a thought .
  17. Lets go back to the grenade subject. Do you think those would work for avalanche control? Just an idea
  18. The more guns the better. If everyone packed heat, crime would decrease. Plus the stupid/criminal types would get weeded out real quick. Guns are great, if used properly.
  19. In my opinion take a splitboard or skis and skin. I had snowshoes before I got my splitboard and I've found that skinning is much more efficient than snowshoeing. Depending on terrain.
  20. Yeah, I went and checked it out today. Since I'm fairly new to climbing outdoors, I didn't mind it. There were 2 bolted routes, both probably 5.8 or 5.7 I would think. Then there were two sets of chains you could top rope but no bolts. Looks like they were set up for trad climbing. Did see alot of what looked like dry tooling marks. It was a fun day though, and the 50 yard hike to the wall was appealing. Thanks for the info Dan, Alex. Appreciated.
  21. I was at REI and a worker there said there was bolted routes off SR-900 near Issaquah. I cant find any imformation on it though. Does anyone know if this is true? If so, do you know how many routes there are, and is it a hard place to find?
  22. I'd prefer it, so that when I use two slings, one as a backup, off the same anchor, like say a tree being used for rapelling. I prefer that the runners are the same length. If there not he same length then I find that one runner is supporting all the weight, while the backup is just dangling there waiting for the first runner to break before being weighted. Thats just a scenerio I have found. Basically anytime I use two slings off the same anchor I find it nice that they are even lengths. Thats my reasoning behind it and I'm sticking to it. LOL. However, I never said it was important .
  23. Mountaineers book states that you lose 20-30% reduction in breaking strength when tieing runenrs with a water knot. Also states the tails of a tied runner should be minimum 2-3 inches long, and as mentioned above the knot should be checked often to make sure it hasn't worked itself loose. For a note of persoanl preference I like having both sewn and tied runners available, they both have different advantages. However, someone needs to make a device that allows you to tie two runners the exact same length.
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