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Everything posted by Raindawg

  1. SO DO I!!!!! OOOOOOOO! FES T I V E !
  2. No. Anyone else not climb it?
  3. Raindawg

    Who did it???

    Question: Who let the dogs out? (woof, woof) Who let the dogs out? (woof, woof) Who let the dogs out? (woof, woof) Answer: I did.
  4. And if there aren't any???
  5. Will you hire my ugly girlfriend? 0r her HOT! sister? Thank you for your consideration.
  6. Can I bring my ugly girlfriend? P.S. She said she enjoyed the party at that tree-trimmer's house the other night but with all the horseplay and mountain-talk, she concluded that most of the cowboys there weren't into girls.
  7. Should I wear gaitors and bring a Jansport pack full of Buckhorn? Can I bring my ugly girlfriend? Do you got one of them wire things you put near the door to get the mud off of the cowboy boots? Can we pee in the backyard if we feels the need to do so? Will there be cool people there? Or just a bunch of run-of-the mill A-pipes like me? Will there be food that I like? Is there a bus stop near your house? thanks a bunch. By the way, here's a picture of my ugly girlfriend. She flirts alot but stay away if you know what's good for you. - just askin'
  8. "The trouble with unemployment is that the minute you wake up in the morning you're on the job." Thank you, Slappy.
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