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Everything posted by Raindawg
Back to your cubicle, foul-mouthed little man.
The initial quote was not fecks Just to clarify the above juxtaposition of my photos and such....the obnoxious quote ain't from me either.
She's over at my house right now having a couple of "barley pops", wanna meat her? Ooops! Freudian slip!
You hit the nail on the head, dude. I work in that industry from time to time and sensationalism and the generation of outrage is what gains viewers = $$$ Don't expect fair coverage. And when they're done wrecking you for this week's story, they're on to their next....perhaps the serious danger of Twinkies in contributing to obesity and the decline of civilization or maybe how you're ripped off by pizza-makers using less than "authentic" cheese.
And now, a shocking INVESTIGATIVE EXPOSÉ! "That's outrageous!!!
I can predict the themes: Indignant Reporter: Climbers, base-jumpers, etc. are reckless morons and who's paying for their rescues? That's right, YOU the taxpayer! Hardy adventurers lookin' out for us all! Got ya covered!
Once upon a time, I's gets banned for stuffs like this: That's right! I'm lookins at you!!! 'n this: notice the BLT's (get it? B[o]LTS) designed t'throws off the Google-searchin' MAN that be watchin' and dismayed by the callous environmentals degradations!) 'n this cuz I'm thirsty and theys donts like Mt. Dude! 'n this cuz Imsa hungry an even more thirstys! "A li'l brie 'n Shiraz, s'il vouz plais?"
Dwayner 'n his buddy "pope" will show up, but only if we can get a ride from BIG LOU! [img:center]http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/504/HRH_Lou.jpg[/img]
Chouinard also wrote "Let My People Go Surfing" in 2005. [img:center]http://i43.tower.com/images/mm100571182/let-my-people-go-surfing-yvon-chouinard-paperback-cover-art.jpg[/img] Beckey vs. Chouinard???? The obvious answer can be found here:
Anyone remember the tragic tale of Greg Barber and Dhauligiri? Young fella was young and full of ambition though apparently lacking much serious alpine experience. Trust me, it left a horrific web of pain in the aftermath.
Cedars of Lebanon is long gone. You will, however, now find an outstanding BBQ restaurant in it's place: J.T.'s, in the same block as the Tacoma Musical Theater.
Check out some of the many enlightening climbing advice videos posted MOUNTAIN ZONE.COM! A couple of my favorites: "Labeling Your Gear" Some highlights: Use your school colors? I guess you wouldn't want be climbing with anybody elsoe you go to school with. "Care and Storage of Climbing Ladders" Highlights: Ladders? Dang! Is that what them thangs are? (George? Didya feed them dogs, George?)
Back in the day, Eddie Bauer was a genuine "expedition outfitter" before they sold out to khaki pants, pastel polo shirts and signature SUV's. They were especially famous for their down goods suitable for extreme conditions on mountains or polar regions. My dad took me there c.1973 and it looked more like the North Face store. They had lots of specialty clothing, technical climbing gear and I even recall some sort of inflatable raft for sale. I got my first copy of "Freedom of the Hills" (2nd edition)there. REI seemed to be on a similar trajectory but at least still sells technical gear.
Oh...you mean like this?: or this? or perhaps this? Sorry, I can't take credit for those "relevant" offerings. Instead, I presented a sarcastic perspective related to climbing. Whatever dude. "Oh, piss-boy!"
And if you wanna see some real style, check out the "iso" at "the comps"!: Tanned, rested and ready to clip and throw down! Are you??? "Let's take it outside, sucka! Exit 38, tomorrow, after school!" Sporto fantasy! "Yah...there were two babes sittin' on our laps wearin' prom dresses and such, and like they were complimenting us on our awesome sit-starts and I said "there's more where that came from" and they giggled...and then I woke up."
"Mtnguide" writes: I give this a whopping six Groupie Points! It would have gotten more if you had included, Chris, Beth, Timmy and the whole wacky gang! [img:center]http://www.llp.armstrong.edu/reese/courses/4700/draucker/hippies1.jpg[/img]
That's right folks, in case you missed it, last week, on February 10th, BIG LOU WHITTAKER celebrated his 80th birthday. (Curiously, so did his twin brother, Jim.) You're just now getting the message because me, "pope" and a few discerning others are just reviving from our one week "LOU-FEST" full of moonshine, womens and the biggest alpine snack platter ever slapped together! A Link to the Birthday Story including several Memorable Quotes! During previous months of January, I announced that the Year of BIG LOU was upon us. Those were false alarms. I hereby declare 2009 to be the authentic YEAR 'O BIG LOU. Back me up on this, "pope"! In his honor, below find some BIG LOU poems, including haiku, dredged up from the cc.com archives and a couple of sassy photo's! Enjoy them all! ODE TO BIG LOU By Dwayner Lou... Half man/half sasquatch denizen of Tacoma's great white monster. Human burro of the overloaded Jan-Sport. Sir Lou....half glacier/half moraine, master of Rainier's glassy tormented slopes, yet awed, nay, humbled by its grandeur... pressure-breathing giant of the Ingraham, you had me at "rest-step". A thousand blonde monotone guides fail in imitation. Lou.....you complete me. J. Kassidy wrote: "Big Lou leaves big tracks, from skis and God knows what else. What are his options?" Peter Puget displayed his well-hidden artistic side: "My view of the Gods An ideal for my living I am cleansed by Lou" Pope offered this for us to ponder: "Big Lou be big boy, a big hero big boy Lou: he's proportional." jblakely's contribution: "trouser volcano village girl climb high Mt. Lou run villagers run!" And Mr. Off White.....hmmmmm....might be off the mark but we'll take it! I've met Lou too, but I was much less impressed than you. I thought he was full of poo and none too attached to the troo Mt. Rainier has its royalty! 80 years fun! Royalty tend to fraternize with other royalty! Years of jumpin' crevasses on the Nisqually make stunts like this child's play!
