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Everything posted by ericb

  1. No time for all this work you suggest Matt. Why the hell are we talking politics on a Sunday anyways?
  2. Written in true conversational style with little if any substantiation...interesting. I thought your points above were paraphrasing the article, but, alas, they are the article. BTW, not making admiral does not necessarily constitute a "weak military record" if that what the author is alluding to - but then again, he doesn't give any meat to back up his allegations, so pretty baseless article IMO.
  3. my $.02 - I had a third degree AC separation about 17 years ago, and have the bump and can fell a little give as I push on it. I have found that lifting weights and keeping he muscles strong to compensate for the loss of ligamental stability has helped enormously. I never noticed and pain or functional issues until ~ 7 months ago when I tweaked it climbing - fell on a hand-jam at full extension. It's taken a long time to heal and my PT that looked at it pointed out that the AC separation has/will result(ed) in some ongoing joint instability and may have resulted in a slight tear of the labrum. I've also noted in the rehab process that there's a distinct difference in the muscle mass (deltoids mostly) between the two shoulders. I started adding targeted shoulder exercises to my lifting routine, and am feeling much better. From what I've gathered, the shoulder like any other joint can be more prone to injury if there is anatomicaly instability from a previous injury, so get it really strong with boring but necessary excercises....therabands, cables, etc.
  4. Damn...Looks like you have a good b/c ski partner for next year Rob
  5. If you can't get to a ranger station during the normal hours, and there's no self issuance options, one way to avoid a ticket is to buy the pass online, and put the online receipt on your dashboard. I did it at the Tenaway lot and didn't get a ticket even though the feds had obviously been there.
  6. The warning/grace period has been over for years now. Consider yourself a criminal.
  7. ericb

    Child abuse

    A firm can make a bunch of money with their government services business (Fema Contracts for instance)....doesn't mean the local Seattle office knows how to design a parking garage. True dat. But are you looking at just that one data point? Surely, a firm that was ranked #1 on ENR's list must be able to do something right, no? So eric, I did a some quick Googling and came up with this from Sound Transit's page. Design errors in the concrete beams, eh? Fine detective work Sobo
  8. I heard the complete involves some 5.8 downclimbing with crappy pro.... Supertopo doesn't have anything on Unicorn Peak...I'll look it up.
  9. take a dump at Beacon Rock day?
  10. The supertopo book says two ropes are required to rap from the N/S summit. Is this really the case or is there a potential intermediate rap station? We are planning on carrying bivy gear into Cathedral on day one and doing MC on day two and would prefer to not have to carry a second rope for a 2-rope rap. Right now the only ropes we've got are single lead lines and an 8mm x 60 that could be used for the rap.
  11. ericb

    Child abuse

    A firm can make a bunch of money with their government services business (Fema Contracts for instance)....doesn't mean the local Seattle office knows how to design a parking garage.
  12. ericb

    Child abuse

    ENR???....I worked for several years for the biggest firm in the US according to ENR, and we botched some jobs but good (Mercer Island P&R for example). It's not the size that counts, if you know what I mean
  13. I'm guessing it's more comfy than a ridge-rest, but it would be interesting to see how small it rolls up. Having a ridge rest on the outside of your pack can be a pain.
  14. should douchebag be hyphenated?
  15. 1st place, Jefferson Elementary 1983 1st place, Sacajawea Junior High 1984
  16. Jared - I did the W. Ridge/ledges descent as my first trad climb, and didn't find the ledges that bad. The exposure is immense, and there's some loose rock, but it's doable. I'd do the ledges again vs. going down the West Ridge. I had boots on which probably made the ledges more secure....might have felt a bit differently in rock shoes which would be an option for the East Ridge.
  17. too late for you now, but I've tried Spiz, and liked it. This was Steve House's cocktail on Nanga Parbat.
  18. I'll be it belongs to the same guy that left a neutrino on the Girth Pillar.
  19. Seems a little contrived to climb the North ridge of Stewart when there's an easy scramble up the south side too, douche-bag
  20. Still figuring that out...Cathedral Peak and Matthes Crest, and looking for a couple more. We've only got 4/5 days so probably need to think about some shorter approaches. I'm a little rusty on lead but felt good on Index 5.8+ last weekend. I'm not sure how the grades compare but I think they are pretty similar, so some 5.8 or a well protected 5.9 crux routes might be good.
  21. I was cleared to ski at 8 months, with a brace, and had the hamstring graft, but my knee doc was a skiier. I actually started skiing at 9 months on the groomers. The main driver of your return is getting strength back in rehab. Based on the reading I did and conversations with my surgeon, full graft strength is typically at 15 months but both the hamstring and patellar tendon graft are ~3x stronger than the native ACL when fully incorporated, and are likely stronger than the native ACL by 6-8 months. The main concern is whether you have recovered the muscle and mechanics to stabilize the knee so you don't stress the ACL.
  22. Headed there in 2-weeks and looking for a guidebook recommendation. Any favorites?.....how's Supertopo?....I got the south lake tahoe book for Lovers' Leap, and thought it was great.
  23. ericb

    Child abuse

    Why would that be child abuse? Ironically enough, it's because of activist non-disciplinarians like yourself that this kid got pinched repeatedly. The dad is likely one do give him a good swat at home, and probably would prefer to do the same in public since the key to successful discipline is consistency. Since wackos like you would call CPS on him, he's forced to pinch repeatedly instead of giving a one good swat that likely would have put an end to his pissy behavior.
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