Hey! I'm looking for some old REI and Eddie Bauer catalogs from 1972 - 1976. Got some? I'll try to buy them off ya!
Sport climb? Check it out! It should come naturally! Clip 'n Go! [img:left]http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s234/oldgrumpywizard/starburst.jpg[/img]
Wrong on both accounts. I will be proposing that this fine little mountain be named "Akebronka Peak" after two legendary hikers and climbers in the Park: Ake and Bronka Sundstrom, Bronka being the oldest woman to summit Rainier. "Poop chute?" C'mon. Have some dignity. Have you ever been out there? I took a little journey to "Pt. 6040" and it was quite a little effort to get there (we ascended the west face) and quite the nice narrow summit. I have yet to meet anyone who has actually climbed that central gully on the east face.
First of all, the jack-donkey who chose to title this topic "the Jewish problem", should be chastised for his ignorance or anti-Semitism, it being suggestive of "the Jewish question", which sent MILLIONS of innocent people to their deaths. If you have a problem with Israel, it is an "Israeli problem", not a "Jewish problem". Only about 40% of the world's Jews live in Israel. The rest live elsewhere including another 40% in the U.S. As one who spent two summers living in Ashkelon, Israel, about a dozen miles north of the Gaza strip, I take this Hamas nonsense personally. Hamas represents the dark side of democracy. As elected representatives of the "Palestinian" people, they choose to react to their perceived injustices by indiscriminately lobbing rockets into Israeli population centers. In contrast, Jewish philosophy abhors civilian deaths, and the Israelis aim to respond by targeting INDIVIDUALS and materials responsible for death and mayhem and by embargos to put pressure on Hamas to exercise moderation. (Hamas, by the way, wishes for the utter destruction of the state of Israel) Hamas typically hides its weapons and ammunition in densely populated centers such as Gaza city, and thus makes it nearly impossible to avoid civilian casualties, which are then paraded as war atrocities. The Israelis forcibly removed their settlements in Gaza a couple of years ago (against the resistance of their own fanatics) in acknowledgement that the territory would eventually become part of a negotiated neighboring Palestinian state. What did they get instead? A bunch of maniacs lobbing missles from the very territory they vacated (some of them hitting Ashkelon and beyond). If the Palestinians want international sympathy, they should adopt the tactics of Ghandi and Mandela, rather than their long stream of homicide bombings, kidnappings, hijackings, random rocket attacks, and other uncivilized mischief. They lost my sympathy long ago at the Munich Olympics in 1972. By the way, if Mexico had a beef with the U.S. and started lobbing rockets into San Diego, how long do you think it would take us to respond? Check out these statistics of rockets launched from the Gaza strip into Israel (and this chart only goes into Jan. 2008):
Dane...you're usually ONE COOL CAT but this time you disappoint me. You are sharing some dark, dark fantasies, my brother, that are better left in the mental closet. The answer is clear....leave it alone....that Euro-stuff has already proven itself to be an infectious, lazy path to environmental and ethical stupidity. (read between the lines). P.S. I still think you're ONE COOL CAT (most of the time!)
Raindawg is currently in Egypt where he is directing an expedition in the Valley of the Kings, excavating, studying and conserving several tombs in the royal cemetery. (And doing some desert exploration as well). That's where he is and what he be doing. - Raindawg
Luv ya babe, really, but...I think you should just enjoy "the aloha" and pretend it's real (because at least some of it might be). Ever been to the U.K.? Alot of the "lower-end" employees have what one might call "English shop-minders syndrome", i.e.. they just want you to get the heck out of there because they're paid minimum wage and you're bothering them. A friendly greeting from a Safeway employee might be the happiest thing you get all day....don't second-guess them...some of them are happy to see you because you be indirectly paying their salary. Enjoy the Safeway card, or go to Fred Meyer's where they give you the discount even if you don't buy the advertised 10 for $10. Have fun fly-fishing, although, in my opinion, fresh-water fish ain't worth eatin'. shalom, - "Dwayner"
Did she look like this? Or like this, with Ernest Borgnine's head attached as she boulders the Yosemite test-piece "Midnight Lightning"? It would be interesting to learn if she's still dating the bragging fellow. Two time all greatest trolls were "Amber", a complete sham who lured in attached, married and otherwise horney dudes and who was offered good times and fun climbing experiences, ultimately exposed for all to see. Then there was "Miss Madrona?" who seemed to be a similar scam for whom the horn-dogs showed out in force: "Duh.....I'd luv t'show ya d'ropes....like, duh, exit thirty-bait...uh, I mean thirty-eight....after school sumtime....uh...U 18 yet?":laf::laf: